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HijacK: [...] such as finding other scum! [...].
So, we found one in you, but should leave you in peace, and go look for the rest? Gotcha.

HijacK: [...] And I don't think it's a lot to ask for people to perhaps look at the play of those partaking in the game, as opposed to just a claim. [...]
If you're saying that I'm not looking at others, then you and I are playing in different games.
And saying that it's "just" a claim that's been looked at is downplaying how everything has unfolded

But if you'd like me to look at your play - you're completely ignoring three of the eight players, and taking your frustration out on me because I continue to interact with you.

HijacK: [...] Right, because doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result is totally and 100% from a town place. Let's just agree to disagree. I don't think you're seeing straight here.[...]
I'm seeing straight just fine that you're putting words in my mouth. Where did I tell you to do exactly what docbear1975 did? Seriously, for someone priding himself to be smart, do you really expect me to believe that you didn't get what I told you?

HijacK: [...] Since I don't see you vehemently question others about gut feelings, why am I question for my opinion, and I'm not talking about you, necessarily? Double standard? Mall intent? Obtuseness? [...]
If you're not talking necessarily about me, why are you addressing this to me, and don't address it to those that it applies to? Am I supposed to answer for others?

HijacK: [...] "There must be a reason" was a dramatization of the fact that there is indeed a reason for which the flip is different. If you assume the narrator is knowledgeable about this fact while re-reading the paragraph, it really sounds different. It's made to emphasize that something is attributed as an explanation. Explanation that was given later in order to capitalize on the reader interest. [...]
A whole lot of words, yet still no straight answer to my question. I asked you a simple question, and I'll ask you one last time - what is the reason?

HijacK: [...] If this is so indicative of fishing, why would I make a claim before I inquire about others? [...]
Because doing it this way makes your question sound more innocent, hence increases the chance of a successful fishing expedition. Why do you think that dedoporno replied to you the way he did back then?

HijacK: [...] I don't get this one. How is making an observation on your role considered fishing? [...]
Such an observation can be made to elicit a response that may reveal information.

HijacK: [...] It would also do wonders if others didn't resort to dirty tactics to push a case and kill the game mood. It was all nice and dandy until some dicks had to be asses about things that pertain to things higher than the game. Alas, it is what it is. The double standards and hypocrisy of people, I guess, will never cease to amaze me. [...]
I understand that you're frustrated, offended, perhaps even hurt, but coming back with another attempt to turn our in-game exchanges into a discussion about human behaviour, warrants another comment that you're deflecting and dodging, and going for another AtE.

I don't quite see what reaction you expect from me. If you're so unhappy being in the game, perhaps we should lynch you sooner than later and put you out of your misery. This is out-of-game, and I don't mean it sarcastically.

HijacK: [...] Multiple kills per role is not something I had entertained. Perhaps it has merit, but the numbers barely change even in this case. [...]
That's not what I meant, as evidenced by the cases I laid out, i.e. they were not separate/independent points.
But thanks for answering. Also see my follow up question below, if you'd like to give input.

dedoporno: I actually read this in the same way. It seems that RW is very deliberate in the flavor, so I'm inclined to believe that the crime-scenes are supposed to provide some information. Drealmer is the key element here. Unless he has been framed in some way and he is really Wyrm's killer I think that we are supposed to look at who is where and with whom - hence 3 killers. Until RW made that clarification I was a lot more ready to see bler's kill as yog's doing.

Do you think that one or more of Bookwyrm627, bler144 and yogsloth tried but for whatever reason failed, or that they didn't attempt to kill anyone? I could see the latter as likely for the first two, depending on what else comes to light about them, but I'm having a bit of a hard time seeing yogsloth passing a chance to kill someone.

dedoporno: [...] Yog coming up pre-emptively with the idea to claim Death Miller on D1 without realizing/knowing there is a real Death Miller doesn't sound like a joke to you?
Only if HijacK's indeed a/the real Death Miller. Do you believe he is?

trentonlf: Flub unvoted and all anyone else has been doing is speculating and not actually voting, and I mean voting on anyone. The game was going nowhere.
It'd appear that I'm asking you questions in vain, but I'll give it another shot:

Is the game all about voting and nothing else? Do you see no value in the discussion? In this killers-rich environment, this may be the last chance for some of us.

And not sure why flubbucket unvoting HijacK was so worrying. It takes five to lynch, not every single player, and as cristigale said, more than enough people have expressed one way or the other leaning towards voting him.

I'm not going to be around for much longer. I could vote HijacK now, but I hope that trentonlf will answer my questions before we go to night-phase,though he seems quite reluctant, and I'm not sure it's only because he doesn't want to get NK-ed.
HypersomniacLive: Only if HijacK's indeed a/the real Death Miller. Do you believe he is?
I don't but flub seemed to have been in his believing state when he wrote that hence why I inquired about it being a joke.

HypersomniacLive: Do you think that one or more of Bookwyrm627, bler144 and yogsloth tried but for whatever reason failed, or that they didn't attempt to kill anyone? I could see the latter as likely for the first two, depending on what else comes to light about them, but I'm having a bit of a hard time seeing yogsloth passing a chance to kill someone.
From this trio yog is the only one we can safely account a killing power to. Wyrm and bler may have had some different abilities. I agree that it's highly unlikely that killer-yog didn't go for the kill and initially my theory was that bler was his work because of the execution style of the killing. The crime scene clarification later made me doubt that, though. In that case his kill may have been mitigated by someone (and no, I don't scum-yog was going to keep his promise and gun down Hijack and some protector decided to prevent that and managed to do it).

