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wintermute.: I fuckin' "love" how gog doesn't let me see the changelog of games I hadn't purchased to check which patchlevel they are offering ...
tinyE: I fuckin' love the way the wind blows through your hair. I fuckin' love the way you make me smile. I fuckin' love the tender kisses we used to share. I fuckin' love you.
In a surprising subversion: I love fuckin'.
micktiegs_8: Oh, I see car analogies (thanks, forgot that word) around quite a few places. Once on person starts, the rest of the bloody discussion does, pretty much to the point where you forget what the original topic was.
Maxvorstadt: There was a topic?
Aye, we were discussing cars.
Maxvorstadt: There was a topic?
omega64: Aye, we were discussing cars.
Ah, yes! So, what do you prefer: Mercedes or BMW?
omega64: Aye, we were discussing cars.
Maxvorstadt: Ah, yes! So, what do you prefer: Mercedes or BMW?
It depends. Can I see their changelogs?
omega64: Aye, we were discussing cars.
Maxvorstadt: Ah, yes! So, what do you prefer: Mercedes or BMW?
definitely BMW.
tinyE: I fuckin' love the way the wind blows through your hair. I fuckin' love the way you make me smile. I fuckin' love the tender kisses we used to share. I fuckin' love you.
You're the forum version of the horny dog that starts humping the legs of the guests, aren't you? Well, time to roll the newspaper...
Maxvorstadt: Ah, yes! So, what do you prefer: Mercedes or BMW?
mrkgnao: It depends. Can I see their changelogs?
Only if you create a car version of MaGOG.
GOG now sells cars!!!
CRM free, of course!!!
Post edited January 25, 2016 by Maxvorstadt
how to get the desired results from your log:

knowledge is power
Part 1 of my post is a valid complain and part 2 is my personal frustration I like to share with whoever wants to read it. Unfortunately for some guys here it is also valid to be fed up with some things about gog. A lot people mentioned a lot problems with gog many times, things didn't really improve. Like the critics about the forum (which I understand even if I get along with the forum somehow), about the entire shop page (being kind of slow, being not very intuitive), about features which seem to be nobrainers ... My tone is absolutely fine, after all I didn't attack someone personally, didn't use strong words besides the F word which isn't used as offense. Being unhappy with gog for some reasons is legit, just sayin'.
Special cudos to 0Grapher who has to tell me who "we" is as he likes to speak for a bigger group. So: Deine Meinung widerum interessiert auch mich kein Stück, aber sprech ruhig weiter für andere, um Dich damit in Deiner persönlichen Wahrnehmung zu legitimieren.
Post edited January 26, 2016 by wintermute.
Being able to see the version of games we dont own would be nice. However I do not think it is a reason enough to not buy games from GOG. Ofcourse everyone has their own opinion.
wintermute.: ...
Lin545: No changelog -> not buying at gog

Steel logic.
That, and the delay of patches and updates, are the main reasons I don't buy new games on Gog.
Lin545: No changelog -> not buying at gog

Steel logic.
Avogadro6: That, and the delay of patches and updates, are the main reasons I don't buy new games on Gog.
But on GoG the patches are checked by the GoG team if they work and don`t cause bigger troubles as the problems they should correct.
On Steam (and similar sites) you might get a patch faster as you would on GoG, but also the risk is greater that this patch brings new major bugs and render your game unplayable.
Sure, GoG is not allmighty, and they make mistakes too, but they are not like Steam who say: "Ah, new patch? Cool, let`s apply it and fuck the users if there`s something wrong with it!"!!!!!
Post edited January 26, 2016 by Maxvorstadt
Avogadro6: That, and the delay of patches and updates, are the main reasons I don't buy new games on Gog.
Maxvorstadt: But on GoG the patches are checked by the GoG team if they work and don`t cause bigger troubles as the problems they should correct.
On Steam (and similar sites) you might get a patch faster as you would on GoG, but also the risk is greater that this patch brings new major bugs and render your game unplayable.
Sure, GoG is not allmighty, and they make mistakes too, but they are not like Steam who say: "Ah, new patch? Cool, let`s apply it and fuck the users if there`s something wrong with it!"!!!!!
All I know is that I would prefer dealing with the occasional bad patch every now and then, than having to wait a week or more for all the good ones.
All the few major releases I've followed on Gog (Wasteland 2, PoE, Witcher 3 and more) had issues either due to patches delay, or because the games\updates were broken (hello Viking Conquest). There's also the problem of some devs/publishers discontinuing support of the Gog version and while that might not be Gog's fault, I'd rather dodge that bullet too.

Steam lets the devs handle patching because testing and managing hundreds of updates manually is simply not feasible. Gog's system was fine when it was only about making old games work on modern systems, but now that they have Linux support, Mac support, and a growing number of newish games still actively patched to deal with, it's obvious they are struggling to keep up. Imho they should just move toward an automatic system. Testing and QA should be done by the devs anyway.
Avogadro6: All the few major releases I've followed on Gog (Wasteland 2, PoE, Witcher 3 and more) had issues either due to
all those RPGs are bound to have lots of bugs and you're smarter and better off if you wait 3-6 months after their release to even begin to play them anyway. Playing RPGs anywhere close to release/at release just doesn't make sense if you care about patches at all in the first place. Your logic is flawed.