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timppu: The article is from February apparently, and there were discussions about that here too.

Someone suggested (hoped?) that the reason Night Dive was unable to acquire the rights for NOLF was because was in the talks getting them instead. Wishful thinking at this point, maybe.

Nowadays it seems GOG and ND are partly competing with each other, trying to acquire the rights for some lost games, e.g. acquired the SSI games while ND acquired many others; yet at the same time they do some collaboration as well.
gOg have never aqiered the rights to any game, this is what I consider the main flaw in thei buisness plan and why ND succeed where gOg fails. gOg try to convince the rightholders to release a game (with technical assistance), nothing else. Inthis regards, gOg and ND are not competitors. ND is a publiser, gOg is a storefront.
amok: gOg have never aqiered the rights to any game
amok: gOg have never aqiered the rights to any game
JMich: Ahem.
Makes me hopeful that CDP or someone else they contract might make a remake of some of those games.
amok: gOg have never aqiered the rights to any game, this is what I consider the main flaw in thei buisness plan and why ND succeed where gOg fails.
That is old information. I think Fantasy General was the first game on where the publisher was marked as GOG Ltd.

So yeah, this is a pretty recent change in GOG's model, becoming also a publisher for selected titles.
Post edited October 28, 2015 by timppu
JMich: Ahem.
Crosmando: Makes me hopeful that CDP or someone else they contract might make a remake of some of those games.
HD Remaster?
Crosmando: Makes me hopeful that CDP or someone else they contract might make a remake of some of those games.
Elmofongo: HD Remaster?
Elmofongo: Temptation to find a free digital version increasing.
Temptation to upload a digital version all over the internet increasing. If that can't bring up a claim of ownership, well, then nobody will content having a free digital version for download.
lettmon: Sequel was bad and did not sell, series died.
I don't know how well it sold but I thought the sequel was pretty good, at least better than FEAR 2.
lettmon: Sequel was bad and did not sell, series died.
The sequel was anything but bad (91 on metacritic) and won numerous "Game of the Year" awards. It sold reasonably well, but didn't break any records. The spinoff/prequel game, Contract J.A.C.K., was a different story. It was horribly reviewed and had awful sales, but it still didn't really kill the franchise. What did kill the franchise was the same thing that is preventing a re-release, the screwed up licensing thanks to mergers and buyouts between all the rights holders.
Old news. Used physical copies aren't that hard to find or extremely expensive for NOLF 1&2. It also is pretty easy to get both games running on more modern systems.

I have both running without issue on my win7 64bit rig.
amok: gOg have never aqiered the rights to any game
JMich: Ahem.
Amen. ;)
amok: gOg have never aqiered the rights to any game
JMich: Ahem.
Finally, about time.
011284mm: That rather sucks, and does really go to show just how little the big corporations really care about their audiences, their IP's and the legacy that is gaming.
The annoying thing is they don't seem to care about making money off them either. Seriously, how troublesome can it be for them to have a person go digging through old boxes? It's not like they're understaffed or don't have any underused interns around.
011284mm: That rather sucks, and does really go to show just how little the big corporations really care about their audiences, their IP's and the legacy that is gaming.
ashwald: The annoying thing is they don't seem to care about making money off them either. Seriously, how troublesome can it be for them to have a person go digging through old boxes? It's not like they're understaffed or don't have any underused interns around.
Its mostly that its eaiser to make a sequal to a popular game they own and will sell MILLIONS rather than dig around and re-release an old game that probably a few thousand people will buy.
Randalator: Just release the damn thing. ...
Trilarion: But who should do it? You? Me? Someone else?

If the rights are distributed, everyone and noone could release it?
Night Dive, obviously. They have the whole thing lined up already.