It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

goldfishfingers: Agree with most of the items, but I would like emoticons, pretty please? But yeah, no inline images for me.
MarkoH01: Those seem to be a point with different opinions. At first I also wanted them since I usually don't post many sentences without ;) or :). Then I was told that people tend to overuse them as in posting 20 smileys in a row ect and I have to agree that such use of emoticons (maybe also animated ones) could harm the look of a forum a lot.
True, I can envision the day GOG allows emoticons we would see "everyone" spamming rows of cutesy emoticons... *facepalm*
A WYSIWYG-type message editor.

Automatically resize forum width/font size for mobile devices (I am sure there must be a more technical name that describes this) and better controls for touchscreen.

Get rid of the upvote/downvote buttons. If you really need to keep some kind of reputation/karma, a "thank you" and a "report" button should be enough (that is, you only vote good posts and only report posts that break the rules).
Post edited October 08, 2017 by Caesar.
Caesar.: Get rid of the upvote/downvote buttons. If you really need to keep some kind of reputation/karma, a "thank you" and a "report" button should be enough (that is, you only vote good posts and only report posts that break the rules).
Good idea. +1 ;)

(Edit: The ;) is because it seems to be a paradox to give +1 for this but I really like the idea)
Post edited October 08, 2017 by MarkoH01
dtgreene: You are making some assumptions here. In particular, if you are going to make assumptions, you should make your assumptions as safe as possible.
No. Your assumptions should be reasonable.

And that's your problem. You don't have reason. You don't think with context. Saying "it's going to cause seizures", as an argument against gifs in a forum, is absolutely fucking ridiculous. The odds of this happening is about 0,0000000000001%.

So do you always leave the house with earmuffs to avoid potential hearing damage? Because you should always make your assumptions as safe as possible after all.
Things on the forum that I'm happy with:

1. Automatic BB code insertion (Just highlight, click and the code you want is automatically inserted.)
2. Forum notification alerts when you are directly quoted/replied to.
3. The ability to favorite topics
4. Everything else that I didn't complain about.

Things that could be improved:

1. Make the fonts bigger
2. Put in a genuine "Post History" feature, where we can have easy access to our entire forum posting history. Give everyone an option to keep it public or private.
3. Give us the ability to favorite specific posts.
4. (Already suggested in previous posts, but echoing it) Rework the search engine to enable targeted searches by title and description, with an optional filter to match it with a specific user.
5. Clear up the recent bugs involving the creation of new threads.

A suggestion:

1. Enable any user (regardless of rep) to post links from the 2nd post onwards. I don't know if this could be done, but I thought it's a fair ground between giving newer users a chance to post stuff and combating spammers. Most spam folks are simply about hitting a forum with a single OP of their advertisements. This is different from actual human posters who want some dialogue of the subject they are discussing.
Post edited October 08, 2017 by Nicole28
I would like to see:
Spoiler tags

I wouldn't like to see:
One other change that should be made:

Currently, when you do a search and click on a topic, the search terms are still applied as a filter. (For example, if you search for "game" and click on one of the search results, only posts on that topic that contain the word "game" will appear.) This is slow, and is almost always the wrong behavior; someone who is searching for a specific topic usually doesn't want the search to be run on the topic itself.

I propose here that the filter not be applied when clicking on a topic in the search results. This will result in the topic loading much faster, and in the rare case that someone wants to search the topic as well, the user can just do another search. A bit of extra typing in the rare case, but much nicer in the common case.

Another default that should be changed: Instead of going to the last page when clicking on a topic, it should go to the first page. Users who want the current default behavior could just change their settings (or, if implemented, choose the "first unread post" option that I proposed earlier). (I would suggest that this change only be applied to new users and those not logged in; don't change the settings of existing users.)
ZFR: I would like to see:
Spoiler tags

I wouldn't like to see:
Aw, man. Now you've already told us. I didn't want to know just yet, I'd have preferred to learn a little more about you, before checking whether your answers would match what I thought you'd say ... >:(

Joking aside, that would be nice indeed!
One other thing: I would like the forum to be made to not require JavaScript. It's OK to have some convenience features (like the buttons for inserting tags) require it, but it should still be possible to use the forum (including both reading and posting) without it. Some users either use browsers that do not support JavaScript or prefer to disable it for security or performance reasons.
dtgreene: One other thing: I would like the forum to be made to not require JavaScript. It's OK to have some convenience features (like the buttons for inserting tags) require it, but it should still be possible to use the forum (including both reading and posting) without it. Some users either use browsers that do not support JavaScript or prefer to disable it for security or performance reasons.
Hear, hear!
GR00T: As to the thread itself, I think it's a great idea. Many of the things suggested are things we brought up in discussions ourselves, but there are bound to be other things we didn't think of. I'll personally try to make sure one of the GOG people see this thread.
That's the primary reason I started the thread. I don't see us getting exactly what everyone here wants, but GOG can make a better decision if they know more than less. I personally don't use a mobile device. so I would never have thought it was important. There are other things that might be easy for GOG to look for, or that they overlooked in their own discussions (including the one they had with the 6 members of the forum). So if something would make your enjoyment of the forum better, suggest it.

Please do remember that GOG makes the decision not forum members.

I'm changing my OP, as I won't keep a list of what was suggested. I do realize now that everything and it's contrary will be suggested and I don't want to represent someone's suggestion incorrectly. I also thought about linking to wishlists pertaining to suggestions seen, but I feel they could be abused (if I'm mistaken, share your reasoning why I am; I might reconsider).
Post edited October 09, 2017 by metricfun
Wanted Features:
-Named Quote
Boxed Quote - because this one looks half-baked.
-Preformatted text
-Strikethrough tag
-List tag
-Subforum inside game series

And some already mentioned: Preview Post feature, better Post History feature, better Search Function, and Spoiler tag.

Unwanted Feature:
-User Post-Count - For me, post content is what matters, not the number; it'll be just as bad as rep was, in terms of confusing numbers.

Partially Disliked Feature: PDF (wait, what?)
-Ability to freely edit or delete the original post - "Talk crap now. Edit later."
But ofcourse it has its good points, especially when you misinterpreted a post or get ninja'd, among other convenient stuffs.
Lazarus_03: -Ability to freely edit or delete the original post - "Talk crap now. Edit later."
How about having this feature, but also having an option to view the previous versions of the post? (Also, such previous versions should be reportable if they violate the rules.)
dtgreene: How about having this feature, but also having an option to view the previous versions of the post?
But what about accidental posts or posting mistakes?
Like uploading wrong image, users posting personally identifiable information (name, address, email, etc.) or linking improper sites unaware of the risks/cons.
Another user would hop in to warn them, then they could just safely edit those w/o leaving a trace.

Honestly, I prefer it the way it was now because of the convenience it provides.
I just dislike how it could be easily abuse using the 'Post-Edit' approach.
Lazarus_03: -Ability to freely edit or delete the original post - "Talk crap now. Edit later."
dtgreene: How about having this feature, but also having an option to view the previous versions of the post? (Also, such previous versions should be reportable if they violate the rules.)
seriously - what would be the point of such a feature?