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Winkeyy: What in the world are you talking about
NOBODY wants to go on a random ass sketchy site to download an unknown file to then extract it to the game files and pray for it to work
Steam Workshop is a button click. The platform is the most popular game library in the whole green Earth. There is absolutely zero reason for you to be so much against it.
my name is catte: What bridge did you crawl out from under?

Sorry, but I'm with mqstout here. Steam Workshop is absolutely a vendor lock-in scheme. When modders only bother uploading their mods to Steam (as they frequently do) they effectively make the mods Steam exclusive.
XanMan11: For what it's worth the game doesn't have DRM on Steam and I'm all but certain that's never gonna change.
my name is catte: Sorry, but if you need to use a client to install it then for a lot of people it isn't fully DRM-free. If he sold it somewhere you could just download the files with your browser or download manager then it would fit the bill. The good news is, if the steam integration is as light as he claims then he could just zip up every new build and stick it on another DRM-free store that he doesn't have trouble uploading to.
Winkeyy: If youd like to, the developer will give you a steam key for the game if you show proof of gog purchase to him
my name is catte: Quite a pro-steam agenda you have there. Bit strange that you've just popped up out of nowhere.
Scheme??? Agenda????? What are you on about? Steam is just a game platform why are you talking about it like some kind of brainwashing Evil Corp.? Sure, it's not perfect, but the reason every human being who likes videogames has it installed is because there are no better alternatives.
Cavalary: Considering the reasons given, it understandably became a discussion about Steam and DRM, no longer about the game itself.
foad01: Maybe, but I think the posts by Son_Ovagun, XanMan11, Winkeyy and Skrioftw are somehow sus.
The developer addressed this post in the discord and explained everything in the most reasonable and friendly way possible. I myself defend him because some people here go "the game is over" and insult the dev. The game is not over and a complete overhaul of it has been cooking up for already a year and planned to release soon, and I'd like people to give it a chance
Post edited February 17, 2023 by Winkeyy
Skrioftw: I just came over from the Discord server to try and help fan the flames a little, point people in the right direction and offer explanations as to why the game was delisted is all!
You guys are the second group that are coming from a Discord server and trying to push an agenda in this forum. The people here don't like the idea of using a client to download a game. They want offline installers that work without any internet connection. This is something you can't have with Steam or with the Epic Games Store.

Winkeyy: The developer addressed this post in the discord and explained everything in the most reasonable and friendly way possible. I myself defend him because some people here go "the game is over" and insult the dev. The game is not over and a complete overhaul of it has been cooking up for already a year and planned to release soon, and I'd like people to give it a chance
I don't see a most reasonable and friendly way here.


- No workshop
- No steam community"

Shitting on this platform and its users ("No steam community"), advertising Steam and people coming from the Discord channel of the dev to defend this attitude and advertising the Steam platform is aggressive. I won't check out the game because of this.
Post edited February 17, 2023 by foad01
Skrioftw: I just came over from the Discord server to try and help fan the flames a little, point people in the right direction and offer explanations as to why the game was delisted is all!
foad01: You guys are the second group that are coming from a Discord server and trying to push an agenda in this forum. The people here don't like the idea of using a client to download a game. They want offline installers that work without any internet connection. This is something you can't have with Steam or with the Epic Games Store.
Im honestly just trying to help out and be super friendly! Im really not trying to push any agenda so to speak. I really do hope you do give the game another shot at some point down the line tho. Andrew has worked tirelessly on the new update and everybodies feedback helps!
Post edited February 17, 2023 by Skrioftw
Skrioftw: I just came over from the Discord server to try and help fan the flames a little, point people in the right direction and offer explanations as to why the game was delisted is all!
foad01: You guys are the second group that are coming from a Discord server and trying to push an agenda in this forum. The people here don't like the idea of using a client to download a game. They want offline installers that work without any internet connection. This is something you can't have with Steam or with the Epic Games Store.

Winkeyy: The developer addressed this post in the discord and explained everything in the most reasonable and friendly way possible. I myself defend him because some people here go "the game is over" and insult the dev. The game is not over and a complete overhaul of it has been cooking up for already a year and planned to release soon, and I'd like people to give it a chance
foad01: I don't see a most reasonable and friendly way here.


