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As we step into the month of June, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate something very important: Pride Month.

Pride Month serves as a reminder of the progress we have made towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society, as well as the work that still lies ahead. It’s an opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of celebrating and embracing the diverse identities and experiences that enrich our lives with different perspectives. At GOG, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords, but fundamental principles that drive innovation, foster collaboration, and enable us to simply grow as people, as well.

To celebrate Pride Month, our queer team members selected the variety of games containing LGBTQAI+ themes and characters, all available on GOG. Inclusive environments and diverse characters create a safe space to have fun and express yourself for all kinds of gamers!

This time, we decided to choose a slightly different approach, to make browsing LGBTQAI+ games much easier; instead of just one collection, we created a whole page and divided it into categories.

Among such, we’ve created a list of games containing masculine romance representation – we’ve gathered all the games we could think of that include romance representation between male characters. Whether it’s Kerry Eurodyne in Cyberpunk 2077, Kim Kitsuragi in Disco Elysium, or Nailsmith in Hollow Knight, we tried our best to get them all! If you have any other recommendations that slipped our attention though, feel free to share them with us.

Another category you’ll notice is, of course, a set of games containing female romance representation. Through the emotional story of Unpacking, walking alongside protagonists of Life is Strange, getting to know Undyne in Undertale, and even more – we’re sure they’ll all steal your hearts!

In Choose-Your-Gender category, we’ve gathered games that allow you to play around and choose your gender representation in the virtual world freely. It’s a great way to explore your own identity, as well as try to put yourself in other people’s shoes – all while being in the safety of your own game, NPCs, without an ounce of worry about judgement.

Last but not least, we’re proud to present a list of games featuring transgender characters. Representation of trans people in video games is just as important as in any other media – and we couldn’t be happier to see the number of them slowly growing. Meet Claire ( Cyberpunk 2077), Sam ( Normal Lost Phone), Jackie ( Night in the Woods), and many more!

Let’s celebrate Pride Month – and together, make love last forever!
toma85: And this is basically the problem. The hate won't go away. It is present all over the internet. A thread about games won't change anything.
mechmouse: GOG having a Pride sale does change something
I am not talking about the sale. I am talking about this thread. Having a Twitter-like battlefield isn't helping anyone.

Just look at the recent posts by everyone here. Left vs right everywhere. That's why this thread should be closed.
mechmouse: GOG having a Pride sale does change something
toma85: I am not talking about the sale. I am talking about this thread. Having a Twitter-like battlefield isn't helping anyone.

Just look at the recent posts by everyone here. Left vs right everywhere. That's why this thread should be closed.
To me it seams the discussion have been mostly civil
so i cant see this battlefeild you speak of
SarahGabriella: Thats because GOG isnt pro LGBT+, theyre pro making money. Pandering to us gets them that because enough LGBT+ will buy into it.
Kind of the complete opposite of the hilariously wrong "go woke, get broke" causality. But, in its absolute form, this theory might not be that accurate either. GOG and CDPR have kind of a checkered past concerning LGBTQ+ support, and those affected and insulted by tone deaf tweets or awkward game design are unlikely to forget. GOG will probably not see a noticeable surge in sales. What they get is a wrestling match in their forum. I think that you wouldn't mimick a virtue you do not really possess if the rewards are so negligible and the risks so enormous.
mechmouse: GOG having a Pride sale does change something
toma85: I am not talking about the sale. I am talking about this thread. Having a Twitter-like battlefield isn't helping anyone.

Just look at the recent posts by everyone here. Left vs right everywhere. That's why this thread should be closed.
A thread like this shouldn’t have been created in the first place. Because it will always turns into a shouting match between both sides.
NuffCatnip: If you're interested in horror stories, get Scarlet Hollow, it is simply amazing!
Magnitus: I've been impressed with the reviews. I've been waiting impatiently for them to complete it so that I can play it.
There's a couple (2 I think) chapters/episodes missing and those could take a couple more years according to one of the devs (I might be wrong, I'll have to look it up), but you should keep an eye on it. :)

Edit: There's 3 more episodes to come, so 7 in total.
Here's a statement from the Steam forums:

Will say that the first draft of Episode 5's script is about 25% done, and we're going to release the full version of Slay the Princess before Episode 5 since it's a smaller project than Scarlet Hollow. Rest assured though that we're going full steam ahead on both games :D
Post edited June 07, 2023 by NuffCatnip
Lodium: Why are people acting like Gay and lesbian people are the same thing as Trans people?
They are not
Since I have no real insight in that (most of all the trans thing), I believe you unquestioned. I basically followed the lead of the quoted post, without reflecting too much. I should have written "non-binary" instead of "trans".

Lodium: Many gay and lesbians feel their struggle have been hijacked by the additonal letters
and they dont nececarly agree with all the acttion of the "LGBT+ comunity as a whole
HappyPunkPotato: This seems like a problem of semantics. When I see LGBT+, I think of a name for a group of people with some things in common before I think of a political movement.
Gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex (aka DSD) and others "in the umbrella" are just people... and not particularly political alone.

But the formation of the LGBTQIA+ community is political. It is a political formation to bring many diverse peoples (and some with opposing views and backgrounds) together for a unified political purpose.
Magnitus: I've been impressed with the reviews. I've been waiting impatiently for them to complete it so that I can play it.
NuffCatnip: There's a couple (2 I think) chapters/episodes missing and those could take a couple more years according to one of the devs (I might be wrong, I'll have to look it up), but you should keep an eye on it. :)


Do they tend to go back and add to previous content or it is mostly just append more content at the end and if you play it, you can just continue where you left off later without missing anything?
mechmouse: But if red heads were banned from appearing in public, and had to fight for equal rights, they would be.

