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darthspudius: Resident Evil 6 and Castlevania Lord of Shadows comes under this for me. Bad reputation but are well built, great looking games.
park_84: I didn't recall LoS being smashed by the media and, since it was developed by a Spanish studio, I was wondering if my perception was influenced by a Spanish media being overly biased towards the game. This doesn't seem the case though, or at least I can't relate bad reputation to a Metacritic score of 80-85 for both critic and user reviews. On the other hand, the average Metacritic score for RE6 drops down to 70-75 for the critic reviews and just 50-55 for those of the users.
I suppose with Castlevania it is more about it's reputation. I mean the series fans shunned it despite the fact it's probably the best game in the series for nearly 20 yrs (atleast I thought so).
l0rdtr3k: I assume some of you said that when you read the reviews of a game that you really like and it turns out that most of them are negative.
Cadaver747: Quite the opposite: there are many games I dislike or found mediocre at best are praised with 5 stars ;(
But I know the feeling when your favorite games gets *unfair* criticism or lack of love. Nobody like Kyrandia like I do ;)
Ah that is not hard to do though. I mean Halo, Call of Duty and so on. Decent games but not exactly the great experiences they're claiming to be.
Post edited June 07, 2015 by darthspudius
Oh, two oldies I forgot (and I have mentioned in similar polls):

Lands of Lore 2 & 3

I never could understand why others seemed to think the first LoL was so great and the sequels, especially the third one were shit. I found the first one much less interesting than the sequels.

It is true LoL3 had (has?) some bugs still, like I recall having one sub-quest in my quest log that wouldn't get marked as finished, even though I had finished the quest (then again, I faced a similar problem also in e.g. Baldur's Gate 2, IIRC). But still, overall I remember quite enjoying both the sequels, more than the original.
Post edited June 07, 2015 by timppu
darthspudius: I loved Resi 1-4 and 6. The change of game play kept it fresh, the biggest problem is the fans rather than the games. Sure they were different but how many times can you run round the same places doing the same things.
I don't know how many times you can do the same thing, but when you no longer can and make something new, name it something new.
darthspudius: I suppose with Castlevania it is more about it's reputation. I mean the series fans shunned it despite the fact it's probably the best game in the series for nearly 20 yrs (atleast I thought so).
I can tell you why I strongly disliked lords of shadow: bosses that regenerate health on failing their kill QTE. I stopped playing immediately after that.
Post edited June 07, 2015 by P1na
The "3 ugly sisters" of the old SSI D&D line, Strahds Possesion, Stoneprophet and Menzoberranzan. They had the misfortune of being stuck in between the popular Gold Box/Eye of the Beholder lines and the later Baldurs Gate. No one loved them except for me it seems. They may have been ugly, but the ugly ones sometimes try hard and have a good personality.

Much more recently, Assassins Creed Unity. Panned by every gamer it seems (though i doubt most that criticize it have actually really played it) because of it's launch problems and simply for being an AC game. But that world...never before has there been such a stunning open world to run around in. Climb up on the Notre Dame and look around, it looks like a mutha fuckin' postcard from Paris during the French Revolution. Visually the most stunning game i've played. Was happy to spend my yearly dose of open world gaming in Paris.
And Ubi have either fixed the issues or i was amazingly lucky, because with 80 hours of play i never experienced a single glitch. Not even a FPS slowdown. Best AC since AC 2.
darthspudius: I loved Resi 1-4 and 6. The change of game play kept it fresh, the biggest problem is the fans rather than the games. Sure they were different but how many times can you run round the same places doing the same things.
P1na: I don't know how many times you can do the same thing, but when you no longer can and make something new, name it something new.
darthspudius: I suppose with Castlevania it is more about it's reputation. I mean the series fans shunned it despite the fact it's probably the best game in the series for nearly 20 yrs (atleast I thought so).
P1na: I can tell you why I strongly disliked lords of shadow: bosses that regenerate health on failing their kill QTE. I stopped playing immediately after that.
Play it on easy, it aint so bad. I actually quite liked the boss battles. Very similar to God of War.

I could say Alpha Protocol but that's kind of old hat at this stage, so Ill go with Dragon Age inquisition, I liked DA2 and Dungeon Siege 3 as well, so get the pitchforks and torches, Ill be hiding up in the old windmill ruins :).
darthspudius: Play it on easy, it aint so bad. I actually quite liked the boss battles. Very similar to God of War.
No. Playing it on easy just for the bosses would ruin the rest of the game, to begin with. And the way those QTEs are designed, "press X which is mapped to space but I won't tell you that so you fail while your brain is still processing", suck. I don't know if it's the case on this particular game, but often difficulty affects the standard gameplay and not the QTEs, which is infuriating. And I'm not a big god of war fan to begin with. So yeah, no.

