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Matruchus: What silent updates do you mean?
Klumpen0815: Updates of installers without any notification.
Those are A LOT.

I did notice the "what did just update"-thread too late.
I went looking for that thread, I didn't know about this. But most of the forum threads won't load for me, I just get the GOG globe with the message that they are overwhelmed by the popularity of their service. :-(
IwubCheeze: I remember when I first joined GoG just because I just wanted to play Icewind Dale 2 again but said to myself I won't get too carried away buying games, jsut a few and that will be okay. Then I saw my first weekend promo on GoG, then another........ then another.......then a gem promo..........then an awesome bundle deal.......then a game I always wanted to play came on sale (Hostile Waters) .........then another gem promo........then another weekend promo........then another........then another promo where if I bought something, I would get The Wticher 1 for free........then the Unreal games came on sale, then Master of Orion in a gem promo............*sigh*................. I think you get the idea what happened.

Yeah, I said won't get too carried away buying games but my gog shelf has 133 games so far. I royally screwed that plan up, didn't I?

Because I don't want to accept responsibility for my actions, I'm just going to blame everything on GoG and justify it in my mind. It's all gog's fault for making me buy games!!!! It's all their fault I couldn't stick to my original plan. It's all their fault I still bought games this promo and the next time I click the "buy now" button, that will be GoG's fault too.

Tarnicus: I think I've been just a little more spendthift than that...1204 games on Steam (and 414 DLC), 284 on GOG, 311 of Desura and hundreds scattered across various other sites. The irony is that I rarely play them. Pure hoarding for "that day", The Day That Never Comes :)
about carried away, i understand, when i saw gog had paysafe i promised i would get only the games i had on cd that did not work anymore.... but .......... it went out of hand :D , i keep collecting first then when there is a moment of silence, i will play the games, cause i dont want to miss a good sales :D

1204? thats alot wow, i have 220 now cognition (it was cheap i dont know what it is but now i can see what it is)
has 4 games so packages like these can make the number rise considerably.
Tarnicus: See how much catching up I have to do? I'm 150 or so posts behind :P
CarrionCrow: This tracker thread's been more than a little insane when it comes to playing catch-up.

This is definitely the fastest it's ever been for Insomnia.
Yeah there were times when whole pages appeared in minutes!
The_Blog: No you don't according to the writer/Producer who visited this thread :)
iscagog: OK - thanks.

Hmmmm 90% tempted - need a little push. Anyone recommend this?
I bought it on sale during round one because I wanted the whole Dreamfall series.

Then the writer/producer showed up in the actual thread, as was mentioned, and they were extremely cool, down to earth, the kind of person you actually want to support and see succeed.

Those are the kinds of people to back, I think. If you don't have the coin, that's one thing. But if you do? I'd say go for it.
Tarnicus: I miss having deep, restful and long sleeps. I hope to get some when I am back out in nature. Living in town (a tiny one at that) has been too much on my senses these past 18 months. I sleep so peacefully with the sounds of nature and struggle with the sounds of cars, trucks (highway nearby), trains, power tools, dogs barking, lawn mowers etc Give me birds to harken the sunrise and the demonic sounds of possums growling me on my way to sleep any day :)
Getcomposted: Thunderstorms are my lullaby. ;)
I LOVE when the rain is hitting the window and you can hear the wind outside. Best feeling ever ^^
iscagog: OK - thanks.

Hmmmm 90% tempted - need a little push. Anyone recommend this?
thk47: Here take my 10% go grab it!
Thanks. Done :)
Lv55taeyeong: Really, really, really want Dreamfall. Really don't want to pay that much right now. Why couldn't LoG2 come first so I could be finished with this promo and not have this dilemma?
I'm there with you. And I still have to work today. I know it's going to come up then rather than over the weekend when I can nab it.
Anybody noticed the new adverts gog is pushing around when you click on news post on frontpage and get to that prepost page. Its full of adverts now and its getting cluttered and intrusive now.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Matruchus
CarrionCrow: This tracker thread's been more than a little insane when it comes to playing catch-up.

This is definitely the fastest it's ever been for Insomnia.
Tarnicus: Yeah there were times when whole pages appeared in minutes!
I know exactly what you mean.
Fell asleep yesterday, tried to catch up, and you know how after a bit you might want to skim rather than really read?
I tried to avoid that, and pages were appearing faster than I was reading.
Morning, all. I see I haven't missed much, sale-wise. In fact, I just woke up to catch the new promo. I already have Pirates Gold and maybe Covert Action on Steam, but Harvester is calling out to me...
Tarnicus: snip
Oh my god, that's a lot! I think I have 160 games total, 100 or some GOG, 10 steam, 1 origin, the rest are physical. I've replace some physical copies with GOG and I don't buy on Steam or Origin.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by opticq
ElTerprise: + the price might be a bit too high
Tannath: Exactly. 600 copies of a $2 might go fairly easily even at this point, but $15?
I would even take it for 5€ but not for 14€ at the moment.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
Klumpen0815: Has anybody noticed, that there's a weekend promo going on?
gamesfreak64: i just noticed it , i already have a few i bought on previous sale:

Pirates! Gold plus

Sword of the samurai

Realms of arkania 1+2

Realms of arkania 3

Rex nebular and the cosmic gender bender
Good choice.

What this weekends promo badly needs is Civilisation 1+2!
I'm really on the fence with Dreamfall now as I've already bought more games than I first thought from this sale. First two games were terrific though, the first being better, of course. Actually my biggest complaint on the second game was that it left the story completely open, which this newest game should fix just nicely.
Matruchus: Anybody noticed the new adverts gog is pushing around when you click on news post on frontpage and get to that prepost page. Its full of adverts now and its getting cluttered and intrusive now.
adverts on the newspost on frontpage you say?
i havent noticed those i will have to take a look then .

edit: ?

i only see 3 cards with social media links, where are those adverts exactly?
Post edited March 06, 2015 by gamesfreak64