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yogsloth: I'm sorry... did Town just no-lynch to victory?

I hate you all.

Technically they had already won and Bler was just trolling them (the explanation is in the mod topic).
adaliabooks: Kudos to Hunter, for his most excellent Jester play. And to everyone else for the ridiculous amount of breadcrumbing and info dropping that went on. It's well worth rereading the thread with everyone's roles in mind just for fun XD
I'm sticking with the Cardboard Box as MVP. :P
And lonther thin;g..I" rellllaydid lik e the accllerated days night ;hingy. yooukow the syway youmade ths dayssogofaster
Good game guys, was a lot of fun! I am glad that me and dedo were able to escape and not officially die even if we did not win :)
cristigale: @bookwyrm - you sleep with your clock? Who does that? Obviously, I can't be accountable for the results. :-P
First time for everything. Last time too, it seems.

I'm blaming Bler for my death. I had no interest in clocks until that night, and apparently he encouraged you to kill me. I has a sad, though it might have been for the best. I'd very likely have pushed for another lynched if I had survived.

trentonlf: Good game guys, was a lot of fun! I am glad that me and dedo were able to escape and not officially die even if we did not win :)
The only deaths were by crazy town doctor. XD
Bookwyrm627: First time for everything. Last time too, it seems.

I'm blaming Bler for my death. I had no interest in clocks until that night, and apparently he encouraged you to kill me. I has a sad, though it might have been for the best. I'd very likely have pushed for another lynched if I had survived.

The only deaths were by crazy town doctor. XD
I was doctor immune thankfully LOL
Krypsyn: I'm sticking with the Cardboard Box as MVP. :P
Damn you and your box!!!!
Post edited April 03, 2016 by trentonlf
I was interesting...
Not sure where Christie was keeping her butt-bombs and the gun. The flavor was interesting, but maybe a "wee bit" misleading at times.

I think you overkilled the SK protection in favor of town. There was no need for an FBI agent. The few cop reads and the missing file should have been enough to figure it out. The undoing of most SKs will always be too many other, more verified, valid claims toward the end.

Also not sure how Dedo can win, but not sure how to balance it given there were essentially 2 SKs in a game of 11 already and the proclivity for mislynches, even though one SK could stop when she realizes it...
RWarehall: I was interesting...
Not sure where Christie was keeping her butt-bombs and the gun. The flavor was interesting, but maybe a "wee bit" misleading at times.

I think you overkilled the SK protection in favor of town. There was no need for an FBI agent. The few cop reads and the missing file should have been enough to figure it out. The undoing of most SKs will always be too many other, more verified, valid claims toward the end.

Also not sure how Dedo can win, but not sure how to balance it given there were essentially 2 SKs in a game of 11 already and the proclivity for mislynches, even though one SK could stop when she realizes it...
Yeah, the FBI agent was basically the next-to-last detail added, as I got a bit paranoid town's route to winning was a bit too RNG. The SK did have a built-in claim - he really got tripped up in the mechanics, and I didn't give him enough info to offset that.

That said, the FBI agent was insane, and 2 shot. If Drealmer hadn't copped trent N1, the role was potentially more harmful than helpful.

The Dedo role was a bit of a twist on the normal game. At least in my opinion mafia is strong and SK is relatively weak and reliant on lurking since it can't control the vote and is often under-informed. I noted somewhere the intent was for the win probability to be 40% town / 40% SK / 20% mafia (a swap of the usual) and in reality my sense was at launch it was more like 50/35/15.

The flavor was supposed to be somewhat misleading - y'all were nuts, after all - but there was some "truth" in all of it. Other than CSP's read on Hunter where the only two "true" parts, at least that Hunter knew of, were the reference to 'that clown' and the oblique mention of his impending escape.

And keep in mind that, after D2, there was a whoooole lot of trolling in what I was rolling at you. Heck, Krypsyn's N3 PM pretty strongly implied he had died, and I sent it 2 hours before day launch just to be an ass.

But I would agree, I didn't hit the target exactly and from a design perspective wasn't particularly satisfied. In the first draft the win probability was tipped towards SK, actually, and then over time the tinkering largely weakened it over and over.

Yet a lot of the things I wanted to see work did, and other than the box incident, the game did come down to player performance:

1) Flub took a town Miller role and actually turned it into something close to an asset
2) After being a maniac D1 Wyrm managed to work his way out of the D2 lynch (crucial, since Hunter was going to be working hard to be the D3 lynch)
3) Krypsyn tuned out most of the noise and focused on what players were actually doing.

All those individual things really added up to shifting the curve even further.

I will say to Bookwyrm, if you are town, don't lie, don't kinda lie, don't play edge cases. Don't claim or mostly-claim Vanilla while being an actual role. Lynch All Liars, because when town has a game on, how are the rest of town supposed to tell your noise from scum noise?

