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Grargar: Time to ensure that I have the latest installer of classic Diablo II before Blizzard bundles it with mandatory
tinyE: Oh shit, you're right.
I have it installed but for some reason I didn't keep the installer. I'd better redownload that.

annnnd DONE
Could you advise what version this installer provides? I have downloaded it a year ago and I know I had to apply patch to the game after installation so it has not provided the latest version.
Huh, and here I'm still waiting for there to be a Diablo 3 *game* (not online service).
Karterii1993: Diablo 2, but with influence by Activision and China.
No thanks, I'm good.
Crosmando: Why are you Americans so obcessed with shoving politics into non-political things?
This is a rather poor example of that. Activision just recently banned a player from competition in order to get in good with the authorities over there. It's hardly an American thing to notice the political nature of the action.
mqstout: Huh, and here I'm still waiting for there to be a Diablo 3 *game* (not online service).
That's been out for years. I'm still not sure why it's constantly labeled as TL2 though...
Post edited October 22, 2019 by hedwards
The Blizzard we all knew and loved is dead. The empty shell that is Blizzard of today can only live on former glory and re-release old games for so long. When they're out of cheap nostalgia tricks, they will go the same way as Bioware.

Enjoy all the remasters while they last because we won't get anything new that's worthwhile. The decline has already started, soon the cracks in the facade will become more apparent.

Diablo 4 might very well be Blizzard's answer to Dragon Age: Inquisition. Hopefully, they won't turn anything Starcraft into their own Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Post edited October 22, 2019 by user deleted
hedwards: That's been out for years. I'm still not sure why it's constantly labeled as TL2 though...
You mean GD. ;)
low rated
Crosmando: Why are you Americans so obcessed with shoving politics into non-political things?
hedwards: This is a rather poor example of that. Activision just recently banned a player from competition in order to get in good with the authorities over there. It's hardly an American thing to notice the political nature of the action.
And? So? But? Therefore? It's Blizzard's competition, they own it, therefore they're well within their rights to ban a player for innapropriately using their competition to spread political propaganda. What proof do you have that they did it to appease the Chinese government? All they've said is that they don't want their competition used for political purposes.
Post edited October 26, 2019 by Crosmando
erbello: What are your expectations?

I'm worry, but still I'm staying with hopes.

What could make me happy:
DRM Free on GOG (I know you are wizards ;)
Don't remove LAN Multiplayer.
Cloud Saves compatible or convertable from original Diablo 2,
Shared and Expandable stash with pagination.
Mods support.
We are lucky to get the older games here, tbh, and I don't think the devs will drop it here and harm the sales of the older games sadly many execs/etc think Gog is encouraging piracy(even though it doesn't).

Also mods will likely be locked to a club/etc like with steam/other game mod systems as of late, though I hope they don't go that route.

Crosmando: Why are you Americans so obsessed with shoving politics into non-political things?
Those markets are big money so game/etc companies cater to them by censoring some things to sell there, and many dislike that sh*t.

mqstout: Huh, and here I'm still waiting for there to be a Diablo 3 *game* (not online service).
The console versions are fine for that....of course if one doesn't have a console or support them then yeah....

Crosmando: And? So? But? Therefore? It's Blizzard's competition, they own it, therefore they're well within their rights to ban a player for inapproriately using their competition to spread political propaganda. What proof do you have that they did it to appease the Chinese government? All they've said is that they don't want their competition used for political purposes.
Because they make big money over there and don't seem to ban any other political messaging for the most part?

Also they are not the only ones who do it and have been caught doing it. Disney and others do it too(no ghosts/no g*ys/no minorities of a certain color in chinese copies of many films & games).

And yeah it's their right(to an extent) to do such...just as it is our right to vote with our money and not support things made by those who do other things we dislike.
Post edited October 26, 2019 by GameRager
It would surely be online-only shit, so no, I hope not.
I've been asking for a D2 remaster for a while now. I really hope we see it at this year's Blizzcon.
Similar to what Bethesda tried to pull with the classic Doom games a few weeks back, I can absolutely see Blizzard releasing the Diablo 2 Remaster with a retroactively built-in always-online requirement as well.
So that, in order to just play the singleplayer campaign you'd still need to have the Battlenet client running in the background.
Swedrami: Similar to what Bethesda tried to pull with the classic Doom games a few weeks back, I can absolutely see Blizzard releasing the Diablo 2 Remaster with a retroactively built-in always-online requirement as well.
So that, in order to just play the singleplayer campaign you'd still need to have the Battlenet client running in the background.
The fact is, Blizzard already implemented some of's always-on components in the Diablo II client with the game's latest patch (in 2016). Right now, this online shit is only used to "survey" the user's PC and to check for the availability of new updates.

Being online all the time is still not required to play with single-player characters, but with the shitty, greedy, disgusting company Blizzard has become you can never know what they will try to do (and how they will try to royally screw you) in the future...
I wish they'd let us have Diablo III for PC without DRM.
Probably Diablo II Remaster MOBILE. . . you do have a 'phone right?

Laughably, will anyone actaully pay-attention/attend Blizzcon this year?
I don't see why Diablo 2 even needs a remaster, the artwork is very good even today, all it needs is new patch adding official widescreen/4k support.