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nightcraw1er.488: ie the text shows what it could but you cant run it.
How appropriate for a script tease - even more so considering the fact that we did not get an Easter sale today. :)
nightcraw1er.488: ie the text shows what it could but you cant run it.
Lemon_Curry: How appropriate for a script tease - even more so considering the fact that we did not get an Easter sale today. :)
Well, it isn't easter yet. The eastereggs only come out on Sunday.
Lemon_Curry: How appropriate for a script tease - even more so considering the fact that we did not get an Easter sale today. :)
Lifthrasil: Well, it isn't easter yet. The eastereggs only come out on Sunday.
No one mentioned eggs, Dizzy games incoming!!!
nightcraw1er.488: No one mentioned eggs, Dizzy games incoming!!!
Stop getting me all excited!
I tried to crucify myself today but it's a no go. There is no way to get the second hand nailed.
Hopefully there will be a sale but not until Monday now.
Post edited April 14, 2017 by sherringon456
tinyE: I tried to crucify myself today but it's a no go. There is no way to get the second hand nailed.
Surely you have heard of nailguns? Bit of string...

Alternatively just go on social media and say something not mainstream acceptable.
My bet for an Easter sale is Monday. All the promos run out then, and it is still Easter. What better way to celebrate a non-zombie resurrection than to spend lots of money and gorge yourself silly on chocolate? :D

Actually, I wonder what the Monty Python crew would have made of the current zombie mania if they had had to make Life of Brian today?

"He's risen from the dead! It's a miracle!"
"Quick, beat it's head in with a shovel!"
"Alright, which smart alec dosed him with the experimental pathogen?"
So where's the Easter Sale ?
i_hope_you_rot: So where's the Easter Sale ?
It's not time yet.

They're still busy at The Last Supper.
ls.jpg (29 Kb)
tinyE: snip
Why don't you change your location to Easter Island ?
tinyE: snip
i_hope_you_rot: Why don't you change your location to Easter Island ?
Because the POTUS hasn't condemned it......yet.