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low rated
SirPrimalform: Freedom of speech does not apply to a private forum.
fronzelneekburm: It never ceases to amaze me how - without fail - self-proclaimed lefties will suddenly turn into dyed-in-the-wool capitalists when it comes to defending the silencing of anyone remotely to the right of their own bolshevist gospel.
Classic fronzelneekburm!

The fact you think I don't believe in private property says a lot about you and your assumptions.

p.s. I have no interest in getting into a "left vs right" political discussion with you, now or ever.
Post edited June 18, 2019 by SirPrimalform
low rated
Leroux: Yeah, superheros are great. Who would win in a fight of Julian Assange vs Donald Trump vs Edward Snowden? :P
SirPrimalform: Didn't DC already make that movie?
low rated
SirPrimalform: Indeed, despite GOG's rules they are remarkably loose in their application of them. However (as demonstrated by the low rating of the OP), quite often the userbase will make it known when you're making yourself a nuisance.
paladin181: As I said. "There are those who will curb your enthusiasm"
Yup! A lot more eloquent.
DadJoke007: I wouldn't call it that strict to be honest.

To anrwer OP, there are tons of different platforms to discuss politics on. I don't understand why gaming forums needs to be another place for "fking snowflake libtarts!" "trump voters are morons" and so on, it's tiring enough on every other social platform in existence.
richlind33: If we're perfectly honest, that doesn't constitute discussion, much less political discussion. ;p
Sure. Just like how you can go for Taco Bell thinking that you'll have a good time, but you know that by the end of the evening you'll be sitting on the toilet with violent spicy diarrhea that reminds you of lava. Even if it's not the intention at first, you will end up there thinking to yourself: why did I even think I would be spared this time?

My metaphors always include shit, I need help.
low rated
CordisDia: Few weeks ago,i was suspended on steam general forum because i said that one of my ancestors participated in battle of Vienna against Otoman empire ...
Unfortunetly for me, in someone's imaginary point of view - my words were ''disrespectful'' , no matter i said historical fact ...
I have also been banned when i said Julian Assange,Edward Snowden and Donald Trump are heroes of modern era ...There were a lot of other examples like these, i can wrote whole bible here ...
#contextmatters How exactly discussion on Steam General came to your ancestry? Was your mentioning of Trump also on Steam General?
low rated
Dray2k: Political discussions not related to a video game are not permitted. Threads created exclusively to talk about politics will be locked. Users who ignore this rule repeatedly will be met with moderation.

Oh. While I can tell you that these rules aren't really that strictly enforced, I even got downvoted two times! But its because of that, that I have no idea why you got banned. There even are people on here that have "I <3 DJT" at their profile statement. In my opinion, you either crack down on these sort of discussions no matter what political affiliation you may belong to or simply just allow it.

Perhaps there was another major reason that lead to you getting banned? I can't imagine that simply saying the things you've mentioned lead to a ban, not on this board.
I remember , i recieved warning when i asked why ancient americans are allowed to call europeans ''white people'',and why am i beein called ''racist'' when i tell afroamericans or africans are ''black people'' ... I got 2 weeks suspension when i said i won 2vs4 teamfight in the hills of LaDrillera against team full of Turks ... I got suspended when i said steam forums are genocide against freedom of speech etc etc I can talk till tommorow ... If moderators can't accept critique about their job , they shouldn't do it .... Not only moderators , that goes for every type of job and any worker ...
Post edited June 18, 2019 by CordisDia
fronzelneekburm: It never ceases to amaze me how - without fail - self-proclaimed lefties will suddenly turn into dyed-in-the-wool capitalists when it comes to defending the silencing of anyone remotely to the right of their own bolshevist gospel.
O.o I'm right moderate, but facts are facts. Privately owned companies don't owe you a platform to say whatever you like. Until they are used to represent the government's interest, they cannot be regulated in that fashion by the government. Freedom of speech as per the US constitution (I can't speak for anyone else, so don't correct me, as it doesn't apply to me. :)) only applies to the governmental censorship of speech, not to private entities. After all, that would infringe on THEIR freedom of speech to have to allow you to voice yours on their platform.
low rated
CordisDia: Few weeks ago,i was suspended on steam general forum because i said that one of my ancestors participated in battle of Vienna against Otoman empire ...
Unfortunetly for me, in someone's imaginary point of view - my words were ''disrespectful'' , no matter i said historical fact ...
I have also been banned when i said Julian Assange,Edward Snowden and Donald Trump are heroes of modern era ...There were a lot of other examples like these, i can wrote whole bible here ...
LootHunter: #contextmatters How exactly discussion on Steam General came to your ancestry? Was your mentioning of Trump also on Steam General?
Can't remember exactly very well, but there was some discussion about games called ''Crusader Kings 2'' and ''Sid Mier's Civilization'' ...
low rated
LootHunter: #contextmatters How exactly discussion on Steam General came to your ancestry? Was your mentioning of Trump also on Steam General?
CordisDia: Can't remember exactly very well, but there was some discussion about games called ''Crusader Kings 2'' and ''Sid Mier's Civilization'' ...
Ah, I see. Anyways, as you've already been told, freedom of speech on GOG General is rather limited and there is enough SJW around to downvote any comment to hell. (Though reputation doesn't actually mean much.)
CordisDia: Few weeks ago,i was suspended on steam general forum because i said that one of my ancestors participated in battle of Vienna against Otoman empire ...
Unfortunetly for me, in someone's imaginary point of view - my words were ''disrespectful'' , no matter i said historical fact ...
I have also been banned when i said Julian Assange,Edward Snowden and Donald Trump are heroes of modern era ...There were a lot of other examples like these, i can wrote whole bible here ...

