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LootHunter: Actually, my response was to Breja, for he was basically accusing GreasyDogMeat of not liking different attitude to gameplay-story relations than his own, while simultaniously doing the same thing - not likeing different attitude to gameplay-story relations than his own.
Breja: Are you really this dense? I mean, I know you're basically just here to troll, but still - this is amazing even for you. I have literally stated clearly multiple times that his opinion about story in games is perfectly fine.
I think the guy's just roasting you a little. In his other posts he doesn't seem to mind stories and even cut-scenes in games. I wouldn't bother getting angry or calling names over it.

StingingVelvet: This thread got me playing Wolfenstein The Old Blood finally and maybe New Order is better than I remember because I'm enjoying it a good bit. Man that's one ugly engine though, even on "ultra settings" it looks like garbage.
Glad you're enjoying it :)

I'm honestly not sure what makes a good looking AAA game anymore. The more graphics advance the more samey everything seems to look.
Post edited April 11, 2019 by Hawkbit12
Hawkbit12: I'm honestly not sure what makes a good looking AAA game anymore. The more graphics advance the more samey everything seems to look.
That engine is just filled to the brim with processing effects and doesn't have real AA, so that's what I mean. The art design and stuff isn't bad at all, I just dislike the blurry/jaggy look of it. Might look better in 4k but not sure I wanna try that on my mid-range card.
hedwards: In short, this extreme arrogance about how the genre benefits from stories is rather ridiculous.
Breja: You're the one here arguing that your obviously subjective opinion on what and how people enjoy in a game is the only valid one, and that you're the judge of who can call themselves a "true fan" of the genre". And you accuse others of "extreme arrogance". Precious. Just... precious.
This type of pseudo-intellectual dribble is why I don't respect your intellect. I've been pretty clear about what my stance here is. The fact that certain people are too intellectually lazy to respond to what I've posted rather than what you imagine I've posted isn't really my problem.

Neither of you have put forward anything even approaching a valid reason as to why injecting a story into this genre of game is a good thing or has no effect on the game.

The first one is mildly subjective, but as I've already pointed out, it does impact the pacing and the gameplay in ways that aren't necessarily good. And in the second case, it's objectively not true. Putting a story into a game, rather than packaging it with the game, requires compromises and adjustments be made to accommodate it. I've already stated why.

And BTW, you're the last one on this board that should be talking about arrogance. It's hilarious that with all the pseudo-intellectual pomposity that you exhibit on the forum that you can say that without wetting yourself from all the laughing.
StingingVelvet: This thread got me playing Wolfenstein The Old Blood finally and maybe New Order is better than I remember because I'm enjoying it a good bit. Man that's one ugly engine though, even on "ultra settings" it looks like garbage.
As a fan of the franchise, I frankly despised the new Wolfenstein games. That said, The Old Blood was the best of the bunch. It was like they were actually trying to make a Wolfenstein game. It was basically a remake/retelling of plot elements from Return to Castle Wolfenstein. They used the id Tech 5 (RAGE) engine for both New Order and Old Blood. New Colossus uses the id Tech 6 (Doom 2016) engine.
fr33kSh0w2012: OH FFS - system shock II is a FPPRPG (First Person Perspective Role Playing Game)
I prefer 'immersive sim', but yeah hybrid FPS/RPG definitely fits it more than just calling it a FPS with RPG elements. There are so few games that fall into the category of 'immersive sim' that it seems people just end up calling it whatever element it features most prominently... or what people perceive is the most prominent aspect. With SS2 people will either just call it a FPS or RPG most of the time and not even bother calling it a hybrid.
Post edited April 11, 2019 by GreasyDogMeat
@ Breja... FWIW I respect your opinion. It's just I notice that both you and Hawk were people drawn into the genre years, if not a decade after it showed up and were drawn in for reasons beyond what FPS fans love... the first person shooting. I love the genre in it's purity and I don't need any bells and whistles to add to it. As time has passed and developers try and draw more and more people to buy their games they've added more and more ingredients... to the detriment of purists trying to cut through the condiments to the meat of the experience.