- No workshop
- No steam community"

Shitting on this platform and its users ("No steam community"), advertising Steam and people coming from the Discord channel of the dev to defend this attitude and advertising the Steam platform is aggressive. I won't check out the game because of this.
Advertising the steam platform?? Please, like PLEASE, explain to me why are you so against steam. Genuine question. And you not wanting to play a game because I appeared to be aggressive in the comments is really strange to me. Like sure, miss out on the game because you didn't like one person from the community
Skrioftw: Im honestly just trying to help out and be super friendly! Im really not trying to push any agenda so to speak. I really do hope you do give the game another shot at some point down the line tho. Andrew has worked tirelessly on the new update and everybodies feedback helps!
Of course, that's why you continue with the advertisement here.

Winkeyy: Advertising the steam platform?? Please, like PLEASE, explain to me why are you so against steam. Genuine question. And you not wanting to play a game because I appeared to be aggressive in the comments is really strange to me. Like sure, miss out on the game because you didn't like one person from the community
You don't seem to see the problem. The dev said questionable things and you guys are constantly defending it because you want the people here still checking out the game on a different platform. That's why you are also advertising and defending the Steam platform besides the game.
Skrioftw: Im honestly just trying to help out and be super friendly! Im really not trying to push any agenda so to speak. I really do hope you do give the game another shot at some point down the line tho. Andrew has worked tirelessly on the new update and everybodies feedback helps!
foad01: Of course, that's why you continue with the advertisement here.

Winkeyy: Advertising the steam platform?? Please, like PLEASE, explain to me why are you so against steam. Genuine question. And you not wanting to play a game because I appeared to be aggressive in the comments is really strange to me. Like sure, miss out on the game because you didn't like one person from the community
foad01: You don't seem to see the problem. The dev said questionable things and you guys are constantly defending it because you want the people here still checking out the game on a different platform. That's why you are also advertising and defending the Steam platform besides the game.
Listen man I'm sorry if I upset you, not sure what questionable stuff Andrew has said but I digress since I need to sleep. Not trying to advertise here, im not getting paid to say any of this. I'm just a member of the community. But I wish you a good day and hope you will try the game out in the future!
high rated
tfishell: wow, highly-rated on Steam with over 2,200 reviews, and only 2 reviews on GOG. I wonder if the dev or pub just didn't want to deal with the low sales here, or multiple storefronts?
Then they probably should have released a completed game. I don't buy in dev/Early Access on principle, for this very reason. Once they have your money, where is the incentive to actually deliver?
high rated
HKayn: GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door is being delisted from GOG because the developers of the game hated working with the store. One developer said as much on the studio's Discord server, see my screenshots of their messages.

It's gotten to the point where GOG needs to finally take a hint about their terrible and dated developer experience when compared to the current leading PC game distribution platform. From the inconsistent curation process that is frustrating smaller developers by wasting their time, to the complete lack of self-service tools for managing your game listing.

GOG is losing indie developers by the day. Sequels to games such as Darkest Dungeon and Redout are not being released on GOG. If this store does not fix its reputation and get with the times concerning their developer experience, I don't see ourselves being able to purchase modern indie titles on here for much longer.
I was feeling sympathetic by reading this, but after I saw the attachment, I don't think I have much sympathy left. Many GOG users are here because they like to OWN games rather than rent them, and that person from your screenshots clearly has no grasp of this concept. Yes, GOG has issues, plenty of them, but none of them are enough to claim that it should cease existing.

Son_Ovagun: Howdy everyone, I thought i'd help ease things on whats happening with orange door, both as dev tester and supporter, and friend of Andrew.

Q: Why is the game being delisted from GOG?
A: It's been said on the record that, quote "GOG is a hassle to push updates for, theres little to no communication, no workshop support for modding in the future and generally not a good enviroment for a game still in early access". It was also initially not even added onto GOG by him, but by his publishers.
Why is the Steam Workshop being regarded as something that makes or breaks mods? People have been modding games for DECADES without it. Did Nexus and all the other modding sites stop existing? Can we no longer dump some files in the game's directory using File Explorer? Some may prefer the Steam Workshop for the "convenience", but that is in no way a requirement for mods.