The point is no-one chooses to be Gay or bi or Trans, no more than they choose to be blonde,its their oppression that makes them political, not their existence.
neumi5694: Then it would become a political movement, that is right. Fighting for rights is political. Btw, did anyone tell you not to appear in public?
At the time of the first Pride riot, you could be arrested for kissing your gay partner. While you could physically appear in public, "you" that actual person you are couldn't.

neumi5694: One doesn't chose to be gay, one doesn't chose to be trans, but it is a choice to be part of the LGBTXYZ+ community (or ABS: anything but straight), there is at least one poster here, who very much doesn't want to be identified with them.

This community very specifically excludes those who are neither of these things. It's not like a bowling club. Like no one choses to be gay, no one choses to be straight and excluded from this group that drools so much for attention.
If one wants the same rights for all, all must be included and not just those with a specific sexual orientation. How can one expect acceptance for a group that specifically excludes the biggest part of the population? Of course those being excluded develop resistance, that's only natural thing. Just like the non straights, the straights don't want to be excluded either.
I'm not sure what you think Straight people are excluded from?

neumi5694: One wants to be treated the same way as all others, still he puts a lot of effort into showing that he is different. Most people don't care at all what you are, but you keep rubbing it in their face. The son of one of my cousins is gay, another cousin became muslim so he could marry his love ... so what? They don't make a big deal out of it, they are still the same people as always. They don't need to run around and announce it to everyone. Of course it helps to know that alcohol is a nono for a muslim, but I don't drink alcohol either (by choice), I am also glad if people don't even try to offer me some.
You're 2nd cousin is lucky he gets to be himself, its lovely just to give your boyfriend a kiss in public and not have to worry about having a rock hurled at you.

But the reason Pride exists is because that does happen, its a shout back saying "we're not going to be bullied into hiding away"

neumi5694: Remember the suffragettes? That were the first women who openly fought for their right to vote. Being a woman is not political, being a suffragete was.

You might not agree with what I said here and that's perfectly ok. That's just my view on things, usually I don't talk so much about it.

But don't you ever claim that LGBTQ+ is not political, because no matter who you blame for it, it is very much so.
The I shall rephrase

LGBT+ characteristics are not inherently political, they become political through their repression.
LGBT+ People don't want their existence to be political
toma85: I am not talking about the sale. I am talking about this thread. Having a Twitter-like battlefield isn't helping anyone.

Just look at the recent posts by everyone here. Left vs right everywhere. That's why this thread should be closed.
Pat Headroom: A thread like this shouldn’t have been created in the first place. Because it will always turns into a shouting match between both sides.
Again, thats just silencing of the LGBT+ community and giving in to far right bigotry.
mechmouse: LGBT+ characteristics are not inherently political, they become political through their repression.
LGBT+ People don't want their existence to be political
women and suffragettes
And read what other posters wrote about people not wanting to be connected with LGBT+
Lodium: Why are people acting like Gay and lesbian people are the same thing as Trans people?
They are not
Many gay and lesbians feel their struggle have been hijacked by the additonal letters
and they dont nececarly agree with all the acttion of the "LGBT+ comunity as a whole
Given that the Pride riots was started by a Black Trans Woman, the T has been there from the beginning.

This narrative that the LGB side wants to split from the T is the creation of far right activists.

Are there Trans Exclusionary LGB people, absolutely, hell there are even Trans Exclusionary Trans people, but they're a tiny fraction of the community. the vast number of LGB people stand firmly behind their Trans Sisters and brothers.
NuffCatnip: There's a couple (2 I think) chapters/episodes missing and those could take a couple more years according to one of the devs (I might be wrong, I'll have to look it up), but you should keep an eye on it. :)
Magnitus: Years...


Do they tend to go back and add to previous content or it is mostly just append more content at the end and if you play it, you can just continue where you left off later without missing anything?
I might be wrong, I hope I'm wrong. :D Right now I'm skimming through my search history to find the thread/post. :)

Edit: Found it!

Hi! We're shooting for October 2024 as the full release, but it's too early to commit to any specifics. The full game will be out when it's finished, and when we deem Episode 7 polished enough for release!

Just edited my first post, before this post. Right now their first draft of the 5th episode is about 25% done.
Epsiode 4 took them 'about 3 straight months of 80 hours/week'.
There'll be 7 episodes in total, so 12 to 18 months might be feasable. But I wouldn't mind if they go at a slower pace, I rarely work 60 hours a week and even that is draining. :)

Sorry, I don't know, I bought the game after epsiode 4 dropped. The game flew under my radar until I played the demo of their upcoming game Slay the Princess. That demo blew me away, I had to get Scarlet Hollow right after finishing it. :)
But after having skimmed through the patchlogs, they fix typos and choice errors, but it doesn't look like they add stuff to previous chapters/episodes. It looks like you can continue where you left off without having to worry about anything. :)
Post edited June 07, 2023 by NuffCatnip
Vainamoinen: Our conservatives – not just the 'blue' nazi party, but also our 'black' Merkel party folks and even the Stalinist head of our supposedly ultra Left – of course heavily politicize any such effort at inclusion as a destruction of "our" language.
Okay, let's just forget that basically EVERY poll is against the change of the German language and call it "politics" instead. I am all for inclusion and I never had any prejudices in my life but I'd prefer people to ACT including rather than changing a language for whatever reason. I simply love the German language the way I learned it in school. But I guess such a discussion would go too much into politics so let's just say that I said my 2cts and levae it like that.
Lodium: Shoud we also have fat month, glasses month, hairstyle month etc because these people are also beeing repressed?
I don't remember mullets being banned material under section 28
Nor any bill prohibiting users of corrective eye wear from reading to minors

And body positive month is February