I'm pretty new to GOG, i will buy Cyberpunk here, so im curious - can i expect same level of censorship and crimes against freedom of speech as i witnessed on steam forums ?? Forums there are full of whiny liberalistic snowflakes ,and you can be marked as nationalist,racist,xenophob,nazi,fascist for anything and everything you said ...
Is it the same situation here ?
Hi CordisDia.

The forums are eons ahead towards being a nicer place, if you are interested in the game related forums. I wouldn't advice you getting involved too much, into the general discussions forum.
Considering the replies of a couple of trolls and provocative baiters, whose names I won't mention, regarding freedom of speech, I suggest that you pick with care, with whom you want to argue/discuss in this forum and do your best to ignore the brainless orcs.
Other than that you will be fine, since enfor... moderators won't interfere with discussions, unless someone is getting bashed hard in the post section, in order to "save their skin", so to speak.
Welcome and have fun!


P.S.; If you are interested in a forum tour, feel free to P.M. me. :)
By the way, our lovely general discussions forum moderator is Ashlee and she is a really kind/friendly one at that.
Post edited June 18, 2019 by Fate-is-one-edge
low rated
paladin181: Could not have said it better myself. GOG is under no obligation to listen to anyone's drivel. That being said, GOG is generally more tolerant of all viewpoints here than other websites. Even disagreeable ones. So feel free to test your bounds here. You may be welcomed by some. There are those who will curb your enthusiasm though.
SirPrimalform: Indeed, despite GOG's rules they are remarkably loose in their application of them. However (as demonstrated by the low rating of the OP), quite often the userbase will make it known when you're making yourself a nuisance.
Don't look now, but your post has been low rated. lol
low rated
SirPrimalform: Indeed, despite GOG's rules they are remarkably loose in their application of them. However (as demonstrated by the low rating of the OP), quite often the userbase will make it known when you're making yourself a nuisance.
richlind33: Don't look now, but your post has been low rated. lol
I'd expect no less.
low rated
richlind33: Don't look now, but your post has been low rated. lol
SirPrimalform: I'd expect no less.
Because you're a nuisance? ;p
Post edited June 18, 2019 by richlind33
low rated
SirPrimalform: Indeed, despite GOG's rules they are remarkably loose in their application of them. However (as demonstrated by the low rating of the OP), quite often the userbase will make it known when you're making yourself a nuisance.
richlind33: Don't look now, but this post has been low rated. lol
Good to know, again.
paladin181: Privately owned companies don't owe you a platform to say whatever you like. Until they are used to represent the government's interest, they cannot be regulated in that fashion by the government. Freedom of speech as per the US constitution (I can't speak for anyone else, so don't correct me, as it doesn't apply to me. :)) only applies to the governmental censorship of speech, not to private entities. After all, that would infringe on THEIR freedom of speech to have to allow you to voice yours on their platform.
a) GOG is not a US based company ;-)
b) The problem with that is basically ALL social platforms are privately owned. This essentially means there is no freedom of speech, at least not on the internet, because every single platform has the right to delete and ban according to their own rules. Of course from the viewpoint of the individual service this makes completely sense. So in effect there is a right to free speech, but no way to exercise that right completely.