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Chasm: The Rift, one of the most thrilling and innovative classic FPS, is coming to GOG with full 4K support, improved sound design, achievements, and localised into 12 languages.
Genre: Action, Shooter
I see that this is some kind of remaster rather than a DOSBox release, and that it's Windows-only.

Can we please (please please) have the DOSBox version included (even just an ISO image) included in the extras, so that people on non-Windows machines can play too?

I welcome the enhancements on behalf of those who will benefit from them, but I'd welcome a cross-platform release even more, and I can't imagine why the original game couldn't be played via emulation on any PC today.
Gudadantza: Old Carnivores series would be also good candidates to be released in GOG. Classic, maybe they have traces of the same engine and from the same developers.

A year or so ago one of the Carnivore games was available DRM-Free at Humble, for an okay price.
Gudadantza: Old Carnivores series would be also good candidates to be released in GOG. Classic, maybe they have traces of the same engine and from the same developers.
Timboli: True.

A year or so ago one of the Carnivore games was available DRM-Free at Humble, for an okay price.
They seem to be reviving or remakng the series for iOS and things like that. Some titles are availale on Steam, some kind of remake. It could be a good chance to rerelease the old ones.

Hunting old school low level poly Dinosaurs is always fun.
Gudadantza: Hunting old school low level poly Dinosaurs is always fun.
Yeah. One of my brothers had one of the Carnivore games back in the day, and I enjoyed playing it. I think it was the first one.
Well... what else can I say that hasn't already been said, hehe.

This, to me at least, is literally the best news in terms of upcoming games here on GOG since like... forever really. Well, at least since I've been around here.
Why? Because Chasm: The Rift has been one of my all time favourite games, from the very first time that I first played when I was only like what... 7, 8 years old? haha. My parents actually got me this game in a big box, which happens to have a 15+ warning right on the front, but I guess my parents thought that I could handle it. And they were right!

Anyway, I could seriously keep on going about how much I too am glad to see this bloody game coming here (finally, after so many years! T-T), but I got more things to do... so, yeah. lol

To eveyone involved in this... THANK YOU! I'm eternally grateful, really.
I too wish to see the rest of the Action Forms games here by the way, especially Vivisector: Beast Within.
And I'm hoping this version of Chasm comes with the Addon and the Level Editor too, but if not then that's ok because right now I'm already happy enough with just the base game. I can die happy now! (Finally)

Post edited August 21, 2022 by Waganari
Gudadantza: Old Carnivores series would be also good candidates to be released in GOG. Classic, maybe they have traces of the same engine and from the same developers.
Perhaps the problem lies not with the developers, but with the publishers. Action Forms published their titles with publishers such as WizardWorks, Infogrames, GT Interactive, 1C Company, Aspyr Media, 505 Games, etc.

This remaster (Chasm: The Rift) is being produced by General Arcade (development) and SNEG (publisher). As for SNEG, in recent years they have focused on reviving classic, retro or ''abandoned'' video games on PC.

In my case, I'm more interested in seeing titles like Cryostasis on GOG again. Or Vivisector: Beast Within.
Uhh, wow...

Tried the demo, already crashed twice on me: Once in the main menu after switching from Vulkan to DirectX12 and then during gameplay in the very first room.

The graphics in this are an odd one. On the one hand, it looks pretty good and has some nice detail (like that window blowing open in the wind), but the perspective just feels off (everything looks weirdly oversized) and the default shotgun feels awful (doesn't even generate a muzzle flash - it looks so bad it makes me wonder whether this is a bug or if it's always been like that).

Considering the two crashes to desktop I had within less than 3 (!) minutes of playing, I think I'll refrain from getting the actual game. But kudos to the publisher for putting a demo out, all things considered!
It looks like the game is set to drop on the 10th October ... Monday.

If it is a fair price, it will be an instant buy for me ... though I already own the original version on disc and completed the game way back when.

Looking forward to playing the new improved version.
Hope, that it will be for 10€, than it would be instabuy for me.
Shadowcat: Can we please (please please) have the DOSBox version included (even just an ISO image) included in the extras, so that people on non-Windows machines can play too?
Seems like your wish will be granted :) I see that in the game's description there is added following info:

The original Chasm: The Rift version powered by DOSBox is included as a bonus.

Not sure when it was updated, but I'm certain it wasn't there from the beginning.

Anyway, good news :) Wondering if it will be properly configured, so far the best "adjusted" version packed with Dosbox was the one hosted for a long time on the Collection Ch (can't give the full name, as it has some things to download, that are.. .well, you know...).
I hope i is launched in a good shape. The Demo ran great, comfortable and smooth, tweaking a bit the shadows levels. It seems to be the more resource hog feature at maximum levels. In fact the original didn't offer shadowng at all if I am not mistaken.

But the last demo update broke something about the default renderer and now It crashes at launch. Some people solved it editing manually the renderer used into the respective ini but it does not work for me for now.

Overall My opinion about the demo was very positive. Good feelings about this remaster/port
MartiusR: BONUS
The original Chasm: The Rift version powered by DOSBox is included as a bonus.
Yup, I saw that too. Excellent news! As I'll not be playing the Windows-only 'remastered' version, the current price is a bit much (seeing as how I have the DOS version on CD); but I'll happily pick this up in some future sale on account of the DOSBox inclusion. Good job by the publishers -- I wish every remaster included the original as standard.
Before buying the game, I advise you to read this article - The remake of the Ukrainian shooter Chasm: The Rift turned out to be not a Ukrainian game at all and information about the game Developers - Action Forms (made original Chasm The Rift - 1997) on Wikipedia - (Ukrainian version - if need - translate it, because English version is too clean of interesting details) to understand why you should not buy the remaster that is available in Gog store, but rather play its completely free legal version, which can be found on the Internet.
Post edited May 11, 2024 by SvitlaSveta4
SvitlaSveta4: [...] you should not buy the remaster, but rather play its free version, which can be found on the Internet.[...]
Promoting piracy is against the forum rules.
Before buying the game, I advise you to read this article - The remake of the Ukrainian shooter Chasm: The Rift turned out to be not a Ukrainian game at all and information about the game Developers - Action Forms (Ukrainian Company that made original Chasm The Rift - 1997) on Wikipedia - (Ukrainian version - if need - translate it, because English version is too clean of interesting details) to understand why you should not buy the remaster that is available in Gog store, but rather play its completely free legal version, which can be found on the Internet. I won't publish any links, because mad Gog moderators and some of their puppets - "looser users" will run in and delete everything they see like they did a lot of times.
Post edited May 11, 2024 by SvitlaSveta4