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CarrionCrow: There's no such thing as a subject here, so long as you don't completely freak out and/or offend the crap out of everyone reading.
(Course, I sound completely full of shit adding that second half in, since I'm fairly sure I've done those things more than once without even meaning to. -laughs-)
gunsynd: Well I don't have slipups to often but I'm pretty blunt about it when I wan't to be..
No sence beatin' around the Bush:-)
I try to avoid it because I know myself, and I really, really don't want the thread to turn into a place for people to fight with each other.
What's a subject?
When my dog stands up as I'm stepping over I get a free ride. ;)
low rated
gunsynd: Well I don't have slipups to often but I'm pretty blunt about it when I wan't to be..
No sence beatin' around the Bush:-)
CarrionCrow: I try to avoid it because I know myself, and I really, really don't want the thread to turn into a place for people to fight with each other.
I don't go looking for trouble,but certainly won't shy away neither:-)
EndreWhiteMane: What's a subject?
When my dog stands up as I'm stepping over I get a free ride. ;)
That's not a subject, it's an object. As in, it's objectionable. ;)
low rated
EndreWhiteMane: What's a subject?
When my dog stands up as I'm stepping over I get a free ride. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: What's a subject?
When my dog stands up as I'm stepping over I get a free ride. ;)
Well then, truly you are a person of far greater agility than I, good sir.
You get a ride to the coffee machine, I get crotch headbutts. Yep...I'm definitely doing something wrong there. ;)
Post edited January 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
low rated
Pillers of Eternity here,it's one Iv'e been watching.
EndreWhiteMane: What's a subject?
When my dog stands up as I'm stepping over I get a free ride. ;)
IAmSinistar: That's not a subject, it's an object. As in, it's objectionable. ;)
Sorry, I'll try to keep my posts more subjectionable. :)
gunsynd: Pillers of Eternity here,it's one Iv'e been watching.
It's not out yet. They just announced a new version of it to pre-order. A version that costs 90 dollars U.S. to buy. And they don't even go into detail as to what exactly you're getting for all that extra money.

Wait, wait. I was wrong. They do mention the extras. They just aren't worth 30 extra dollars. My mistake.
Post edited January 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
gunsynd: Pillers of Eternity here,it's one Iv'e been watching.
At it's current price that's all I'll do, watch.
low rated
gunsynd: Pillers of Eternity here,it's one Iv'e been watching.
EndreWhiteMane: At it's current price that's all I'll do, watch.
Yes,might have to watch it for a long time.Or there's always an alternative:-)
IAmSinistar: That's not a subject, it's an object. As in, it's objectionable. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Sorry, I'll try to keep my posts more subjectionable. :)
That's what I like to hear! And no dangling participles. Dogs have been known to bite those off. ;)
gunsynd: Pillers of Eternity here,it's one Iv'e been watching.
EndreWhiteMane: At it's current price that's all I'll do, watch.
At this point, after being trained so hard to hit every sale like it'll be the last one ever, what could possibly come along to make you go, "Oh man, I am TOTALLY going to buy that, day one, 60 dollars, guaranteed."?
EndreWhiteMane: At it's current price that's all I'll do, watch.
gunsynd: Yes,might have to watch it for a long time.Or there's always an alternative:-)
Yeah, buy Divinity: Original Sin, a $40.00 game with a proven track record and very high ratings. ;)
(My, I AM the cynical one today)
low rated
gunsynd: Yes,might have to watch it for a long time.Or there's always an alternative:-)
EndreWhiteMane: Yeah, buy Divinity: Original Sin, a $40.00 game with a proven track record and very high ratings. ;)
(My, I AM the cynical one today)
Already got it and it didn't cost me $40...