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wolfsrain: You could give a try to the Knights of the Old Republic and see if you can manage.
Legless: I downloaded it from GOG and I am managing so far, (even that swoop race to free the Jedi)

Thanks again Wolfsrain!
Glad that i could be of any help, mate. Stay well. And, yeah, the swoop racing was the main concern.
I only did that first one, then stopped racing. Stopping the fighter attacks was tricky too, but manageable.
I just completed the game.
I used a character I called Raven because she had black hair, not knowing about Revan;) the force must have been with her, LOL
She started out as a scout with all her new level points going towards dexterity and blaster weapons as well as explosives and computer skills. After she became a Jedi, I realised that probably wasn't the best route to follow.

With the space bar, controlling combat was manageable, but I couldn't stop the two team members from running in to danger all of the time. In the end, I concentrated on one team member and let the others do their own thing.

I enjoyed the game, so thanks again wolfsrain. I'm now going to get Kotor 2.
Legless: snip
Brasas: Hi legless, I trust you understand why what you are asking is not strictly possible?

There are many different types of disability, from color blindness to severe lack of motor coordination. One single "Disabled friendly" category will likely open further demands and expectations and so it's very unlikely GOG will actively drive this.

I think the idea of having GoG mixes for particular types of games is excellent though, and I see others have posted suggestions which would seem to suit your particulars.

Here's an idea. How about we open a thread and create these GoG mixes together?

We can start with your particular example - a GoG mix for games which are 100% turn based with no action / reflex / dexterity elements whasoever. Or for games that can be played one handed.

The thread could be so that folks post their suggestions on games that match the requisites.

What you think?
An excellent idea Brasas.
I think that others with other disability types would like to create GoG mixes to suit their needs. The GoG Community helping itself to help others.
Legless: Please create a category for gamers that have diabilities. I play turn-based RPG's for that reason. Recently I downloaded Albion, which on first sight appeared to fit this category perfectly. However, this game becomes unplayable quite late in, as it has some pointless dexteriy and coordination test which prevent me from progressing any further. Are disabled people too insignificant fot the gaming industry? If you at GOG could create a list of games that don't require high degrees of dexterity to complete and any other limiting factors, such as this. I for one would be very grateful.
If other disabled gamers are reading this, please comment on what features of games are preventing you from completing games, which by their description, should be playable for you.
ScotchMonkey: Would point and click adventure games be too strenuous? Assuming they are not pixel hunts.
Some are OK others are too difficult, especially when the combat is in real time.
Post edited November 03, 2015 by Legless
Has anyone mentioned King of Dragon Pass ?
Licurg: Has anyone mentioned King of Dragon Pass ?
Licurg, even if you needed 8 arms to play that you'd still be in here pushing it! :P
ScotchMonkey: Would point and click adventure games be too strenuous? Assuming they are not pixel hunts.
Legless: Some are OK others are too difficult, especially when the combat is in real time.
Try some of the offerings from Wadjet Eye. No real time combat, go at your own pace and no pixel hunts.

Adventure games would seem to fit the bill as far as adhering to the criteria that you established.

Assuming you like puzzles of course. Though if you can handle KOTOR then I would suggest Door Kickers.
Well, i don't think that an strict category where you can throw all games that can be played with only one hand will help people too much. First of all there are many kind of disabilities that can impair the efficiency in playing a game. From vision to locomotion ones. I tried searching some games for my father, for example, as he suffered an stroke and have problems in moving his right hand. So, i was needing games that had big hit boxes, that do not require too much dexterity. On the other hand, someone with one functional hand might not find those games too good for them, as they would have enough dexterity in that hand for games with smaller hit boxes.

Anyway, i think that some icons that can provide some additional info about the game would be much better and helpful solution. Icons that can tell you that you can play that specific game using only mouse or keyboard or any other information that might be helpful.