I could say Alpha Protocol but that's kind of old hat at this stage, so Ill go with Dragon Age inquisition, I liked DA2 and Dungeon Siege 3 as well, so get the pitchforks and torches, Ill be hiding up in the old windmill ruins :).
I would agree with you on Dragon Age 2 and Dungeon Siege 3. DAI was okay-ish for me, it seemed to me like it did not have enough substance, like a small piece of butter spread on too large slice of bread.
darthspudius: I loved Resi 1-4 and 6. The change of game play kept it fresh, the biggest problem is the fans rather than the games. Sure they were different but how many times can you run round the same places doing the same things.
P1na: I don't know how many times you can do the same thing, but when you no longer can and make something new, name it something new.
darthspudius: I suppose with Castlevania it is more about it's reputation. I mean the series fans shunned it despite the fact it's probably the best game in the series for nearly 20 yrs (atleast I thought so).
P1na: I can tell you why I strongly disliked lords of shadow: bosses that regenerate health on failing their kill QTE. I stopped playing immediately after that.
I loved both the LoS games, I never found the qtes an issue but I played on PS3 so maybe the controller is an easier approach?

I could say Alpha Protocol but that's kind of old hat at this stage, so Ill go with Dragon Age inquisition, I liked DA2 and Dungeon Siege 3 as well, so get the pitchforks and torches, Ill be hiding up in the old windmill ruins :).
Alesh91: I would agree with you on Dragon Age 2 and Dungeon Siege 3. DAI was okay-ish for me, it seemed to me like it did not have enough substance, like a small piece of butter spread on too large slice of bread.
Well I haven't played a lot of it yet, but I have enjoyed what I have played so far, hopefully it stays like that :)
Post edited June 07, 2015 by Riotact
tinyE: Kingpin
This. I really like Kingpin. I still appreciate its overall design, its structure and its quite unique features. The shooting mechanics themselves could have been a tad better and sometimes it's hard to figure out what to do and where to go but all in all it's a really original and cool game.

Also Bet on Soldier (a kinda sequel to Iron Storm), I really love this game which was - as far as I can tell - rather unpopular. Many people didn't like the game mechanics revolving around money, personally I loved them and they added a nice tactical layer to the game IMO. Generally, it's a highly satisfying and unique shooter which I have fond memories of and would gladly play again.
Potzato: Fallout Tactics

So little games show the science of ambush as such an artform.
P1na: Why would that game have bad reviews?
People reviewed it as a 'Fallout 3' I suppose. Without meaningful dialogues and a true open world it didn't go well.
Riotact: Well I haven't played a lot of it yet, but I have enjoyed what I have played so far, hopefully it stays like that :)
It felt to me that quite a lot of resources went to making it open world and they neglected things that are more to my liking, but I still spent a lot of time playing the game, because it is still good, despite the flaws I saw in it . I hope that you enjoy it and I hope that the next game will be more up my alley.
Riotact: I loved both the LoS games, I never found the qtes an issue but I played on PS3 so maybe the controller is an easier approach?
Maybe. But if I nedd a controller to play, I will not play.

Potzato: People reviewed it as a 'Fallout 3' I suppose. Without meaningful dialogues and a true open world it didn't go well.
Well yeah, but it's not Fallout 3. It's a whole different beast, and as a tactics game it was awesome. Even if you could exploit the turn based combat.
Riotact: Well I haven't played a lot of it yet, but I have enjoyed what I have played so far, hopefully it stays like that :)
Alesh91: It felt to me that quite a lot of resources went to making it open world and they neglected things that are more to my liking, but I still spent a lot of time playing the game, because it is still good, despite the flaws I saw in it . I hope that you enjoy it and I hope that the next game will be more up my alley.
Yeah I get that, why I like it so much (so far) is because of the way the world has been opened up :)
Riotact: I loved both the LoS games, I never found the qtes an issue but I played on PS3 so maybe the controller is an easier approach?
P1na: Maybe. But if I nedd a controller to play, I will not play.

Potzato: People reviewed it as a 'Fallout 3' I suppose. Without meaningful dialogues and a true open world it didn't go well.
P1na: Well yeah, but it's not Fallout 3. It's a whole different beast, and as a tactics game it was awesome. Even if you could exploit the turn based combat.
Well, they are console ports, so I guess the pad comes with the territory, but if you ever do get a pad, I think you will enjoy the games more if you do revisit them :)
Post edited June 07, 2015 by Riotact
Riotact: Well, they are console ports, so I guess the pad comes with the territory, but if you ever do get a pad, I think you will enjoy the games more if you do revisit them :)
I tend to suck at QTEs. When I'm fighting a boss, I painstakenly reduce it to 25% health, fail a QTE and it's back at 75%... not fun. At all. Sure keyboard makes it even worse, but the game still sucks IMO. I played God of war 1&2 on console, that final fight on the second was a simple QTE and took me hours. There was some other (console) game with that same mechanic and I wanted to finish it, but I got so annoyed that I had to give up. I've tried these games, and I don't like them. I'm just not willing to waste my time with games with that kind of design.