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"fallout bethesda" returned 100 posts
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Fallout 4 drops on the 10th and I can't wait. This will be my first pre-order of a game. Also, for poops and giggles, I might do a twitch of me playing the game, b/c why not, everyone else will be.

But anyways, did anyone else pre-order? Worried it's gonna be a buggy mess? I am. However, I got it on the xbox, which is lead, so hopefully it will not be too bad.

If you've watched the S.P.E.C.I.A.L videos, you see there are hints that some fun things may go on in-game (brahman falling). What do you think your first build is gonna be? What is the one thing you are looking forward to doing in Boston? Do you think you are gonna build a town or just kinda bum around like you did in the old games?

I might make a pure-luck, punchy gal and my first thing is to go and find a deathclaw and give it a big ol' hug. However, at lvl 1 i might only be able to look at it before I die.

Here is the Strength SPECIAL video if you haven't seen it. There is one for each trait.
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Crewdroog
My poor aging PC won't even run it, but I'm not too worried- I've still got Wasteland 2 and Fallout Tactics to go over.

And even if I could run it on settings so high they would think the walls are melting I still wouldn't pre-order it. Don't pre-order. Ever. I don't know how many times we have to go over this. It's not like they'll run out. Don't buy unfinished product. Don't buy untill you know if the fucking thing actually works. The pre-order culture is ruining gaming for everyone. I implore you people. Don't pre-order. I don't care how excited you are. Patience is a virtue.
Breja: My poor aging PC won't even run it, but I'm not too worried- I've still got Wasteland 2 and Fallout Tactics to go over.

And even if I could run it on settings so high they would think the walls are melting I still wouldn't pre-order it. Don't pre-order. Ever. I don't know how many times we have to go over this. It's not like they'll run out. Don't buy unfinished product. Don't buy untill you know if the fucking thing actually works. The pre-order culture is ruining gaming for everyone. I implore you people. Don't pre-order. I don't care how excited you are. Patience is a virtue.
Siiiiiighhhhh I know, and normally i'm one on the "well you pre-ordered it stupid" bus yelling at people, and I know that they tend to put out bugs but it's one of my all-time favorite franchises and I just can't wait. I need to play it day one.

edit: and yes, I NEED to play it. LOL
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Crewdroog
Crewdroog: Siiiiiighhhhh I know, and normally i'm one on the "well you pre-ordered it stupid" bus yelling at people, but I know that they tend to put out bugs but it's one of my all-time favorite franchises and I just can't wait. I need to play it day one.
Good luck if you're actually able too. When I think back to what it took for me to get Fallout 3 to work I'm surprised I didn't end up summoning Cthulhu by accident. And that wasn't even day one, or even day 365.
I pre-ordered the pip-boy edition for PC. I've been playing around with the pip-boy app and it seems pretty awesome. I don't see why I wouldn't like the game; I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas (haven't gotten around to Tactics yet). Hopefully it will get released on here someday and we can enjoy a DRM free copy.
itchanddino: I pre-ordered the pip-boy edition for PC. I've been playing around with the pip-boy app and it seems pretty awesome. I don't see why I wouldn't like the game; I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas (haven't gotten around to Tactics yet). Hopefully it will get released on here someday and we can enjoy a DRM free copy.
Ooooo, pipboy edition. A little to rich for my blood. Not for my brother though, he got it as soon as they announced. I've been sitting on the fence as to whether to pre-order it until a few days ago. Meh, I got a discount via amazon.

I do hope they eventually come here, I would totally buy it again, along with FO3 and NV. but, i'm not gonna hold my breath.
It's a Bethesda game- give it 6 months to a year for the modders to fix up all the problems and improve it, then pick it up.
Fallout should stay an Isometric turned based RPG not baby's first STALKER game.

Wasteland is just not is interesting and memorable as Fallout :P
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: Fallout should stay an Isometric turned based RPG not baby's first STALKER game.

