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Planescape Torment. Morte and Annah are great charecters.
Elizabeth in "Bioshock"Infinate".
Brigid Tannanbaum in Both the Origianl Rapture set Bioshock games.
Wow. Thanks for that info. I played some Dragon Age on console (2 - 3 hrs) but I never realized you could mold AI inclinations like that. Thanks!
Shadow Hearts: Covenant and Shadow Hearts
and about a hundred other JRPGs whose names I've already forgotten
Dragon Age series
Mass Effect series
Skyrim, but only because of a Jenassa overhaul mod

Edit: If Yakuza had a party system I'd pick Goro Majima immediately.
Post edited June 11, 2019 by NuffCatnip
The AI soldiers that can drive the warthog for you in Halo 2.

Plus the banter.

Other than that they suck.
How about Sheva in Resident Evil 5? Burns through all available ammo when there isn't much to begin with and uses first aid spray when her finger hurts.
I just started with pathfinder but i have to say those talks you can listen too during the long nights outdoor really add to the game, i wonder if they manage to keep the whole game interesting or will soon slide into repitition
My favorite sequences in the original Witcher are those in which you team up with Siegfried. For me, the most memorable character in the game.
Anachronox, to have a miniature earthlike inhabited planet as partymember is just too ridiculous to comprehend.

Borderlands, the Spongeboblike CL4P-TP are the best thing of the game.
Post edited April 13, 2020 by Strijkbout
RFS-81, The android monk from Wiz 8. Insanely talented AND gut-busting funny
Agree with many already mentioned, especially Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect.

Nick Valentine was one of my favourite things about Fallout 4.
Fallout 2. Each follower acts the way the do, skills and tendency to run away. Sulik totally doesn't until he's on the razors edge of death whereas Myron runs away after getting splashed.

I had hoped later games would have something similar. Maybe someone will make a bannerlord mod with more personality.
The Black Isle games have a good mix. Shadowrun: Dragonfall has some of the best development of popular archetypes.

I would also mention games where companions are created ad hoc, like X-COM, which I'm currently playing through again. The fact that one builds these companions, selecting their attributes at level up, and then journeying forth with them in a team to tackle some objective builds emotional resonance, so that they are sorely missed when taken.
Radiance1979: I just started with pathfinder but i have to say those talks you can listen too during the long nights outdoor really add to the game, i wonder if they manage to keep the whole game interesting or will soon slide into repitition
Let me know how it goes! That game is high on my list.
In terms of gameplay: Guild Wars.
Neverwinter Nights 2 for me. I always use a party with Neeshka, Elanee and Qara. Neeshka for removing traps, unlocking and pickpocket, Qara for having a pure spellcaster and Elanee can serve as healer or as support. Khelgar is also a good one, a pure tank. Does his job right and when you give him the gloves of ironfist he even packs more punch. I also like that the companions in NWN 2 do have a personality and each has it's own story. The game might have a history of being plagued with bugs and how it got fixed several times, but Obsidian did a great job and especially the companions here are fleshed out. I have that less with the first neverwinter nights or with the dark eye: drakensang.

Krschkr: In terms of gameplay: Guild Wars.
Guild Wars is a MMO, which means chars are played by real people. Only the npc's in there are computer controlled. There are no AI companions in there. So that doesn't count.