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CarrionCrow: Mine would have Lords of Xulima at the moment. Just got through making my party.
How's Lifeless Planet? That's one I'm interested in trying when I can.
IAmSinistar: Wow, you're quick out of the gate on that game! Let us know how it is, I'm debating on whether I need another 100+ hour RPG in my backlog. :D

Lifeless Planet is decent so far, though something of a walking sim. It's not as engaging or as puzzling as MIND: Path to Thalamus, nor as beautiful. It seems like it will comfortably be a one-day play for me (under 5 hours, though spread over more than one actual day). In that context it's okay, but unless the ending is superb, it will be a mediocre recommendation. Not bad for people who like these kinds of games (such as myself), but unlikely to convert those who don't.
I'll be sure to, working my way through the opening village and learning item attributes now.
Going with a "well, I've played D&D games, so let's start there" party. Figure I'll have to do a different playthrough with classes I don't use the first time.

Also, figuring that needing food and torches at all times will screw me more than once. -laughs-

Also also, thank you for the info on the game. Trying to expand a bit into more adventure games. =)
Post edited January 15, 2015 by CarrionCrow
IAmSinistar: Lifeless Planet is decent so far, though something of a walking sim. It's not as engaging or as puzzling as MIND: Path to Thalamus, nor as beautiful. It seems like it will comfortably be a one-day play for me (under 5 hours, though spread over more than one actual day). In that context it's okay, but unless the ending is superb, it will be a mediocre recommendation. Not bad for people who like these kinds of games (such as myself), but unlikely to convert those who don't.
Walking sim is something that might appeal to me (ever heard of that hiking sim Skyrim?). But the pixel hunting referred in the reviews sounds deterrent.
CarrionCrow: That is very generous of you, thank you. =)
I believe that if you send me the full link copied into a message, I can click on it and redeem the item.
PM sent. Let me know if it works okay, as I have not shared many games from humble.
low rated
gunsynd: Mate Iv'e got enough games to keep me going until 2115:-)
CarrionCrow: Certainly nothing wrong with that. =)
What kinds of games do you prefer to play?
R.P.G.always have and always will be,can't seem to find any excitement in any Car,ShootEm'Up,Hidden Object games.
Strong on Strategic games also.
ddickinson: You are right about the length and about it not being for everyone. I think because I like the story and the setting, that I don't mind it, but I know others may not be so big on the game. Walking simulator is a pretty good description, I took it as more of an interactive story. Considering it's small team and budget, I didn't think it was too bad. I have played and seen worse indie games, including newer ones with bigger budgets.
Precisely so. I am playing it as an immersive film that I am controlling the action in. I enjoy such things, and people who do could like this one as well. It's certainly one of the more polished I've seen in the genre, and the soundtrack is nicely jarring in places where it suits the mood. I still rank it behind MIND, but it's worth playing nonetheless.

Very generous of you to gift a copy to CarrionCrow! You get a plus and warm feelings for that.
toxicTom: Walking sim is something that might appeal to me (ever heard of that hiking sim Skyrim?). But the pixel hunting referred in the reviews sounds deterrent.
I'm not really experiencing any pixel hunting myself. It's a bit odd, but I seem to know instinctively where to go in the game. Either it's from playing a lot of these types of game, or the game itself is subtly well-designed with cues to lead you forward. I've not been frustrated by any part of the game yet, and only in one spot did I need to backtrack and puzzle the right path out.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by IAmSinistar
CarrionCrow: Yeah, me neither. -laughs- It's nice knowing that, in a possibly weird sort of way.
gunsynd: Another bragger
My farts smell like Chanel No 5.
IAmSinistar: Precisely so. I am playing it as an immersive film that I am controlling the action in. I enjoy such things, and people who do could like this one as well. It's certainly one of the more polished I've seen in the genre, and the soundtrack is nicely jarring in places where it suits the mood. I still rank it behind MIND, but it's worth playing nonetheless.

Very generous of you to gift a copy to CarrionCrow! You get a plus and warm feelings for that.
The story is loosely based on an old Russian novel (which I can't remember the name of at the moment), but sadly it's something of a rarity and I have not been able to pick up a copy to read. I like the jumping elements to the game, it beats just walking everywhere. The ending was a bit strange, but I like those kind of endings, the whole game reminds me of a 1950's-1060's Sci-Fi novel. You will have to let me know what you thought once you finish it.

Thank you for the plus, it's not needed but greatly appreciated. I don't use Steam, so if I can find a good home for a spare Steam game, then I'm always glad to share.
ddickinson: PM sent. Let me know if it works okay, as I have not shared many games from humble.
+1 from here too.

IAmSinistar: Precisely so. I am playing it as an immersive film that I am controlling the action in. I enjoy such things, and people who do could like this one as well. It's certainly one of the more polished I've seen in the genre, and the soundtrack is nicely jarring in places where it suits the mood. I still rank it behind MIND, but it's worth playing nonetheless.
Is it comparable to The Moon Sliver by one of the community members here (can't find the name right now - not even in my PM list - something seems to be broken...)?

tinyE: My farts smell like Chanel No 5.
I can confirm that. But please stop drinking that stuff, it's not really healthy.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by toxicTom
toxicTom: Walking sim is something that might appeal to me (ever heard of that hiking sim Skyrim?). But the pixel hunting referred in the reviews sounds deterrent.
As Sinistar said, there are no real pixel hunting elements, you do have to find some items, but these have a helpful glow to them to make them easy to see.

IAmSinistar: I'm not really experiencing any pixel hunting myself. It's a bit odd, but I seem to know instinctively where to go in the game. Either it's from playing a lot of these types of game, or the game itself is subtly well-designed with cues to lead you forward. I've not been frustrated by any part of the game yet, and only in one spot did I need to backtrack and puzzle the right path out.
I think it's the latter. The game is nicely designed to help guide you on the right path. I only got stuck at one point near the end, but I quickly figured it out.
CarrionCrow: Certainly nothing wrong with that. =)
What kinds of games do you prefer to play?
gunsynd: R.P.G.always have and always will be,can't seem to find any excitement in any Car,ShootEm'Up,Hidden Object games.
Strong on Strategic games also.
Sounds a lot like me on the RPG part. No interest in driving games, I get bored with hidden object games, and shoot 'em ups are always hit and miss. Strategy games are good, unless they're total crap, then they drive me a bit crazy.
CarrionCrow: That is very generous of you, thank you. =)
I believe that if you send me the full link copied into a message, I can click on it and redeem the item.
ddickinson: PM sent. Let me know if it works okay, as I have not shared many games from humble.
I messaged you, but don't mind repeating it here. Everything worked properly and I got the game. Thank you again. =)
Post edited January 15, 2015 by CarrionCrow
low rated
gunsynd: Another bragger
tinyE: My farts smell like Chanel No 5.
Ahh Ahh too much information,things like that need to be kept secret....OKAY???
CarrionCrow: I messaged you, but don't mind repeating it here. Everything worked properly and I got the game. Thank you again. =)
You're welcome. I'm always glad to find a game a good home. :-)
low rated
Imma gonna hug you!
ddickinson: You're welcome. I'm always glad to find a game a good home. :-)
l0rdtr3k: Imma gonna hug you!
Thank you :-). Have a big hug in return. *hug*
CarrionCrow: I messaged you, but don't mind repeating it here. Everything worked properly and I got the game. Thank you again. =)
ddickinson: You're welcome. I'm always glad to find a game a good home. :-)
More than just that, you reminded me that I have more than one unredeemed Humble key.
Now, to find someone to "gift" Planet Stronghold to....-evil laughter-