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Great releases! I'm definitely buying the Arkham series!
Ghildrean: Does the Batman: Arkham Origins - Season Pass include the Black Mask Challenge Pack? On Steam it doesn't.
Can we get a blue to comment on this? I'm guessing there was an oversight by GOG and Warner Bros.?
Mark-Mark: I'm baffled by the pricing of Arkham Origins season pass, it is as much as the game for 1 gameplay dlc and a bunch of skins and a challenge mode. To be honest compared to everything else on the list, it probably should be included with the base game. It certainly shouldn't be as much as the AK:O game itself.
wolfsite: Origins has always been the overlooked game in the series and has never had a complete release, even on Steam they are only offered separately, does have a higher discount here though.
It suffered from bad "professional" critic syndrome. Basically they marked the game harshly for not innovating gameplay much between AK City. However those same publications had no problems with rubber stamping high score for derivative gameplay on COD.

The real problem AK games have had though is WB tries to do PC ports as cheaply as possible and launch before the game is ready. It happened with AO and there were even some reported game breaking bugs they said they weren't gonna ever bother fixing. It was a surprise to nobody who was paying attention when AK launched in such a bad way.

I was late to the party with AO and did get 1 crash midway through the 1st boss fight. Aside from that my only 2 gripes were the mouth animations are awful and I wanted a proper boss fight with black mask.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by Truth437
Truth437: Great releases! I'm definitely buying the Arkham series!
Ghildrean: Does the Batman: Arkham Origins - Season Pass include the Black Mask Challenge Pack? On Steam it doesn't.
Truth437: Can we get a blue to comment on this? I'm guessing there was an oversight by GOG and Warner Bros.?
I'm hoping it also includes the Deathstroke challenge mode too, it was labelled as a pre-order on many platforms but AFAK came as standard on steam.
Moncavo: Why Arkham Knight doesn't have achievements, but previous games have?
Even though I can't answer your question, it might helpful to inform you that Arkham Knight is a poorly performing port, since its initial release, making it a pain to get through at certain areas, especially when driving the batmobile. Be aware that killer+ PC (at least 2017 released hardware) is recommended to run it satisfactorily. (30 fps cap has been removed and a ton of bugs and glitches has been fixed since release)

Also Arkham Origins still has a few game breaking/progression/area access bugs and performance hiccups, as well as random save file corruption issues that can sporadically cripple the fun and immersion.

The rest of the games are fine/great, but I am worried that is gradually turning mainstream. On the other hand they are not the ones who developed certain "problematic" games. But still, "marketing" appeasement has never gone really well for any of the parties included.

P.S.: Personally I like the games. If it wasn't for those damn porting failures, I would absolutely love them. Waiting for the Middle-Earth and Sniper Elite Series, as well as the Quantic Dream games collection.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by FateIsOneEdge
Woah, really? Nice job GOG!

I have a question though. Does the GOTY version of Arkham Asylum include the "Play as The Joker" DLC? IIRC, that one was a PS3 and Mac exclusive, but I would definitely buy the GOG edition if it had that.
Out of curiosity when will the sub forums for the Batman Arkham games be available?


Sub Forums are now live
Post edited November 27, 2020 by wolfsite
Moncavo: Why Arkham Knight doesn't have achievements, but previous games have?
FateIsOneEdge: Even though I can't answer your question, it might helpful to inform you that Arkham Knight is a poorly performing port, since its initial release. Be aware that killer+ PC (at least 2017 released hardware) is recommended to run it satisfactorily.
Also Arkham Origins still has a few game breaking/progression/area access bugs and performance hickups, as well as random save file corruption issues.
The rest are fine.
Yeah I remenber this, it was one of the worst pc ports ever launched. Thank god I didn't purchased in full price on Steam.
Wow, GOG is really on a roll recently! Control, Metal Gear Solid, Talos Principle, HZD ... now these too. Great job!

So, if I was going to only play one of these, which one would be considered 'must play'?
Time4Tea: Wow, GOG is really on a roll recently! Control, Metal Gear Solid, Talos Principle, HZD ... now these too. Great job!

So, if I was going to only play one of these, which one would be considered 'must play'?

Not -too-cluttered open world, cool story, best set piece boss battles.
Moncavo: Why Arkham Knight doesn't have achievements, but previous games have?
Welcome to the sadly reality of GoG "second class" customers. Pay the same, get less features.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by Xabyer_B
Nice! Time to get in that ''I'M BATMAN'' mood, i guess :D
SpikedWallMan: Woah, really? Nice job GOG!

I have a question though. Does the GOTY version of Arkham Asylum include the "Play as The Joker" DLC? IIRC, that one was a PS3 and Mac exclusive, but I would definitely buy the GOG edition if it had that.
Probably not. I read that you can mod Steam version in order to play it. But it's never been released officially on PC.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by zeffyr
1/2 of these where given away free via Epic a few months back, but have bought them to support and thank the Publishers.

More Lego games please!