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Manga Gamer brings in even more super hot titles, coming soon on GOG! Get ready for: Rance Quest Magnum (VIII), Sengoku Rance (VII), Rance 01 and Rance 02, along with Rance VI and Rance 5D!

The Rance is an iconic series of RPG games from a Japanese studio, AliceSoft, released in english by Manga Gamer. With the first game dating as old as 1989 ( Rance 01), through the years, the story follows a character of Rance, a powerful warrior, and his plenty quests and missions – and his companion, Sill Plain, with her impressive magic.

Get ready to jump into Rance!
Let's not be premature, but it is cuming very soon! =P ... on Dec 20, in fact. ;)
avatar ... Rance 01 and Rance 02,...
Link is broken, please check that one. The other three are okay, even if being region blocked in germany. Thanks!
Too bad the majority of new games releasing during this sale are porn titles. :/
Blacktail is amazing and FEAR 3 is a neat surprise, but the amount of recent porn game releases is imho too high.

Edit: I know that I've been nagging quite a lot the last couple days, but what can you do. :P
Post edited December 16, 2022 by NuffCatnip
high rated
NuffCatnip: I know that I've been nagging quite a lot the last couple days, but what can you do. :P
You could start by not moaning about others being given a chance to buy games you're free to ignore, unless they contain really questionable material...
NuffCatnip: Too bad the majority of new games releasing during this sale are porn titles. :/
Blacktail is amazing and FEAR 3 is a neat surprise, but the amount of recent porn game releases is imho too high.

Edit: I know that I've been nagging quite a lot the last couple days, but what can you do. :P
that is HARD to say. all those stories how in some tech companies it used to be quite normal to fap and enjoy porn in any sight. this is of course only natural coming of age stuff, especially for the boys but it seems with how this is so readily available.... i don't know. No coming of age here any more in this corner and certainly not qualified enough to place any kind of conclusion outside the one personal one, that i would rather have a scroll through the new released pages without breaking my neck over all those eroge titles.....

might as well start to sell soft porn too you know
NuffCatnip: I know that I've been nagging quite a lot the last couple days, but what can you do. :P
mvscot: You could start by not moaning about others being given a chance to buy games you're free to ignore, unless they contain really questionable material...
I'd rather voice my dissatisfaction. I can ignore these games, true, but a) that is hard right now with the amount that floods the tore and b) they take release slots away from potentially interesting games, so I want to let the blues know, that I'd rather see something else.

They could spread them out a bit more instead of giving us a dozen titles in a single week. Might not be the best compromise or even a good one, but it would help a bit...variety is the spice of life and all that.
Post edited December 16, 2022 by NuffCatnip
high rated
NuffCatnip: Too bad the majority of new games releasing during this sale are porn titles. :/
The last wave of games and those one's coming are the real "quality stuff". The Kagura games are the B-Movie variants of that genre, but those other releases are "Tripple AAA" / Blockbuster-Material in comparism.

Problem is, GOG for MANY YEARS did nothing to bring those titles here, so NOW we are flooded. But better flooding us for an option to buy them, than not bring them at all.
Post edited December 16, 2022 by Anime-BlackWolf
NuffCatnip: I'd rather voice my dissatisfaction. I can ignore these games, true, but a) that is hard right now with the amount that floods the tore and b) they take release slots away from potentially interesting games, so I want to let the blues know, that I'd rather see something else.
That wording is a bit more reasonable, but you're still basically saying "release what *I* want, not what *others* want".

It would be fine to say "I'd like to see more of genre A", and perhaps "I prefer genre A over genre B"; my issue is with saying "I think you should spend your time releasing genre A *instead* of genre B because I personally am not interested in genre B even if others are".
NuffCatnip: They could spread them out a bit more instead of giving us a dozen titles in a single week. Might not be the best compromise or even a good one, but it would help a bit...variety is the spice of life and all that.
I assume publishers tend to give GOG games in batches, why delay their release?

An option to filter out news and/or listings of certain genre releases (beyond what is currently available in searches, etc) might be something to suggest.
Anime-BlackWolf: Problem is, GOG for MANY YEARS did nothing to bring those titles here, so NOW we are flooded. But better flooding us for an option to buy them, than not bring them at all.
Yeah, I guess that is a big factor.
Oh well, I still got Blacktail which I was looking forward to for months and maybe there's another surprise in store for us. :)
Glad to see Germany still hasn't grown up.

That's sarcasm for anyone who's wondering.
avatar ... Rance 01 and Rance 02,...
Anime-BlackWolf: Link is broken, please check that one. The other three are okay, even if being region blocked in germany. Thanks!
The proper link seems to be
Hell yeah! Been looking forward to this!
tremere110: Hell yeah! Been looking forward to this!
Oh wow GoG seems to be on a roll atm.
avatar ... Rance 01 and Rance 02,...
Anime-BlackWolf: Link is broken, please check that one. The other three are okay, even if being region blocked in germany. Thanks!
Prolly need to change your location to something not in babysitter land, aka Germany.
I heard Scandinavia has cheap ways to move ;)
Post edited December 16, 2022 by Reaper9988
tremere110: Hell yeah! Been looking forward to this!
Reaper9988: Oh wow GoG seems to be on a roll atm.
Anime-BlackWolf: Link is broken, please check that one. The other three are okay, even if being region blocked in germany. Thanks!
Reaper9988: Prolly need to change your location to something not in babysitter land, aka Germany.
I heard Scandinavia has cheap ways to move ;)
Nope. Link WAS broken, got all other links to my wishlist already, even from the beginning. Now the last one works, too.

Since I know those titles are going to be regionblocked I only surf on GOG from another country.