And being a power role isn't enough, because scum in a corner always try to claim how they are indispensable too, and how much a mistake it is to get rid of a "fellow townie" with a power role.
Post edited April 03, 2016 by RWarehall
bler144: 3) Krypsyn tuned out most of the noise and focused on what players were actually doing.
If you say so... you know from my PMs I was pretty darned clueless for most of the game. :P

You did get me to vote No Lynch unironically, so that is certainly a win for you. :)

I will note, however, that you questioned in the Moderator QT whether giving me 1-shot or 2-shot would have changed my behavior on Night 1. I can say definitively that it would not have. I would have commuted Night 1 no matter what, I think. I may have handled my Day posting a little differently, but not the Night Action.
Fantastic game, everyone! I wasn't able to keep up with every moment, but you sure made an intense, involving play.

Thank you, bler144, for hosting the game - it was (and will be) something to remember and fun to read later on as well. Also, it's funny how you were best observer on this too :P
trentonlf: Good game guys, was a lot of fun! I am glad that me and dedo were able to escape and not officially die even if we did not win :)
Absolutely! Thanks, Joe :)

bler144: 50/35/15
Yeah, the chances for me to actually accomplish something weren't astronomically negligible so it's totally fine :)

Tip of the hat to Hunter!

All in all, it was an interesting and moreover different game. Thanks for hosting, bler!
I haven't gotten a chance to look at the chats and PMs yet.

I'm curious what the result would have been if we did no lynch on D1. Was hunter's escape necessary first? Etc. questions/curiousities.
RWarehall: There was no need for an FBI agent.
--edit-- that was poorly articulated wake-up foof before -

I found it helped emphasize/re-verify the defunct abilities everyone had (triangulation of it being true for all townies - which cristi's was harder to prove but still there was evidence of with the perspective given), especially since the other cop died D1.) I think it is good to have roles that have the potential to be either helpful or harmful depending on how the information is used and what information was gotten (which depends on varying factors of course.) This was the same for the 2 cop roles, which I found to be a pretty big mis-step for town on D1 for them to claim so early. I thought it should have been clear the game wasn't as straightforward as it might seem to be on the surface (as there was plenty of hint to it/flavor to that on top of bler specifically saying it was a bastard game.) Which is the main reason I stayed quiet with having the role and what information I got. Best to get a better idea how things are shaping to be before jumping to any conclusions. Especially considering, if I'm a cop and see someone else claim cop and we both have N0 investigation information, that by standard games is wayyyyy tooooo much information for an 11-player game for town to have on D1.

It was obvious bler was trolling us from the beginning, the bastard. I admit I didn't even get "FBI-WAN", but I still somehow got that it was addressing me anyway.

Once it was known that 2 night targets were cristi's targets, I knew she either had to be lying as a cover up for doing scum-kills, or unknowningly killing but still town aligned. I think the ambiguity and way it went was perfectly done from a modding perspective, I'd have been very happy with that if I were bler. While no-lynch is what I would have been going for, I would have been a little disappointed in happened on D1 because that would have meant I didn't balance the chance of town losing well enough. I think bler's figuring of town-chance winning were pretty spot on, and I think it was a pretty fair game overall. I could have easily seen it go that no one believed me, another night fell and bler random-killed someone, and shit persisted into a meltown.

That was good maneuvering by hunter, and I am glad he got his win, both from a flavor/narrative perspective and as a moderator affirmation of the element choice. I definitely don't think he was handed a win, I found him suspicious early on because of his participating seeming to be fainted contribution and lurking to not cause attention and just had nothing to go on (which was exactly what he had going for him, PLUS being on no-lynch D1 added him favor in my view, he balanced his play around everyone almost and did a great job!)

FBI agent also added a balance with the SK element and sense to the overall situation. It also is fun to have roles that aren't definitively powerful but have the potential to have a tiny bit of power depending on what happens, and makes sense to give little tweaks to balance and allow for an exponential amount of interaction variations to take place (which is great, and why I was calling for a larger player game, imagine if we'd had the 13!!!) Light-powered/only potentially helpful roles give more players a little something to do and add a little more perspective and involvement for whomever gets them.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by drealmer7
drealmer7: (which is great, and why I was calling for a larger player game, imagine if we'd had the 13!!!) Light-powered/only potentially helpful roles give more players a little something to do and add a little more perspective and involvement for whomever gets them.
I was even less confident that I'd worked out the balance tweaks necessary to take it up to 13. Conceptually the idea was that:

SK would get a new ability ("Blackout" - can end a day at any time via PM to the mod to send it into night phase).

+1 Mafia. Likely another singlet rather than a pair that could chat. The thought was that I'd make them an insane Parity Cop and watch the laughs unfold as the traitor calling "are you my mother" tries to join up wit the mafia cop who can't figure out who TF is really on his team.

+1 Town - either vanilla, or something akin to RW's 'self-help' guru who could straighten out existing impairments. Again, used right, could have been very powerful for town, but also had the ability to completely screw up town's reads further if the action wasn't communicated between players.

-Town Doctors would have been buffed to 3 to allow another kill. Cristi probably wouldn't have gone for a 3rd, but say she died first, Jmich might have still made a 3rd kill as he wouldn't know that he was also insane.

Balanced? Ehhhh...not sure.