I, personally, do not use the Steam Workshop, even if I own the game on Steam and the workshop is available. Just like with the main game, if I like some mod, I prefer to keep a copy of it myself, in case it gets delisted or whatever. Manual mods also come with instructions that educate me about how the mod is installed and loaded, rather than me having to scratch my head trying to figure out what the heck did Steam just do under the hood, in case I want to extract that mod for safe keeping.

There have been countless examples that have shown that no digital library is safe, not even Steam. The only library I can trust is my own hard drive.

Son_Ovagun: Q: Am I being scammed? Whats going to happen with my copy?
A: If you have a copy of orange door on GOG, you are entitled to a free steam key, simply contact either Andrew#3004 or any of the moderators in the discord.
That is nice of them.

Son_Ovagun: Even though he's probably reading the fourms right now, if you recommend any DRM-free alternatives, let me know and I'll see what he thinks about them!
I appreciate that GOG can be really annoying to deal with, but the DRM-Free format is too important to let the issues with GOG stand in the way. There are plenty of alternative store fronts for DRM-Free content. The second largest one after GOG being the one that shares a name with a certain virtual conferencing app. I'm worries that GOG may delete my post if I get any more specific.
high rated
Son_Ovagun: Howdy everyone,

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
Workshop is a fucking cancer, so if that's his position, I'm glad he's taking his ball and going home. Same with "no Steam community" Like, no shit. It's not Steam. I'm not against Steam in general, but most people here want nothing to do with it, and I don't blame them. I only dip my toes in for good, completed games that aren't available here, and when a game becomes available here, I buy here. Dude sounds like one of those Steam-bot players who thinks every game that exists is on Steam and their DRM bullshit isn't DRM.

The guy, before ever having worked with GOG was fighting against it, and didn't want to release here anyway, and his arguments are basically that GOG isn't Steam, like that's a bad thing.
Post edited February 17, 2023 by paladin181
paladin181: Same with "no Steam community" Like, no shit. It's not Steam. I'm not against Steam in general, but most people here want nothing to do with it, and I don't blame them. I only dip my toes in for good, completed games that aren't available here, and when a game becomes available here, I buy here.
Also people who do like Steam community do not have to own a game on Steam to use it.
I buy everything I can on GOG and other DRM-Free stores, but I still go to Steam Community for some collectible guides or whatever lol. So I really have no idea how lack of Steam community is even an argument against GOG.

Having to jump through hoops and inconsistent curation? Sure, it sucks, but every other argument is nonsense.
foad01: Out of nowhere four users are targeting this thread to either defend the dev or Steam. What is going on here? LOL.
It's a public forum. Get used to it.

The "pro Steam" arguments here are off topic, but so be it.

Would be nice if the Steam Workshop would get buried btw. It does not work for games on other platforms, so while it is a nice feature for users, game programmers should not rely on it and create / distribnute mods in a way that they can be used with games bought in other shops as well.
Post edited February 17, 2023 by neumi5694
high rated
Cavalary: So I assume it can be downloaded, installed and played without any client, getting a standalone installer through either the browser you use to access any other site or even a custom program that just supplies your login?
Skrioftw: You do not need an internet connection to play Orange Door on steam. DRM sucks but this game doesn't have it so there is no worry.
Your computer is not going to explode if you install steam, and you can get a key from the dev if you purchased a copy of it on here. Its free access to the most up to date build of the game and the discussion posts on steam and discord help clear the air about the current state of the game!
The PC may not explode, but DRM-Free with an online installer is not as good as DRM-Free with an offline installer. The issue is that no digital platform is safe from delisting (yes even from user libraries), or from annoying content-removing patches. Sure, GOG is susceptible to the same nonsense and I have had content removed from my library on both Steam and GOG. Some of it was eventually returned, but some wasn't. The difference is that I still have everything I need on my hard drive, without having to get an approval from some stupid server.

I bought the game and it's sitting on MY hard drive. It's not for Valve, or anyone else to hold onto. No one can break into my house and swap my offline copy for a lesser version just because some publisher did not renew some stupid music license or whatever.

