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Welcome to the future of space warfare – STAR FLEET II - Krellan Commander Version 2.0 is available on GOG!

Originally released in 1989 (published by Interstel Corporation and distributed by Electronic Arts), this absolute classic is a complex and detailed space war simulation. Starting with just a single Krellan battlecruiser, as you rise in the game's seven ranks (each rank has five missions), you'll gain more complexity, such as escorts, planetary invasions, and eventually full sector command.

Now, the Version 2.0 is a severely updated and enhanced version of the original game. It allows you to enjoy all the gaming goodness of the 1989’s release but with a wide variety of improvements, quality of life enhancements, and additions!

Check it out and enjoy a true classic!
I remember I was in High School when this came out but I didn't have the $$ to buy it. Glad to see it here at last...and fixed! Hope Star Fleet I will get a similar makeover someday!
high rated
I remember something that looked a lot like this in the 1980s, although it wasn't called Star Fleet II --- it was called Lotus 1-2-3.
mrkgnao: I remember something that looked a lot like this in the 1980s, although it wasn't called Star Fleet II --- it was called Lotus 1-2-3.
And I've just come here to give the Norton Commander warning ...
Given a fair fight, who wins: Krellan, Norton?
high rated
One of the game's developers has posted several useful links in the "coming soon" topic, stuff like a tutorial/guide, discord link, manual pdf download. So check that topic too:
DreadNORD: One of the game's developers has posted several useful links in the "coming soon" topic, stuff like a [...] manual pdf download. [...]
That's nice, though in the case of a manual, it really should be included with the game as a downloadable "extra", too. Not everyone buying it is going to check the forums.
This game was released before I was born. Buying it!
Is this a DOS game packaged with DOSBOX, or is it a Windows-only partial remake, similar to the Wastland Remastered offered here?

Given that I asked the same about the recent Breach/Paladin/RoE/Universe releases recently and got no answer there, I don't expect an answer here, either And I guess I don't care any more. In this case, it's just annoying that DOS games are being released without support for anything but Windows, since I'm not actually all that interested in a real-time game.
high rated
DreadNORD: One of the game's developers has posted several useful links in the "coming soon" topic, stuff like a [...] manual pdf download. [...]
HunchBluntley: That's nice, though in the case of a manual, it really should be included with the game as a downloadable "extra", too. Not everyone buying it is going to check the forums.
I'm sorry, I've no idea how to add the docs as extras, but I'll find out. They're in the game folder under docs.
darktjm: Is this a DOS game packaged with DOSBOX, or is it a Windows-only partial remake, similar to the Wastland Remastered offered here?

Given that I asked the same about the recent Breach/Paladin/RoE/Universe releases recently and got no answer there, I don't expect an answer here, either And I guess I don't care any more. In this case, it's just annoying that DOS games are being released without support for anything but Windows, since I'm not actually all that interested in a real-time game.
This is a DOSBox game that's been confirmed to run on Windows and Linux.
Post edited November 13, 2023 by Veloxi
HunchBluntley: That's nice, though in the case of a manual, it really should be included with the game as a downloadable "extra", too. Not everyone buying it is going to check the forums.
Veloxi: I'm sorry, I've no idea how to add the docs as extras. They're in the game folder under docs.
You should directly ask GOG's support about the method for adding these files to the extra section.

The lack of a displayed manual on the product page may hurt your sales.
high rated
Veloxi: I'm sorry, I've no idea how to add the docs as extras. They're in the game folder under docs.
SpellSword: You should directly ask GOG's support about the method for adding these files to the extra section.

The lack of a displayed manual on the product page may hurt your sales.
Yeah I've emailed them, hope to hear back soon.
Is this what they call a spreadsheet simulator? =P (Ninja'd) While I admire the dev's dedication to this old game, it looks most intimidating to me.
Post edited November 14, 2023 by P-E-S
high rated
P-E-S: Is this what they call a spreadsheet simulator?
No, it's a space battlecruiser simulation in the middle of a simulated war in which you basically do an island-hopping campaign in space.
Amazing release, many thanks to the developer and GOG for continuing to preserve and support these gems!

Are there plans to re-release Star Fleet I as well???
high rated
pkv-marmoset: Amazing release, many thanks to the developer and GOG for continuing to preserve and support these gems!

Are there plans to re-release Star Fleet I as well???
Thank you! And yes, we want to bring SF1 as well, but we wanna get this one done and dusted and all stable and such first.