HypersomniacLive: I'm not going to be around for much longer. I could vote HijacK now, but I hope that trentonlf will answer my questions before we go to night-phase,though he seems quite reluctant, and I'm not sure it's only because he doesn't want to get NK-ed.
I'm still playing and will be doing so for at least one more hour. I'll make sure to seal the lynch if you think there is some benefit in waiting more but it seems that a lot of people did their thing and left so I doubt there will be much more happening.
HypersomniacLive: It'd appear that I'm asking you questions in vain, but I'll give it another shot:

Is the game all about voting and nothing else? Do you see no value in the discussion? In this killers-rich environment, this may be the last chance for some of us.

And not sure why flubbucket unvoting HijacK was so worrying. It takes five to lynch, not every single player, and as cristigale said, more than enough people have expressed one way or the other leaning towards voting him.

I'm not going to be around for much longer. I could vote HijacK now, but I hope that trentonlf will answer my questions before we go to night-phase,though he seems quite reluctant, and I'm not sure it's only because he doesn't want to get NK-ed.
I'm not sure where this is coming from? I have answered your questions when I've been on. This reminds me back to day 1 when you tried the same tactic of throwing shade on me because I had not said anything about what yog's said when I had not been on then either.

Of course the game is not all about voting, that is just one of the many parts of the game. I absolutely seen value in discussion, I have never said I did not, but after 5 days of the same basic discussion over and over again there comes a point that it kills the game.

It was not that he specifically unvoted HIjack, it was that he unvoted and did not vote anyone else. It's a given that you don't like to vote, but that does not mean voting is a bad idea for people to do. As I have said in the past one of the greatest tools we have as town is our vote, and it perplexes me that people don't want to use it.

And to answer your other questions. Exactly when did I start pushing Hijack's buttons it was around the time he tried to piggy back onto yog''s claim and not much disbelieve was given but by only a few.

Does it mean scum or cover third party/anti-town, good question.
I'm headed to a show. I'll check during intermission. It looks like discussion is drying up. I'll hammer if dedo or hyper haven't by then.
Going to bed now.

Good luck to all.

vote Hijack
cristigale: I expect town-Hijack has more reaction to trent's 'bomb' other than to try and brush it off. No questions, just this?
None whatsoever. I think everything he has said thus far is bullshit, this included. Why should I put more effort in this than in everything he has said thus far?
Current votes:
HijacK - trentonlf; Lifthrasil; JMich; Sage103082; dedoporno
Lifthrasil - HijacK

Not voting: HypersomniacLive; cristigale; flubbucket

Majority has been reached. HijacK has been lynched.

So the day progresses...
"Hey, HijacK. Didn't you say you were just like Yogsloth? And he was Mafia! Lynch him!"
"No, no, not what I meant, I mean not that kinda Mafia, but I get mistaken for them all the time"
"You said Town could deal with things themselves. Lynch him!"
"No, I often talk in the 3rd person"

After a great deal of debate, HijacK has been sacrificed to the community elders.

After a few hours, they come back. Good job guys! I think. HijacK is a tough nut to crack. We can't tell which family he was working for, but that sharp leather jacket and those dark sunglasses...he sure looks like he works for one of us. He definitely, maybe is "Mafia".

"So sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite"

With that they leave you to your Night 2. The thread is closed. You may begin chatting in your respective quicktopics (if you have one). Please sent in your night actions at your earliest convenience (if you have any).
Post edited July 01, 2017 by RWarehall
The night went by fairly quietly outside of the sound of fireworks around as a sign of the season. But looking around, two of your number have not woken up yet. Going room to room as a group you run across Sage103082 dead in the Study and Lifthrasil was in the Billiard Room.

After alerting your captors, they investigate further...

Turning Sage over, "Hmm...that looks to be a double-tap to the middle of the chest. Look at these dog-tags and stack of letters from former military. This woman was very well-liked. Can't be sure, but doesn't look like Mafia, gotta figure someone with that many admirers is "Town".

Moving to the Billiard Room, "What the heck is this? It looks like someone took pleasure in torturing this one. But that was sure some creative use of the pool rack. But the pool cue sure doesn't belong there. And is that a liver I see? Makes me sorry for poor Lifthrasil...hmm...looks like Lift didn't stay on the straight and narrow, no signs of gang affiliation, definitely Neutral.

We found out a couple more things about our former residents. Zeogold was named Gordon Ramsey and yogsloth Arthur Bishop.

It is now day! 6 of you are left.


You may begin posting again!
We're back and at least with one less kill.

Also, Hijack flipped what he said he will. Before looking at what happened during the night I'd like to see some more details from trent.

@Trent, what do you have to say about Hijack's flip?
Also, am I the only one who is a bit alarmed by the fact that ~57% of the original player base (excluding the plot devices) are dead and not a single one flipped as Town without quotation marks?
Yeah, I'm also waiting for trent to post. Currently holding back my vote, but will most likely vote for him tomorrow morning (~12 hours).
I just realized the execution kill is missing. And the torture seems like something we haven't seen until now.
dedoporno: We're back and at least with one less kill.

Also, Hijack flipped what he said he will. Before looking at what happened during the night I'd like to see some more details from trent.

@Trent, what do you have to say about Hijack's flip?
His flip is exactly what I thought it would be, but that's not the question that is important. The important question is what Hyper asked me yesterday.

Let me give you my name and how my alignment is show in my PM:
Name: ‎Jerry Fletcher
Alignment: Town

Notice anything missing?