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Will we have to pay to watch the trailer?
Hopefully Bethesda has the good sense to release it in India this time.........
Cadaver747: Fallout Online
OneFiercePuppy: Don't even mention such a thing ;_;
Yeah shut up cadaver, you F(all)O(ut)O(n)L(ine) :P
The excitement is killing me. If it IS Fallout 4, I hope the team from FO3 have learned from obsidian and are going to present something as awesome as Skyrim was back in '11 and worthy of being in the game's series lore.
Hoping against hope their upcoming projects bankrupt Bethesda. Die! :)
i assume its a FPP again ?

if they can make a decent classic like version, so thats no new techno things in the game, no 3d, no fullscreen lightning effects, no rotating , no zooming , and NO vectors but only old school graphics like fallout classic had, then i might buy it,

if my system can handle it and if the price be > 25 euros

but i think it be more of the same current fpp fallout so its a no no for me
stg83: Yep, people will get caught up in the hype for the game thereby making it easier for Bethedsda and Steam to reintroduce paid mods through it.
So long as there's a platform for free mods available, I have a hard time drumming up much outrage about this idea. It's not all that unreasonable for people to be allowed to put a price tag on their work. Unless it looks like Bethesda will be taking a wildly divergent step from how their other games have been, a new Fallout should be easy to mod, so there should be plenty of quality, free mods as well.

I mean, who would begrudge a guy a few bucks for Falskaar?
darthspudius: Hey as long as it is interesting and not that dire shite New Vegas. I'm good.Bring it on!
I beg you pardon, Sir! Ignorants like you are the reasons why we can't have nice, intelligent RPGs anymore!
Pheace: javaSCRIPT
Fixed that for you.
Meh. If there's no Obsidian involved then I ain't even interested.
Yeah, I'm expecting this to be Skyrim with guns. I'll probably play it once there's a complete edition out and on sale. I have little faith in Bethesda to do Fallout any justice, especially after Obsidian did the franchise so much better, despite time crunches, etc, that got put on them.
darthspudius: Hey as long as it is interesting and not that dire shite New Vegas. I'm good.Bring it on!
viperfdl: I beg you pardon, Sir! Ignorants like you are the reasons why we can't have nice, intelligent RPGs anymore!
Thank you. :D