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Gede: It is getting harder and harder to find a politician or head of an organization who seems competent, let alone honest or driven by some ideal of doing good by the people.
Regals: It is extremely easy to do so...
The media is ran by globalist/elitist/the wealthy secret societies.

Look carefully at the media... and you can easily figure out what hurts their agenda the most.

Who are they attacking?
Who are they paying people to attack?
Yes, it's easy to spot the modus operandi, but it's not so easy to discern the extent of the media's influence. The Brexit vote is the perfect example. This took everyone by surprise.
Garrison72: Yes, it's easy to spot the modus operandi, but it's not so easy to discern the extent of the media's influence. The Brexit vote is the perfect example. This took everyone by surprise.
Not everyone....

Ever heard of Bilderberg Group?
You know what happen right before the "vote"?

Check the wiki page on them even... don't take my word.

People use to say it was crazy and tinfoil hat to think goverment was listening in on phone calls.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by Regals
There are plenty of news organisations reporting the mighty impressive number of folks that has signed the petition demanding a redo, but few (if any) are pointing out that a lot of the signatures aren’t even from UK citizens according to this:

A lot of Brits voted out because they believed that for good or ill, Britain should be the master of its own destiny. It would be somewhat ironic if a second referendum was called because EU citizens didn’t like the decision. Though on the plus side my little bro would get to vote. Poor little bugger was gutted about being just a smidge too young.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by markrichardb
markrichardb: There are plenty of news organisations reporting the mighty impressive number of folks that has signed the petition demanding a redo, but few (if any) are pointing out that a lot of the signatures aren’t even from UK citizens according to this:

A lot of Brits voted out because they believed that for good or ill, Britain should be the master of its own destiny. It would be somewhat ironic if a second referendum was called because EU citizens didn’t like the decision. Though on the plus side my little bro would get to vote. Poor little bugger was gutted about being just a smidge too young.
There, my good man! Non-British are most of them, like the major of London. Hence their disrespect for lawful, legal and democratic results, such as the recent referendum's. From where they surfaced to migrate to London, democracy is something they never knew, approved or respected. As it seems, not even in lands that belong to others, do they even consider to respect democracy, decency, rule of the majority and stuff! We are lucky enough that they didn't start acid attacks to rearrange faces, to show their disapproval in a more "vocal" way!
Post edited June 26, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Gede: the way they write the time and date (MM/DD/YY? It may sound nice, but it does not make much sense).
Eh... we don't do that.

We write the date like normal people (i.e. anyone not American) DD/MM/YY
25/06/16 for today.

Anyway, the more and more I see and read the more I'm sure this was the wrong choice for the country and a decision made largely by uninformed morons and racists.

Well done UK.
Gede: Some times I wish we were overseen by some sort of computer overlords. At least then stuff would make some sense. It is getting harder and harder to find a politician or head of an organization who seems competent, let alone honest or driven by some ideal of doing good by the people.
don't worry, Skynet will fix this :p

Titanium: Surprisingly, I feel about the same way. I was planing to visit GB for a round trip around the country, mainly to go to Scotland, but now I just don't care to visit much anymore. It just feels redundant somehow.
hmm, there is still 15million people who voted for the EU. In Scotland the majority voted to remain.
Seems unreasonable to declare the whole of the UK as some scary, alien place.
high rated
Gede: the way they write the time and date (MM/DD/YY? It may sound nice, but it does not make much sense).
adaliabooks: Eh... we don't do that.

We write the date like normal people (i.e. anyone not American) DD/MM/YY
25/06/16 for today.

Anyway, the more and more I see and read the more I'm sure this was the wrong choice for the country and a decision made largely by uninformed morons and racists.

Well done UK.
Don't drink the Koolaid.
psadler: First of all, the dress-wearers said "no" to their own independence, even though we all hate them. Secondly, what has it got to do with yank scum?
Part of the reason they stayed is because Scotland wanted to enjoy the benefits of the EU. If they had left before, they'd have no EU membership or basis upon which to join.
I think for the moment, it's best to just remain calmly rational. It's only been a day or so since the referendum and no-one has left the EU before, so all the hysteria seems a little premature.

There's no point in casting blame in any particular direction, and as for the talk about further referenda, how many do you hold until someone decides that the outcome is necessarily the correct one?

There are always going to be problems as long as borders and countries exist -- the only way to really solve the problem is to level the entire playing field, equalize taxes and wages, provide the same laws, and so on, but that's never really going to happen in the foreseeable future, and even then, I'm fairly sure someone will want more than they've actually got.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by blakstar
richlind33: My point is that I think you're exaggerating when you suggest that trouble re emigration is merely far-right propaganda.
BreOl72: Ah, mean immigration.
Assimilation is something very different.

