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Is that your blood rushing so suddenly? Are those thoughts even yours? Well stranger, you’ve come to the place where reality and imagination blur. Here, the echoes of countless souls before you whisper through the eerie silence, and every step you take leads you deeper into the shadows. Enter, if you dare, and allow me to be your guide.

Haunted Grounds of GOG is the name. In its corridors, the prices of more than 3000 titles cower in fear, slashed to a mere fraction, but will you? Your presence here signals a willingness to explore. Keep a watchful eye, flesh-walker, whatever lingers in the mist, hungers for you.

Let us begin, and walk through the first doorway where Days Gone are waiting to be discovered.

What would you do in a harsh wilderness that took over the world two years after a devastating global pandemic? Would you find a reason to live in a land surrounded by death?

Days Gone (available now with 67% off until November 1st, 10 PM UTC) is the reality of former outlaw biker Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter who’s bound to scavenge through abandoned settlements for equipment to craft valuable items and weapons, or take chances with other survivors trying to eke out a living through fair trade… or more violent means.

By stepping into his dirt flecked shoes you’ll be able to explore an open-world filled with action, adventures and dangers. From forests and meadows, to snowy plains and desert lava fields, the Pacific Northwest is both beautiful and lethal.

In its ever-changing environment, you’ll journey on Deacon’s trusty motorbike and try to endure the dynamic weather, a dramatic day/night cycle and the evolving Freakers, who adjust to their surroundings – and the people in it.

Will you lose yourself in a powerful tale of desperation, betrayal and regret, as Deacon St. John searches for hope after suffering a deep, personal loss? Will you discover what makes us human when faced with the daily struggle for survival?

What you’ve seen just now, was a showing of the Haunted Grounds’ power. Its dimensions are limitless, and each entry promises an experience that transcends the ordinary.

Since you’ve already witnessed it, there’s no turning back. Delve deeper into a labyrinth of fear and excitement, find the flesh of the titles’ slashed prices, witness their terrifying brilliance, explore the pain, explore the pleasure…


The sights you can already witness… the sights that will soon come…

For now, roam free. Let the pounding of your heart lead the way. Succumb to the mysteries that lie before you. In time, I’ll return – try to keep your soul intact.

Halloween Sale lasts until November 1st, 10 PM UTC. Check out our Days Gone stream on Twitch happening on October 26th, 1 AM UTC, with dizzy.
tfishell: (This isn't on sale, but it's cheap enough for most people so I felt it'd be okay to promote here.)

If you played Heroine's Quest and enjoyed it (or even if you didn't play it but are doing well financially and have $3 available), please consider buying the Dev Appreciation Package:
Oh, thx very much for reminder. On it!
I was actually gonna support this as soon as ... I forgot to. Rly GoG wishlist could use some reminder features or such. I have a looong wishlist and getting lost there ...
No wait! Income today! xD...and I sit in that hut every night
How is Blood: Fresh Supply not on sale right now? During a bloody Halloween Sale?!


Anyway, I'm also glad to see more Sony games showing up here. Even thou I also couldn't care less about anything with Zombies in it really.
SargonAelther: Huh? What's the story here? Is there some conflict between fans and Sony that lead to the cancellation of the sequel?
Syphon72: Positive, he was blaming reviews for nitpicking at the game for having white male main character. He Blames 'Woke reviewers. When it was released, some reviewers did complain about white characters. Sony decided not to make a sequel because of the low review score, even when it sold a lot.

Day's Gone has 71 metascore

Edit: the video I link was not a review.
I read one review of the game where some reviewer Chick was complaining that the female character was a Damsel in distress and the game wasn't "woke" enough.
Instabought after that, never regretted. "Professional" Review sites are only good for laughs these days.
00063: Since more than half of the reviews here on gog are not legit (not verified) i've went to check on steam, and found out that Days Gone apparently contains the same spyware ("data collection") as Horizon Zero Dawn! Shame on you Sony!

And while i'm personally not interested in either of these games, i found the aforementioned spyware highly disturbing.
Can someone please give a comprehensive & full explanation as to what, exactly, this post is referring to?
Syphon72: Positive, he was blaming reviews for nitpicking at the game for having white male main character.
Considering the character's background it's an odd criticism as US biker clubs skew very male and very white. Not to mention the location of the game, the Pacific Northwest, especially Oregon, is one of the whitest parts of the country.

I mean, sure they could have chosen a completely different character with different background but for a game that's all about being a biker in the near zombie apocalypse it kind of makes sense? *shrug*
Post edited October 26, 2023 by P-E-S
Syphon72: Positive, he was blaming reviews for nitpicking at the game for having white male main character.
P-E-S: Considering the character's background it's an odd criticism as US biker clubs skew very male and very white.
You know reality doesn't matter to people who whine about such things.
Theseekingseer: Whoa really! That's awesome! wasn't really aware of it. many thanks for the info!
No problem ;)

I really hope they won't screw this one up. The original game was so good!
00063: Since more than half of the reviews here on gog are not legit (not verified) i've went to check on steam, and found out that Days Gone apparently contains the same spyware ("data collection") as Horizon Zero Dawn! Shame on you Sony!

And while i'm personally not interested in either of these games, i found the aforementioned spyware highly disturbing.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Can someone please give a comprehensive & full explanation as to what, exactly, this post is referring to?
Gog allows everyone to post reviews, even if they don't own the game! Oh and Sony is apparently using their games for data mining/as spyware.

Hope this clarifies it.
Post edited October 26, 2023 by 00063
i hope they will add more games to the sale tomorrow
00063: Since more than half of the reviews here on gog are not legit (not verified) i've went to check on steam, and found out that Days Gone apparently contains the same spyware ("data collection") as Horizon Zero Dawn! Shame on you Sony!

And while i'm personally not interested in either of these games, i found the aforementioned spyware highly disturbing.
Wait till you find out about game engines like Unity having build in spyware
00063: Oh and Sony is apparently using their games for data mining/as spyware.
Thanks. That quoted statement requires more elaboration & clarification though.
Post edited October 26, 2023 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
00063: Since more than half of the reviews here on gog are not legit (not verified) i've went to check on steam, and found out that Days Gone apparently contains the same spyware ("data collection") as Horizon Zero Dawn! Shame on you Sony!

And while i'm personally not interested in either of these games, i found the aforementioned spyware highly disturbing.
Syphon72: Wait till you find out about game engines like Unity having build in spyware
I'm well aware of that Unity analytics shit!
Syphon72: Wait till you find out about game engines like Unity having build in spyware
00063: I'm well aware of that Unity analytics shit!
Thank you!! I was going crazy that so many people don't know about it.

Isn't Paradox Interactive doing the same thing with there launcher?
Post edited October 26, 2023 by Syphon72
Theseekingseer: Whoa really! That's awesome! wasn't really aware of it. many thanks for the info!
Atreyu666: No problem ;)

I really hope they won't screw this one up. The original game was so good!
Agreed! However I prefer the Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare much more...

Hopefully it won't be buggy once it gets released and may it leave a mark in the horror game genre like the resident evil remakes are doing.....