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For some of us, just the name – Atari – brings in so many memories. Warm, careless afternoons, escaping homework just to play favorite games, the smell of freshly baked cake and better days. Now, we’re is here to bring this all back, with one of a kind time capsule; check out these 6 titles, straight from Atari, fully playable on your modern PCs!

You can now get these classics:
Zapper: One Wicked Cricket!
Weird Dreams
Gunship + Gunship 2000
Flight of the Intruder
Hardball + Hardball 2

Enjoy the breeze of the past – now out!
"ATARI PRESENTS is a series of titles geared toward the preservation of cult classics, forgotten favorites, and titles that would otherwise be lost to time. In the spirit of that, each ATARI PRESENTS title is presented unchanged from its original version other than providing the means to play them on modern hardware. Even the store description below is the very same language used to describe the title at the time of its release. Please enjoy!"
Working link for Zapper

Lightspeed doesn't seem to be available in the store at the moment?
Swedrami: "ATARI PRESENTS is a series of titles geared toward the preservation of cult classics, forgotten favorites, and titles that would otherwise be lost to time. In the spirit of that, each ATARI PRESENTS title is presented unchanged from its original version other than providing the means to play them on modern hardware. Even the store description below is the very same language used to describe the title at the time of its release. Please enjoy!"
That's a very neat way of doing retro releases and a worthy mention, considering GOG didn't add the usual "Powered by DOSBox" tag, though I assume that's the case for 5 out of the 6 games.
Post edited February 15, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
Of all the games added to the catalogue, the one that interests me is Zapper. The truth is that it brings back nice memories and it's an entertaining game. Thanks to Atari and GOG =)
Oooh, great to see Zapper release, I had forgot about that game! Makes me hope to see Frogger and Swampy’s Revenge release here one day.
avatar Check out 6 (8) Atari games

- Zapper: One Wicked Cricket!
- Weird Dreams
- Lightspeed
- Gunship + Gunship 2000
- Flight of the Intruder
- Hardball + Hardball 2
- Zapper: I don't like the perspective. Also too zoomed in, for me.
- Weird Dreams: Weird, that the trailer is basically the screenshots in motion.
- Lightspeed: I wish the trailer would show a little more of the "Role-Playing Depth"...
- Gunship + Gunship 2000: Hell yeah - now we're talking!
- Flight of the Intruder: Let's put some moving pictures to this:
- Hardball + Hardball 2: Not really my game(s).
In the store's pages the only game which shows extras like MANUAL is Flight of the Intruder.

Please tell me the other games also come with them and they are just not mentioned for some reason.

You need the manuals to learn how to play some of these games.
Nice to see more classic games here, won't lie, I'm not a big baseball fan but those Harball titles look interesting for some reason.
Why is there no sound in the Zapper trailer?
Zapper! iirc Tommo got this originally, seems it was in the batch Atari bought back.

From what I can tell (haven't played it personally), it's pretty similar to Frogger 2 Swampy's Revenge clone (which makes sense because Blitz worked on that too), maybe using the same engine.

I might get it on sale. Shame Frogger 1997, Frogger 2 SR, and Pac-Man Adventures in Time are licensed, I'd buy those to support GOG. (Maybe GOG can talk to Konami and Atari and work out a deal for the Froggers at least... yeah right :P)

Bigger shame is Tommo not selling Atari back the Humongous games; then maybe we'd finally get Spy Fox and co. ;)
Post edited February 15, 2024 by tfishell
Lightspeed ?

Isn't Hyperspeed the same game with some extra stuff ?
Does anyone know if Gunship 2000 includes the expansion?

I feel so tired: Lightspeed ?

Isn't Hyperspeed the same game with some extra stuff ?
Yeah, Hyperspeed is pretty much a remaster of Lightspeed.
Post edited February 15, 2024 by Veloxi
I bought the Gunship pack and can't even download it. Fantastic.

So now we have Hardball I & II