Ok - first things first: I'm no social romantic!

I know there are (a lot of) problems, when it comes to the immigration of strangers in Germany (like in most (all?) other countries.
These problems double, if said strangers have different religious believes, in particular, if some (!) of these strangers think the religion should have a say in the politics, laws, etc., which is (or should be at least) an absolute "no-no" in any modern society.

Here in Germany, we have immigrants since the 60s, when all the Italians and the Turks came, to do the jobs, that we Germans didn't want to do any longer (because: too hard, too dirty, not payed well enough).

Some of these "Gastarbeiter" stayed here, brought their families over, raised their children some cases, all went smooth - they fit in (because they were willing to fit in!), learned our language, their kids learned our language, got a good short: they are successful Germans (of turkish ancestry) nowadays.

These immigrants are -as far as I can tell- well regarded by the majority of us Germans (some idiots left outside).

Some others, were not so willing to fit in.
They chose to live in "ghettos", among themselves, not really willing to learn our language, therefore their kids had trouble learning our language, too.

I remember, when I came into elemantary school, there was this turkish girl, who couldn't speak or understand a single German have to imaging this: that kid lived here in Germany for six years, and had not learned a single word of our language - of course, teachers had a hard time, teaching her anything.

And it doesn't really stop at the refusal to learn German - they also brought their "religious laws" (sharia, etc.), and they think, they should be allowed to live after these religious laws.

Which would be no problem, of course (catholics live after religious laws (commandments), too...well some of them), if sharia would only be like catholic commandments, but...sharia relates to everything in their lives.

And they think, their sharia should be the ONLY law to which they have to live by.
All the "worldly" and "western" laws are nothing to them.

Thus we have forced marriages, honor killings, etc.
I just realize I write a wall of text make it short:

No, I don't claim the problems with immigrants /refugees to be merely far-right propaganda.
These problems exist.

The problem with the far-right extremists is - they don't see the aforementioned positive examples...for them every stranger is a rapist, thief, murderer, living on their cost.

And as if the true problems wouldn't be bad enough already, they always have to add fuel to the fire, in example - by claiming, that "good Germans" were forced out of their homes, because refugees wanted them.

Which -in a way- is partially true, but leaves out all the little details (and the devil always is in the details) and of course any rectification to any prematurely made accusation.

And in a climate of uncertainty and resentments, such claims can (and actually have) lead to violent incidents against innocents.

And that is no exaggeration!
That's not a wall of text, that's a book! lol

Thank you for the detailed response, including correction of "emigration". I quite agree with your points.
BreOl72: Which would be no problem, of course (catholics live after religious laws (commandments), too...well some of them), if sharia would only be like catholic commandments, but...sharia relates to everything in their lives.
I think it's fundamentally wrong to compare the ten (or eleven) commandments to sharia. The commandments are merely moral guidelines and the punishment for not following them is metaphysical at best. Sharia is an actual legal system that dictates very specific forms of punishment to be applied in the physical world and that's the problem with it and why it's incompatible with western civilisation.
BreOl72: Which would be no problem, of course (catholics live after religious laws (commandments), too...well some of them), if sharia would only be like catholic commandments, but...sharia relates to everything in their lives.
F4LL0UT: I think it's fundamentally wrong to compare the ten (or eleven) commandments to sharia. The commandments are merely moral guidelines and the punishment for not following them is metaphysical at best. Sharia is an actual legal system that dictates very specific forms of punishment to be applied in the physical world and that's the problem with it and why it's incompatible with western civilisation.
That's precisely what he's saying, numpty.
low rated
LiefLayer: I want to stay in Europe and change it from the inside.
I will not leave europe to some burocrats. Also I'm against german burocrats and bank... I'm not against any German.
psadler: You can't change it from the inside. You won't have and don't have any power.

That is the idea.


Wow, that couldn't be more clearcut (except London, lol)
psadler: That is because London is dominated by colonialists who like taking other people's lands and jobs (which most of us stopped doing about 200 years ago).

Anyway, I thought that colonisation (or whatever you want call it in Newspeak) was, well, a bad thing?

itchy01ca01: I don't really care about the vote, but the amount of out and out racism in this thread...
psadler: Don't worry, most of it is just anti-English racism, which isn't against the law.
Nope, haven't seen that. I've seen a SHITTON against the jews, gays, romani, immigrants and others though :)
But that's a nice try. Next?
Post edited June 26, 2016 by itchy01ca01
Sorry about my ignorance, but the referendum was binding to the final decision of leaving/staying?
tokisto: Sorry about my ignorance, but the referendum was binding to the final decision of leaving/staying?
Unfortunately it's totally binding. The Rams are playing in Los Angeles next year whether we like it or not.