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.Ra: It is almost a year since Capcom released dragon's dogma here, I am surprised nothing else has come since. Really want the old Resident Evil games among many other capcom games on gog.
Good luck, I think Capcom has made it pretty clear they don't care about supporting gog. I had to request a refund for Dragon's Dogma because the gog version was behind in patching and Capcom seemed to be unable or unwilling to keep it up to date with the Steam version.
.Ra: It is almost a year since Capcom released dragon's dogma here, I am surprised nothing else has come since. Really want the old Resident Evil games among many other capcom games on gog.
They should release Resident Evil 2 remake before March 2019. And there's another Devil May Cry project starting. Regarding GOG it's really hard to say anything.
high rated
The trailer description for La-Mulana 2 mentions a GOG release:

and Gray Dawn is coming to GOG in June:
I really wonder if and when we will finally see NWN:EE on GOG.

Was maximum hyped at release day (until it became apparent that we won't get it day one), now more time has passed and I have a feeling that's some great way for Beamdog/GOG to miss out on customers. Even releasing it now will miss out on customers since the hype is pretty much gone.

Any news on this?
Post edited May 11, 2018 by 0xffffffff
SCPM: The trailer description for La-Mulana 2 mentions a GOG release:
Cool. Now I just need to play the first game that's been sitting in the backlog. ;)
SCPM: The trailer description for La-Mulana 2 mentions a GOG release:

and Gray Dawn is coming to GOG in June:
oh neat, hopefully this means I can get my backer copy here and not Playism or Steam.
SCPM: The trailer description for La-Mulana 2 mentions a GOG release:
Mr.Mumbles: Cool. Now I just need to play the first game that's been sitting in the backlog. ;)
Be prepared for some fustration. The first game can be a bit cryptic and hard
Post edited May 11, 2018 by DCT
high rated
New company in the catalog: Wild Factor for Machiavillain
MachiaVillain is a horror mansion management game for PC, Mac & Linux, inspired by Dungeon Keeper, Prison Architect, and every horror movie cliche ever. Build your own manor, raise monsters, set traps, and slaughter your victims. It's what any good villain would do!
0xffffffff: I really wonder if and when we will finally see NWN:EE on GOG.
Is there any particular reason you're hyped about NWN:EE or do you just like to spend twice the amount of money (triple if you count the soundtrack) on games?
fronzelneekburm: Is there any particular reason you're hyped about NWN:EE or do you just like to spend twice the amount of money (triple if you count the soundtrack) on games?
The arrival of EE = removal of Classic. So yeah, I'm as well kinda curious how long we have to recommend people to buy the original game with no BD (BeamDog, not Bondage&Domination) extras forced upon them.
0xffffffff: I really wonder if and when we will finally see NWN:EE on GOG.
Do we really need yet another (in this case, hijacked) thread on this? There are already 6 or 7 of them. If there were any news, it would be made public in no time, probably in yet another new thread, because nobody can be bothered to look for something more than a week old. I personally don't see the EE coming to gog until/unless they make it possible for gog users to download (and better yet upload as well) Steam Workshop mods. Pretty much any Steam-exclusive feature will be a disservice to gog customers. Too bad NWN hasn't gone on sale since the first EE announcement, and probably never will again regardless of what happens with the EE.

Apologies for contributing to the hijack.
darktjm: I personally don't see the EE coming to gog until/unless they make it possible for gog users to download (and better yet upload as well) Steam Workshop mods
Why would that be a factor? As far as I'm aware, the EE is fully compatible with all old mods.
GR00T: Why would that be a factor? As far as I'm aware, the EE is fully compatible with all old mods.
Because the game is marketed as being all about the mods, and nothing else, so locking away *any* source of mods, particularly the primary source of mods taking advantage of the EE-specific features goes completely against that idea. Because I can download mods off of Steam for other games with minimal effort, but not for NWN:EE, so it's pretty much on Beamdog for screwing gog users over by design. Because they will be selling that crap to gog users for the exact same amount of money, in spite of the clearly lesser value. Because the list of games that treat gog users as second-class citizens is already long enough.

Not that I really care, in the end. I've got mine (I own NWN, having bought it 3 times over the years, and have no interest in the EE), and the rest of you can just go to Steam if you want the EE so badly.

Again, apologies for the threadjack.
GR00T: Why would that be a factor? As far as I'm aware, the EE is fully compatible with all old mods.
darktjm: Because the game is marketed as being all about the mods, and nothing else, so locking away *any* source of mods, particularly the primary source of mods taking advantage of the EE-specific features goes completely against that idea. Because I can download mods off of Steam for other games with minimal effort, but not for NWN:EE, so it's pretty much on Beamdog for screwing gog users over by design. Because they will be selling that crap to gog users for the exact same amount of money, in spite of the clearly lesser value. Because the list of games that treat gog users as second-class citizens is already long enough.

Not that I really care, in the end. I've got mine (I own NWN, having bought it 3 times over the years, and have no interest in the EE), and the rest of you can just go to Steam if you want the EE so badly.

Again, apologies for the threadjack.
You can DL mods off Steam Workshop for other GOG-provided games? What features are specific to the EE that mods can take advantage of?
GR00T: You can DL mods off Steam Workshop for other GOG-provided games?
Theoretically, one could download such files via third-party steam file download sites if they were openly accessible, yet for every game I've tried it wasn't working for me. Don't even bother.
high rated
New company in the catalog: Stormind Games for
Remothered: Tormented Fathers
Rosemary Reed, a fascinating 35-year-old woman, reaches Richard Felton’s house, in order to investigate on the disappearance of a girl called Celeste. The woman is greeted by Gloria, the nurse who takes care of the old man, who is affected by a mysterious disease. When Richard understands Rosemary’s true intentions, the dread begins.

Key features

● Many ways to survive - The endless combinations of game dynamics make the experience available to every gamer: stealth, action, strategic, hide&run. Deceive your stalker and block him in another area of the house. Attack your enemy and make your items more powerful. Carefully study the behaviour of your stalker and his path. Don’t get too close to your enemy, act like an unperceivable shadow, hiding yourself from his sight. Or just mix these dynamics together.
● Psychological plot - Characters in the story are everyday people who turn themselves into scary monsters.
● Movie-like cutscenes - Thanks to his impressive direction, Chris Darril puts into play a story rich of complex life-like characters.
● Audio clues - Use the soundtrack and the 3D audio sound effects to understand when your stalkers are getting closer.
● No health bars - Your body is the only way to understand how you are doing.
● Realistic puzzles - Environments and characters have been conceived to be realistic and credible.
● Top-notch soundtrack - Nobuko Toda and Luca Balboni wrote the music for the game.
● Real-time loading - Explore the mansion without worrying about empty moments or boring loading times.