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Embrace your adventurous inner child with The Lion King, Aladdin, and The Jungle Book!

Good stories never fall out of style. And if someone knows how to tell a proper fairytale, that's got to be Disney. Today, three of their most celebrated, charming platformers of yore based on such tales are coming back, exclusively on Disney Aladdin, Disney The Lion King, and Disney The Jungle Book are all household names that still captivate our imagination, decades after we got introduced to their cinematic and videogame worlds.

That's why and Disney heave teamed up to bring these beloved classics of the 16-bit era to a new generation of gamers and Disney fans. All three titles have been meticulously updated to be compatible with modern operating systems while preserving the original graphics, sound, and gameplay.

Developed during the golden age of platformers, Disney Aladdin, Disney The Lion King, and Disney The Jungle Book established themselves as hallmarks of the genre, earning the praise of fans and critics alike for over two decades. That was due in no small part to their groundbreaking visuals. With the advent of Digicel technology, hand-drawn cels from Disney's animation team brought the characters to life with a level of vibrancy that was unparalleled at the time, and remains impressive today. Just look at how adorable little Simba looks when he roars at his enemies!

Return to these beautiful worlds, full of that unmistakable Disney charm and wondrous sense of adventure. <span class="bold">Disney Aladdin</span>, <span class="bold">Disney The Lion King</span>, and <span class="bold">Disney The Jungle Book</span> are available now, DRM-free on and you can get them for 10% off individually, or for 33% off as a <span class="bold">bundle</span> of heartwarming joy until August 8, 12:59 PM UTC!
Post edited August 04, 2016 by maladr0Id
high rated
I played The Lion King and Aladdin on Megadrive when I was a kid. Great memories, but those prices hurt my eyes.
snowkatt: amusingly enough the piss poor lion king disaster on the pc was partially responsible for direct X
dunno if we should be glad with that or not
timppu: Wasn't that related to the (poorer?) Windows version of Lion King which didn't work on many PC video cards even on systems where the game came bundled with? That certainly must have been embarrasing, a bit like if The Witcher 3 would have refused to work on those new Nvidia cards that got a free code for the game.

I presume these GOG versions are DOS versions, which didn't have that issue.
thats the one
interesting.. good for someone! Not something I'd need/want at this point...
Disney The Lion King CD-ROM (1994), that has nothing to do with this game.
Awesome releases! Bit pricey, as others have said, but oh well, I want 'em and I want more of 'em, so instabuy for me! Thanks Disney and GOG! :-)
Impaler26: Has anyone played these games on PC? I wanna know if they are the same as the SNES/Mega Drive versions and if they have any pros/cons over the console versions.
adaliabooks: I had all three as a set years ago. The only SNES one I played however was Aladdin and as far as I remember they are different, but I couldn't tell you how exactly...

But they are all really good platformers.
The SNES version was developed by Capcom and the Mega Drive one (which is also the one that can be played on PC) by Virgin. Each is a completely different game with nothing in common apart from the genre and the license, and, while both are good games, Virgin's Aladdin is usually considered as the best one.
low rated
Meh, games for movies I either never watched or liked...
Impaler26: Neat Releases but an asking price of 9.99€ for each is too much IMO. Usually such old games cost $5.99 on GOG so why make an exception for these? ...

Anyway, if you can wait a bit more, I'm sure there is a 75% sale coming at some point.
Great work by GoG,
Shameful money grabbing by Disney. £7 (excluding discount) is far too much for these games.
No thank you ! I'll stay on the emulation on those.
Not my thing...

... but always super exciting to see GoG get these kinds of things (well regarded exclusive classics) and doubly so because they represent Disney's continued commitment!

So, nice catch!
high rated
Sooo... games from 1993 and 1994 get each the $9.99 price-point. And if that wasn't enough, it's just the base price-point, as they also get the regional pricing treatment. Way to taint the surprise; thanks Disney and GOG, good to know we can always count on you.

PaterAlf: Nice surprise!

Except for the fact that Disney and GOG decided to put regional pricing (with higher price points than the base price) on the games (which are 22 and 23 years old).

Anyone else remembers "We need regional pricing to bring brand new AAA games here, but we won't do it for our classic catalogue."?
I do. I also remember the "We will adamantly continue to fight for games with flat worldwide pricing" blurb, but it'd appear that "Unless and until we won't" was the implied part that trumps everything else they've said.
I asked the Disney fella in charge of the GOG releases about these a while ago and he said he'd look into it. He's a man of his word. For what it's worth, he said the same about the Super Star Wars Trilogy. Hopefully that's next.
Post edited August 04, 2016 by Barry_Woodward
nice titles but expensive.
Well, I can't say I expected this. I wonder how these ports compare to the originals.