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RWarehall: Just tell me how you would feel about the above if I were seriously reporting you...
zeogold: I would feel like you're an idiot because all anybody has to do is click on the little arrow next to the quote and be taken straight to my [unedited] comment showing I said none of that.
Except he did this to a post I had edited for a spelling error and then claimed I edited out the word Jew. So sorry if I feel he is a dishonest jerk.
micktiegs_8: This place is giving me either a split personality, or bipolar; so yes, that statement couldn't be more true.
That may be true, but at least you have each other.
snowkatt: and engaged us on his own
snowkatt: and he hasnt even posted in the thread
An even bumped an old thread in the hopes of getting info.
Post edited November 17, 2016 by zeogold
micktiegs_8: This place is giving me either a split personality, or bipolar; so yes, that statement couldn't be more true.
zeogold: That may be true, but at least you have each other.
snowkatt: and engaged us on his own
zeogold: He HAS.
snowkatt: and he hasnt even posted in the thread
zeogold: He DID.
An even bumped an old thread in the hopes of getting info.
oh goodie
lets see if it wil stick then wont we ?
Check my edit, added where he showed up.
zeogold: Check my edit, added where he showed up.
ill believe it when i see any changes
as i said before history is NOT on their side
micktiegs_8: I've had no further contact with ANY blue on the matter, and I never wish to contact a blue again.
For the last time, HE'S NEW. He just got to this job and he's being told to moderate a community he knows nothing about, where one half says to go one way, the other half says to go the other, there are trolls and scammers in the mix, the entire thread made for him devolves into a political rant, and now everybody's telling him he sucks.
He doesn't know how things are "supposed" to go, and that's exactly what he's trying to figure out.

I'm going to tell you this one more time:
If you want your thread locked, ASK JUDAS. if you don't, that's your own fault and you're just being stubborn.

snowkatt: ill believe it when i see any changes
as i said before history is NOT on their side
Believe it or don't, but you could at least try not to make the poor guy feel any more unwelcome than he undoubtedly already does.
Post edited November 17, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: one more time..
But why? You don't need to tell me, I don't want you to tell me, but you feel you need to because....? I told you man, you've changed.

My edited comment was literally a middle-ground statement. Don't go out of your way to feel as though you're some heroic figure that you need to tell me among others what we should be doing.
micktiegs_8: Don't go out of your way to feel as though you're some heroic figure that you need to tell me among others what we should be doing.
It's not that, it's just that I'm sick of all the harassment that Fables has been getting. Here's a guy that actually WANTS to try to help this place out and has openly expressed so, and suddenly we're all trash-talking him just because he's showed up. Don't turn him into the next Konrad, where he ultimately sees us, makes the decision that this place is full of hopeless individuals, then disappears without a trace because he's given up.
Post edited November 17, 2016 by zeogold
snowkatt: ill believe it when i see any changes
as i said before history is NOT on their side
zeogold: Believe it or don't, but you could at least try not to make the poor guy feel any more unwelcome than he undoubtedly already does.
i honestly dont see any reason to do so
we have been jerked around by our chains so much and now we are thrown a newbie and expected to believe he will do where the others failed ?
yeah well good luck with that mate but ive pretty much given up

and i doubt im the only one

this clusterfuck of a thread shows that much

micktiegs_8: Don't go out of your way to feel as though you're some heroic figure that you need to tell me among others what we should be doing.
zeogold: It's not that, it's just that I'm sick of all the harassment that Fables has been getting. Here's a guy that actually WANTS to try to help this place out and has openly expressed so, and suddenly we're all trash-talking him just because he's showed up.
cause we are angry tired and frustrated
after years of being ignored we get a "manager"after the previous ones failed to do fuck all
and then we get to hear : so sorry i cant do anything yet
which is the usual bullshit excuse we get to hear anyway

and you expect us to be open minded ?
Post edited November 17, 2016 by snowkatt
snowkatt: i honestly dont see any reason to do so
Maybe because he's somebody who's been given a difficult job, has been open and communicating about everything, and has at least expressed the will to help?
If you're on a desert island waiting to get rescued and you see 2 boats go past that could've rescued you and suddenly a 3rd boat is approaching, do you not bother to get the attention of that boat because of the last 2 that ignored you, instead preferring to starve to death? Or, in your case, hurl insults at the 3rd boat and tell the people in it you hope they sink?
It's a sucky analogy, I know, but being overly-cynical about this is literally less than helpful.
Kinda with katt here. But I'm a little more laid back and just not invested in being shat on by GOG. If they fix something, GREAT!! If not, it's just status quo.
snowkatt: and you expect us to be open minded ?
I expect you to have the decency to respect a man who's doing the best that he can with what he's been given.

Would you prefer him to have not shown up at all, then just appeared out of the blue and banned people without getting a feel for the community first?
Y'know, kinda like what happened to tinyE?
Post edited November 17, 2016 by zeogold
snowkatt: and you expect us to be open minded ?
zeogold: I expect you to have the decency to respect a man who's doing the best that he can with what he's been given.
we have been neglected by and shat on by gog for years now
and now we are supposed to believe THIS new "manager"is gonna fix it all ?
im not believing it
snowkatt: and now we are supposed to believe THIS new "manager"is gonna fix it all ?
im not believing it
I didn't say you have to believe he'll fix it.
I just said you should respect, or at least not harass him. I could understand it if he was just like "Hi! They hired me to be community manager!" and then disappeared, but so far, he's done anything but that.
snowkatt: i honestly dont see any reason to do so
zeogold: Maybe because he's somebody who's been given a difficult job, has been open and communicating about everything, and has at least expressed the will to help?
If you're on a desert island waiting to get rescued and you see 2 boats go past that could've rescued you and suddenly a 3rd boat is approaching, do you not bother to get the attention of that boat because of the last 2 that ignored you, instead preferring to starve to death? Or, in your case, hurl insults at the 3rd boat and tell the people in it you hope they sink?
It's a sucky analogy, I know, but being overly-cynical about this is literally less than helpful.
this third boat is swerving all over the place coming no closer but not going any further either
thats all i am seeing

lets take that laughable we are listening to your feedback thread for example
that thread is symptomatic of whats wrong with gog and why a lot of us are angry and frustrated
its was opened with the best intentions iam sure
buts become clear that its not being read
the feedback is ignored and the we are yelling in the void or an echo chamber at best