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This is the signup thread for the next forum Mafia game. For anyone who has questions on what that is or might be interested in joining here is a link to check .

If you would like to participate in some form please post below for a spot in the game, a link to the observer thread that will be created, or ask to be a sub in case someone has to leave the game.

This will be a role madness game centered around Looney Tunes, so if you are signing up to join please list what character you would like to play (characters named in the Admin thread already are claimed unless the person that claimed them chooses something else).

Joining in the madness:

1. GymHenson (Bill Murray)
2. Catte (Cool Cat)
3. ZFR (Daffy Duck)
4. Lift (Bugs Bunny)
5. JoeSapphire (Road Runner)
6. Pookina (Yosemite Sam)
7. Vitek (Wiley Coyote)
8. Dreamia (Lola Bunny)
9. Nmillar (Foghorn Leghorn)
10. dedoporno (Sylvester)


1. Microfish
Post edited August 05, 2020 by trentonlf
trentonlf: This will be a role madness game centered around Looney Tunes, so if you are signing up to join please list what character you would like to play (characters named in the Admin thread already are claimed unless the person that claimed them chooses something else).
(Toonified) Bill Murray reporting for duty, sir! *salutes*

(Y'all have an option to pick now OP....I can play OR GymHenson can play this slot....your call)
Cool Cat here.

The real one, not the abomination you had me google GR.
Duffy Duck
Please, reserve slot 10 and Sylvester for me. I'll confirm my participation a bit later on.
Eeeeeh... What's up Doc? Sign me up!
meep meep, mutha----ers
i'm here as an observer. I'd enjoy playing, and the fact that I am not playing is not caused by anyone, but i need a break for a game to let my mind rest. I've noticed in the last several games that my attention to detail has been slipping each game, and my backlog keeps growing.

Who's the Wabbit?
Microfish_1: i'm here as an observer. I'd enjoy playing, and the fact that I am not playing is not caused by anyone, but i need a break for a game to let my mind rest. I've noticed in the last several games that my attention to detail has been slipping each game, and my backlog keeps growing.
But who will read me as Mafia then?
ZFR: But who will read me as Mafia then?
You have my sword.

I think I need to get in this one.
I suppose it will be on the shorter side considering te number of players so why not indulge myself.

Most of those I would pick as my primary options are taken so Wile E. Coyote if available, but I think he is spoken for as well so I think I will go with Lola Bunny.
JoeSapphire: meep meep, mutha----ers
Now I kinda want to be Wile E. Coyote so I can chase you around with my ♥rocket♥...
my name is catte: Cool Cat here.

The real one, not the abomination you had me google GR.
Sorry for that....will send ya some brain and eye cleanser stat if you want. :)
(I just felt you might be possibly interested in that.....the train wreck of a copyright claim fiasco by the "esteemed" Big Daddy Derek over his "amazing work", and the response by others, that is)


Vitek: Most of those I would pick as my primary options are taken so Wile E. Coyote if available, but I think he is spoken for as well so I think I will go with Lola Bunny.
He isn't taken, afaik....and neither is Lol...

*starts to drool for a second, then slaps themselves lightly on the face with both hands*

...sorry, where was I?
Post edited July 24, 2020 by GameRacer
GameRacer: He isn't taken, afaik....and neither is Lol...

*starts to drool for a second, then slaps themselves lightly on the face with both hands*

...sorry, where was I?
Oh, joppo said he would take him if he was to play. Well then I guess I am picking him but if there is someone who can't live without him, I am willing to concede him.
Vitek: Oh, joppo said he would take him if he was to play. Well then I guess I am picking him but if there is someone who can't live without him, I am willing to concede him.
That is nice of you. Also I will take a second to say now that you have very good taste in characters(in both cases). *tips hat*