Lucky for me the old school fps indie scene has been awesome lately! Also hoping Doom 2016 & Eternal bring back more passion for FPS purity. It's been awesome seeing people hyped and excited for old school shooters. There is a part at the start of Doom 2016 that resonated with many players. The game starts, we get some dialogue... some story... a character starts talking to you and then Doom guy just grabs the screen talking at him and hurls it into a wall. Show don't tell!
StingingVelvet: This thread got me playing Wolfenstein The Old Blood finally and maybe New Order is better than I remember because I'm enjoying it a good bit. Man that's one ugly engine though, even on "ultra settings" it looks like garbage.
GreasyDogMeat: As a fan of the franchise, I frankly despised the new Wolfenstein games. That said, The Old Blood was the best of the bunch. It was like they were actually trying to make a Wolfenstein game. It was basically a remake/retelling of plot elements from Return to Castle Wolfenstein. They used the id Tech 5 (RAGE) engine for both New Order and Old Blood. New Colossus uses the id Tech 6 (Doom 2016) engine.
There were parts of that reboot that I liked, but it's a good example of what's wrong with the genre. The story didn't improve the gameplay, I remember some cut scenes, but in general, the game wasn't what I wanted.

I think it's like Doom 3 where if they had used a different name for the game, that I might have liked it. But, essentially lying to me about what I was buying made it much less likely that I'd enjoy it.
GreasyDogMeat: @ Breja... FWIW I respect your opinion. It's just I notice that both you and Hawk were people drawn into the genre years, if not a decade after it showed up and were drawn in for reasons beyond what FPS fans love... the first person shooting. I love the genre in it's purity and I don't need any bells and whistles to add to it. As time has passed and developers try and draw more and more people to buy their games they've added more and more ingredients... to the detriment of purists trying to cut through the condiments to the meat of the experience.

Lucky for me the old school fps indie scene has been awesome lately! Also hoping Doom 2016 & Eternal bring back more passion for FPS purity. It's been awesome seeing people hyped and excited for old school shooters. There is a part at the start of Doom 2016 that resonated with many players. The game starts, we get some dialogue... some story... a character starts talking to you and then Doom guy just grabs the screen talking at him and hurls it into a wall. Show don't tell!
I always cringe when people who didn't just come in later, but also largely didn't bother to understand the origins of the genre insist that newer is better, but can't give any reason why it's better.

I get that some people like regenerating health, but at least have a reason for thinking it's an improvement if you're going to argue that being a pro. Similarly with these story elements, I've yet to see a decent reason why including a story is worth the impact it has on the pacing of the other aspects of gameplay. These games originated ruing an era where text was incredibly cheap, but graphics were expensive. And when there were tons of developers out there. The genre just did not sell based upon story in most cases.

Failing to read my or their posts just makes it that much worse. Just because something can be expressed as an opinion does not make it subjective.
Post edited April 11, 2019 by hedwards
Hawkbit12: Would you be interested in such thing for Quake? Any points you'd be interesting in disusing?
Not really.
I am one of those who believes things can be spoiled by over-analyzing ... why I usually avoid book reviews.

It is enough for me that I love or like a game, movie, book, person, etc.
I am generally a deep thinker, but when it comes to entertainment, my deep thinking is turned off.
That's why it peeves me greatly when developers do stuff that disengages me ... stuff that jars.

It's all about the flow and being given enough of the right thing to suspend disbelief.

So for me, a good story can enhance any game, even FPS. But some can do the opposite. But once again, that could be subjective to where I am coming from. Pacing can also be critical.

Most games in my experience have redeeming features. What I like about Blood or Shadow Warrior or Redneck Rampage etc is not really the same as what I like about Quake or each of them. Some factors grow after repeated play, just like some movies or music grow on you ... or people for that matter.

Sometimes it is the simplistic elements that engage you most. Look at The Beatles music, and its drumming, which is pretty basic. It may be basic, but it really fits, and enhances in my view because of it. It helps the songs shine.
Post edited April 11, 2019 by Timboli
Timboli: Not really.
I am one of those who believes things can be spoiled by over-analyzing ... why I usually avoid book reviews.
Can't say fairer than that.

Timboli: So for me, a good story can enhance any game, even FPS. But some can do the opposite. But once again, that could be subjective to where I am coming from. Pacing can also be critical.
More or less how I see it.

Timboli: Most games in my experience have redeeming features. What I like about Blood or Shadow Warrior or Redneck Rampage etc is not really the same as what I like about Quake or each of them. Some factors grow after repeated play, just like some movies or music grow on you.
True. but the opposite can happen too.Repeated exposure making you hate something more. That's how I feel about the exploding suicide blobs in Quake 1. I find them more annoying every time I play it. just out of interest: Do you find
them fun to fight?

