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what I read in here:

"we're a bunch of awful people who have no hope of ever finding a woman to like us so we're going to give the OP shit because he is actually trying and might have a chance"

seriously, you mean fucks, GTFO, this is why you are all alone and miserable, because you are ASSHoLES

^ if this doesn't apply to you then it doesn't apply to you and you can disregard because I'm not addressing you ^
bad_fur_day1: I honestly can't remember one intelligent thing you've ever said bro.

What was the last thing, oh yeah, having no idea what you were buying, and then complaining about it in the release thread. Bravo.

Time before that, a completely unwitty, witty post. Good one.
Oh, the irony.
drealmer7: what I read in here:

"we're a bunch of awful people who have no hope of ever finding a woman to like us so we're going to give the OP shit because he is actually trying and might have a chance"

seriously, you mean fucks, GTFO, this is why you are all alone and miserable, because you are ASSHoLES

^ if this doesn't apply to you then it doesn't apply to you and you can disregard because I'm not addressing you ^
+1, but you'll never bring class to this place :P
bad_fur_day1: I honestly can't remember one intelligent thing you've ever said bro.

What was the last thing, oh yeah, having no idea what you were buying, and then complaining about it in the release thread. Bravo.

Time before that, a completely unwitty, witty post. Good one.
javihyuga: Oh, the irony.
Isn't that a 90's Alanis Morissette song?
javihyuga: Oh, the irony.
bad_fur_day1: Isn't that a 90's Alanis Morissette song?
something about spooning on a rainy day.
drealmer7: what I read in here:

"we're a bunch of awful people who have no hope of ever finding a woman to like us so we're going to give the OP shit because he is actually trying and might have a chance"

seriously, you mean fucks, GTFO, this is why you are all alone and miserable, because you are ASSHoLES

^ if this doesn't apply to you then it doesn't apply to you and you can disregard because I'm not addressing you ^
Ophelium: +1, but you'll never bring class to this place :P
Class? Class is dismissed. School's out FOREVER.
How to keep a woman happy. in simple terms....

1) in any given situation, stop and think what is the opposite of being selfish
2) please do proper research on female sexuality
3) Take on a cause, greenpease, the environment, who cares, just be good at pretending to be into it.
4) Sometimes you need to take the initiative... do a load of washing without being asked, take her to a live show etc etc
5) here is one you probably all know quite well already.... be good at pretending to be interested in her life,,, some encouragement where it was not requested always works wonders too :)

That pretty much covers it
On that note; "The truth is you can do anything to women except bore them."

-Cormac McCarthy
bad_fur_day1: On that note; "The truth is you can do anything to women except bore them."

-Cormac McCarthy
hahaha, but I dunno? these days allot of women are quite independent, they are happy to have a guy who does not add drama to their life... just stay out of their way mostly, but occasionally they like to have a bit of support, friendship, intimacy, ,,,, you can do all those things and be as boring as a brick..... oh wait.... yea, you don't want to be boring in bed tho,,,, definitely not!
drealmer7: seriously, you mean fucks, GTFO, this is why you are all alone and miserable,
Pardon me, but some of us are married and miserable. XD

But not me. My dating years are so far behind me, though, that I don't think I can offer much help except to offer sympathy for whatever deathknight is going through.
mystikmind2000: How to keep a woman happy. in simple terms....

1) in any given situation, stop and think what is the opposite of being selfish
2) please do proper research on female sexuality
3) Take on a cause, greenpease, the environment, who cares, just be good at pretending to be into it.
4) Sometimes you need to take the initiative... do a load of washing without being asked, take her to a live show etc etc
5) here is one you probably all know quite well already.... be good at pretending to be interested in her life,,, some encouragement where it was not requested always works wonders too :)

That pretty much covers it
So in short, lose your spine, surrender your free will, emancipate your finances to your partner, and give up on HOPE. The death of critical thinking and free will. Yes sir, those are the keys to a long, healthy relationship.

When a man wants revenge on another man, he punches him. When a woman wants revenge on a man, she marries him.
mystikmind2000: How to keep a woman happy. in simple terms....

1) in any given situation, stop and think what is the opposite of being selfish
2) please do proper research on female sexuality
3) Take on a cause, greenpease, the environment, who cares, just be good at pretending to be into it.
4) Sometimes you need to take the initiative... do a load of washing without being asked, take her to a live show etc etc
5) here is one you probably all know quite well already.... be good at pretending to be interested in her life,,, some encouragement where it was not requested always works wonders too :)

That pretty much covers it
Emob78: So in short, lose your spine, surrender your free will, emancipate your finances to your partner, and give up on HOPE. The death of critical thinking and free will. Yes sir, those are the keys to a long, healthy relationship.
How insightful.
Emob78: So in short, lose your spine, surrender your free will, emancipate your finances to your partner, and give up on HOPE. The death of critical thinking and free will. Yes sir, those are the keys to a long, healthy relationship.
bad_fur_day1: How insightful.
That's what she said. XD
bad_fur_day1: On that note; "The truth is you can do anything to women except bore them."

-Cormac McCarthy
Yeah, that explains a lot. My tendency to talk for hours about Dune or the history of the decline of american comics is probably doing me no favors :D