Wasteland is just not is interesting and memorable as Fallout :P
Um, aside from radiation and fpp... theres little similarity between Fallout (3 onwards) and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series)
Sachys: I think it'll be four years of community patches, dlcs, dlcs becomeing a complete or "GOTY" collection and me getting a better income to buy a better pc before it hits 75% off before I can even consider it.

But then... maybe then... I might be dead. :(
Crewdroog: that is a really sad story :(
you can always donate a better income and / or a better pc to make it a happier one!
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Sachys
Elmofongo: Fallout should stay an Isometric turned based RPG not baby's first STALKER game.

Wasteland is just not is interesting and memorable as Fallout :P
Sachys: Um, aside from radiation and fpp... theres little similarity between Fallout (3 onwards) and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series)
If anything the all 3 STALKER games blow Fallout 3, New Vegas, and this 4 out of the water in terms of being a Post-Apacolypse Survival RPG.

Elmofongo: Fallout should stay an Isometric turned based RPG not baby's first STALKER game.

Wasteland is just not is interesting and memorable as Fallout :P
no. turn-based games are the worst (as i replied in the other thread :) ). In a game of survival, stopping during a fight and spending however long you want to decide what to do is utter nonsense. React quick or die. I also HATE VATs by the way.
Elmofongo: Fallout should stay an Isometric turned based RPG not baby's first STALKER game.

Wasteland is just not is interesting and memorable as Fallout :P
Sachys: Um, aside from radiation and fpp... theres little similarity between Fallout (3 onwards) and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series)
Crewdroog: that is a really sad story :(
Sachys: you can always donate a better income and / or a better pc to make it a happier one!
ok, let me go find another duckie flotilla. go wait by the sea for the package :)
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Crewdroog
Elmofongo: Fallout should stay an Isometric turned based RPG not baby's first STALKER game.

Wasteland is just not is interesting and memorable as Fallout :P
Crewdroog: no. turn-based games are the worst (as i replied in the other thread :) ). In a game of survival, stopping during a fight and spending however long you want to decide what to do is utter nonsense. React quick or die. I also HATE VATs by the way.
That's it I'm going all Crosmando/RPGCodex on your ass.

You just hate turned based RPGs because you are a filthy casual :P

....I kid I kid ;)
Elmofongo: That's it I'm going all Crosmando/RPGCodex on your ass.

You just hate turned based RPGs because you are a filthy casual :P

....I kid I kid ;)
Crewdroog: LOL for like two seconds I got super pissed. hahahahahaa <3

casual my ass! :) you are turn-based b/c you just can't think on your feet and you are too slow. oh wait this makes me think of a very funny sketch that totally sums up what I think turn-based is:

whitest kids u know: Polite War
The turn based combat in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 is still fun though because it is nice to be able to take the time to decide whether or not, you want to shoot someone in the groin or in the head((in a video game, of course). :)
Crewdroog: LOL for like two seconds I got super pissed. hahahahahaa <3

casual my ass! :) you are turn-based b/c you just can't think on your feet and you are too slow. oh wait this makes me think of a very funny sketch that totally sums up what I think turn-based is:

whitest kids u know: Polite War
monkeydelarge: The turn based combat in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 is still fun though because it is nice to be able to take the time to decide whether or not, you want to shoot someone in the groin or in the head((in a video game, of course). :)
yeah that's why they put VATs in the new fallouts. however, it's just not my thing. it annoys me like musicals annoy me. People just don't spontaneously break into song and choreographed dance (ok, well flash mobs maybe).

Bc of turn-based combat, I could not play the first fallouts. I tried, but I just couldn't.
monkeydelarge: The turn based combat in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 is still fun though because it is nice to be able to take the time to decide whether or not, you want to shoot someone in the groin or in the head((in a video game, of course). :)
Crewdroog: yeah that's why they put VATs in the new fallouts. however, it's just not my thing. it annoys me like musicals annoy me. People just don't spontaneously break into song and choreographed dance (ok, well flash mobs maybe).

Bc of turn-based combat, I could not play the first fallouts. I tried, but I just couldn't.
You can play Fallout Tactics. There is a real time combat option for that game.