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FoxySage: Doing quite fine. No complains here. :)

I'm considering if i should get the new King's Bounty game while it have a heavy discount. Only ~6$ since i already own the other games in the series.

How about you?
I have the first King's Bounty game, but have not played it yet. I was tempted to get the rest while on a big sale, but I think I will wait until I see how much I like the first game. The good thing about digital games is that they always go on sale again, sooner or later.

I'm doing well thank you, can't really complain.
ddickinson: I should have said intolerance, rather than allergy.
Just read through most of the article. I learned some new and interesting things.

"The incidence of NCGS is unknown; estimates range from 0.6% to 6%."
That number is way smaller than the 90% of people I know who claim they are "allergic to gluten."
(By the way, if you are reading this, I saw you eating that pizza, Megan! Quit BS'ing me!)

"Gluten Free", "Zero Carbs", "Green", "Now with less rat feces"... All just ugly stickers to me.
AgentBirdnest: "Gluten Free", "Zero Carbs", "Green", "Now with less rat feces"... All just ugly stickers to me.
Exactly, all just selling tactics. Everyone knows there is no such thing as less rat feces. :-)

I read somewhere that in New York, the mobile food vendors are allowed a certain percentage of rat droppings in the food. I'm not sure if it was accurate, but it would put me off trying a New York hotdog.

I found this as well, about some other "defects" the FDA allowes:

Again, I don't know how much truth is in what the article says.
ddickinson: I read somewhere that in New York, the mobile food vendors are allowed a certain percentage of rat droppings in the food. I'm not sure if it was accurate, but it would put me off trying a New York hotdog.

I found this as well, about some other "defects" the FDA allowes:

Again, I don't know how much truth is in what the article says.
I stopped reading that pretty quickly. Ignorance is bliss :P
AgentBirdnest: I stopped reading that pretty quickly. Ignorance is bliss :P
I don't blame you, it's shocking what's actually in people's food, especially processed food.
My resident stalker just took my avatar so be careful when you tell me off to make sure it's actually me that you are telling off. :P
tinyE: My resident stalker just took my avatar so be careful when you tell me off to make sure it's actually me that you are telling off. :P
There is only one tinyE... the rest are just imitations,
or possibly Alien shape-shifters. :P
tinyE: My resident stalker just took my avatar so be careful when you tell me off to make sure it's actually me that you are telling off. :P
But do your resident stalker have a four stared rep? :P
tinyE: My resident stalker just took my avatar so be careful when you tell me off to make sure it's actually me that you are telling off. :P
For a moment, I wondered how you succeeded in pissing off so many people. Then, I saw the name.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by Grargar
tinyE: My resident stalker just took my avatar so be careful when you tell me off to make sure it's actually me that you are telling off. :P
FoxySage: But do your resident stalker have a four stared rep? :P
I hate to admit it but I'm getting kind of pissed off here. I reported him but nothing can be done; they told me to hit all of his posts but I'm not going to sink to his level. I can't believe I'm being elbowed out of the forum by some kid having a temper tantrum. XD

EDIT! Thank god!
Now I can go back to shoveling snow and waiting for Double Dragon.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by tinyE
FoxySage: But do your resident stalker have a four stared rep? :P
tinyE: I hate to admit it but I'm getting kind of pissed off here. I reported him but nothing can be done; they told me to hit all of his posts but I'm not going to sink to his level. I can't believe I'm being elbowed out of the forum by some kid having a temper tantrum. XD

EDIT! Thank god!
Now I can go back to shoveling snow and waiting for Double Dragon.
Damn. Sorry to hear. Who is this stalker anyway? Never knew you even had one.
tinyE: I hate to admit it but I'm getting kind of pissed off here. I reported him but nothing can be done; they told me to hit all of his posts but I'm not going to sink to his level. I can't believe I'm being elbowed out of the forum by some kid having a temper tantrum. XD

EDIT! Thank god!
Now I can go back to shoveling snow and waiting for Double Dragon.
FoxySage: Damn. Sorry to hear. Who is this stalker anyway? Never knew you even had one.
Forget it. I realized I just turned this thread into a melodrama and this is not going to fly, nor should it. Back to random discussion, shits and giggles, and the occasional dirty joke. :D
Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.
Hopefully people's days are going well. =)

CarrionCrow: Okay, need to go run errands for a bit. Or sleep. One of the two.

If someone actually wants to see what magnificent MMO people are expecting GOG to resurrect? Look here.

Maybe I'm seeing it wrong, or the person's computer isn't great, or something, but it looks like generic crap with a Jack Sparrow mask on top.

But anyway. See you all later on. =)
gunsynd: Ok,but do we have a deal??
15 to you, 25 for taxes, 60 for more awful, awful games. Seems fitting in that continuing to hurt myself sorta way. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: I was referring to your brother being better and your parents improving, albeit slowly.
Should give your mind a bit more rest at least. ;)

Hey, Crow just hit a nice round 400! Party time. :-)
ddickinson: It will be sometime before my parents are well enough for work, sadly. Having my brother back is nice, but still lots to do. But at least it's a nice sunny day. Cold, windy, but lovely and sunny. :-)

Since Crow just hit 400, I guess that means the drinks on on him. :-)
At this point, the drinks are long gone. Need to hit the local beverage store for more.
After that, someone will have to volunteer to be my typist after I hit the floor and can't stop laughing. =)
CarrionCrow: Okay, need to go run errands for a bit. Or sleep. One of the two.

If someone actually wants to see what magnificent MMO people are expecting GOG to resurrect? Look here.

Maybe I'm seeing it wrong, or the person's computer isn't great, or something, but it looks like generic crap with a Jack Sparrow mask on top.

But anyway. See you all later on. =)
adaliabooks: Yeah, that looks about right.

Judging from the comments I think the voters may be children (or teenagers), many of them mention it being a part of their childhood...
In that case, it might be time to break their silly fantasies and send them hurtling into reality.
What they loved turned out to be more dead, broken garbage. -laughs- >=)
Post edited January 15, 2015 by CarrionCrow
FoxySage: Good afternoon/morning/evening/night everyone :)

Think that covers all timezones here.

I bring to you something Carrion Crow might like to see. (Probably not :P)
Saw the beginning but had to shut it off. I want to go in blind, so my suffering will have that fresh anguish feel to it.
FoxySage: Damn. Sorry to hear. Who is this stalker anyway? Never knew you even had one.
tinyE: Forget it. I realized I just turned this thread into a melodrama and this is not going to fly, nor should it. Back to random discussion, shits and giggles, and the occasional dirty joke. :D
But now you're just making me more curious about knowing who is stalking you! D:

Almost enough to go through each thread and look for the imposter. But only almost.

CarrionCrow: Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.
Hopefully people's days are going well. =)
Hey hey ^_^

It is just going around as usual. Nothing new or interesting here.

Edit: Nevermind. Got ninja'd while i was asking.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by FoxySage