Ahh Redneck Rampage.... Is it just me or are the expansion packs infinitely better than the base game? Like I Base RR has IMO some of the worst levels in any FPS but I think Sucking Grits on Route 66 most of RR Rides Again boarder on greatness. Disgrace Land is one of the best levels of the 90s.
edit: nevermind, not worth my time
Post edited April 11, 2019 by Breja
Breja: edit: nevermind, not worth my time
I'm glad you saved everyone's.
Hawkbit12: True. but the opposite can happen too.Repeated exposure making you hate something more. That's how I feel about the exploding suicide blobs in Quake 1. I find them more annoying every time I play it. just out of interest: Do you find
them fun to fight?
I guess you are talking about the Spawn.
Been a good while since I played a level with them, so not fresh in my memory ... but because of that, they couldn't have been too memorable. Like many of the enemy in Quake, there was always a trick to deal with each of them. I can't recall it for them, but it must have been sufficient.

Hawkbit12: Ahh Redneck Rampage.... Is it just me or are the expansion packs infinitely better than the base game? Like I Base RR has IMO some of the worst levels in any FPS but I think Sucking Grits on Route 66 most of RR Rides Again boarder on greatness. Disgrace Land is one of the best levels of the 90s.
I loved all of Redneck Rampage, but I seem to recall it got more advanced as you went along through the expansions. I also played many user levels, and some of them were great too. I loved the hillbilly music and the redneck humor. Been far too long since I have played any. While I have the discs, I did re-buy at GOG, so maybe I will play again soon. So many games, so little time.
Breja: edit: nevermind, not worth my time
GreasyDogMeat: I'm glad you saved everyone's.
Pretty much. I personally think it's hilarious how he can post any of that without any sense of irony or shame.

So much of the response to what I've posted in various posts in this thread has nothing to do with what I posted, and everything to do with other people's projecting their thoughts and feelings onto my posts.
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: OH FFS - system shock II is a FPPRPG (First Person Perspective Role Playing Game)
Hawkbit12: I've said this before. But I really don't see it that way. Morrowind is a First Person RPG. SS2 is an FPS with RPG elements in it. There's very little in SS2 that you wouldn't find in modern FPS games. Things like levels, perk, and character builds are standard now. An RPG should have some kind of role-playing or player freedom. SS2 story has none. The player has as much agency as a film viewer has. Bioshock Infinite has more role-playing than SS2 and the choices you make in that game are pointless and trivial by design.
The game is 80% running and gunning and 20% time wasting in the inventory and upgrade select room. If that 20% is all it takes to make a true RPG then every modern AAA action game is an RPG.

I'm not saying you think this. But I feel like the insistence from a lot of people that it is an RPG comes down to snobbery. That calling the first person game that mostly involves shooting things an FPS is some sort of insult against it. That it would be less of game if it is described as such. That FPS games are dumb games are for dumb people and calling a game they like one makes them feel small.

I hope that when I play Deus Ex it has more of real RPG experience.
Yes, actually yes it does but towards the end of it you're kind of railroaded into it that is what annoys me with modern RPG's even Oblivion and New vegas/fallout 3 is guilty of this!

if it was a TRUE RPG you could finish it any way you liked.
GreasyDogMeat: I'm glad you saved everyone's.
hedwards: Pretty much. I personally think it's hilarious how he can post any of that without any sense of irony or shame.

So much of the response to what I've posted in various posts in this thread has nothing to do with what I posted, and everything to do with other people's projecting their thoughts and feelings onto my posts.
AH a fellow poster that posts his posts in an Objective type manner just like me.

Objective means COLD HARD FACTS, This upsets little pweshus millennial snowflakes.

The little Millennial snowflakes need a tissue and also maybe a SOCK.
Post edited April 12, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
My dumb ass just realized I was accidentally playing The Old Blood on medium, because you have to hit "apply" to change graphics and I guess I didn't. So ignore my comments above, on "high" the game looks pretty good and does have AA. Just finished it, last couple levels are pretty iffy but the rest of the game was a solid linear shooter. Not my favorite type of game but good for what it is.
StingingVelvet: My dumb ass just realized I was accidentally playing The Old Blood on medium, because you have to hit "apply" to change graphics and I guess I didn't. So ignore my comments above, on "high" the game looks pretty good and does have AA. Just finished it, last couple levels are pretty iffy but the rest of the game was a solid linear shooter. Not my favorite type of game but good for what it is.
I've done the exact same thing. Heck, when I first played Half-life (around 2012) I didn't now you were supposed to work with options to make the game look better. So I played the whole thing at around 720 by 480 on a 1600 by 1080 screen. It looked like the world's shittiest impression painting. Playing it it 1920 by 1440 it almost feels like a different game

So do you still think Old Blood is better than New Order or would you say they're about the same?