Again, I can appreciate the gripes with GOG, but there are plenty of other DRM-Free stores out there.
Post edited February 17, 2023 by SargonAelther
SargonAelther: The PC may not explode, but DRM-Free with an online installer is not as good as DRM-Free with an offline installer. The issue is that no digital platform is safe from delisting (yes even from user libraries), or from annoying content-removing patches. Sure, GOG is susceptible to the same nonsense and I have had content removed from my library on both Steam and GOG. Some of it was eventually returned, but some wasn't. The difference is that I still have everything I need on my hard drive, without having to get an approval from some stupid server.

I bought the game and it's sitting on MY hard drive. It's not for Valve, or anyone else to hold onto. No one can break into my house and swap my offline copy for a lesser version just because some publisher did not renew some stupid music license or whatever.

Again, I can appreciate the gripes with GOG, but there are plenty of other DRM-Free stores out there.
You can also create backup installers for your steam games btw. Sure, you still need the client to reinstall them, but it's not online.
As a last resort, you can always just backup the installation directory and be done with it. The GOG installers don't really do much more than unpacking files and write a entry into the registry that the game was installed.
For DRM free games that will work just fine, if Steam ever gets shut down for good.

I bought DRM free games which cam without installer from Gamejolt, and other platforms, they were just zip files.
Does that mean this distribution method is inferior to GOGs way to do things? Maybe, but it works.

So ... in short: For me DRM free means I can play without licence check, the installation method has nothing to do with it.
Skrioftw: You do not need an internet connection to play Orange Door on steam. DRM sucks but this game doesn't have it so there is no worry.

I just came over from the Discord server to try and help fan the flames a little
Having to install Steam *is* a negative for some of us and you saying it's not doesn't change that.

You do know to "fan the flames" means to make things worse don't you?

Winkeyy: Steam is just a game platform why are you talking about it like some kind of brainwashing Evil Corp.? Sure, it's not perfect, but the reason every human being who likes videogames has it installed is because there are no better alternatives.
I'm a human who likes videogames and I do not have Steam installed. Gog is a better alternative. Steam don't do any brainwashing (as far as I know - although the people turning up here to defend them do make me wonder) but yes, they are an evil corporation.

Skrioftw: Not trying to advertise here ... hope you will try the game out in the future!
Well that speaks for itself.
neumi5694: You can also create backup installers for your steam games btw. Sure, you still need the client to reinstall them, but it's not online.
As a last resort, you can always just backup the installation directory and be done with it. The GOG installers don't really do much more than unpacking files and write a entry into the registry that the game was installed.
For DRM free games that will work just fine, if Steam ever gets shut down for good.

I bought DRM free games which cam without installer from Gamejolt, and other platforms, they were just zip files.
Does that mean this distribution method is inferior to GOGs way to do things? Maybe, but it works.

So ... in short: For me DRM free means I can play without licence check, the installation method has nothing to do with it.
And you need to AUTHENTICATE to the Steam client to restore said "backup", Again, this is not about saving bandwidth in some hut in the middle of nowhere and everything to do with verification and version control. Steam backup is so worthless, it's not even worth bringing up.

Yes, some games are quite portable and can be backed up in an "installed state", but some require dependencies. The installers for those dependencies may be obvious and in the game directory, or they may not be. I'd rather use the store that does it all for me, than waste my time making own custom installer.

I doubt the kind of games bought on and the likes would have many dependencies. Regardless, I can certainly backup an installed game, track down dependencies, generate shortcuts and all that nonsense, if there really is no other choice, heck many emulators are portable, but I will always STRONGLY prefer a version with a proper offline installer that does it all for me. GOG, the not-virtual conferencing app and some others like GamesPlanet, do have offline installers for user convenience.

Also while many games store saves and configuration in general Windows directories, there are some stupid ones that store them in Steam\Userdata\UserID directory. It's a gamble as to how those would behave if said directories did not exist. If we're lucky it'll have some basic logic to create them, but I wouldn't count on that, especially since there would be no Steam User ID to query either.
Post edited February 17, 2023 by SargonAelther