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dtgreene: Certain words have been used as slurs against certain groups of people, and as a result have acquired a very hostile connotation. As a result, those words should not be used unless you are trying to reclaim them (and only do this if you are in the group targeted by that specific word).

Examples of such words include "nigger", "fag", and "tranny".

(Note the use-mention distinction: I am only mentioning those offensive words; I am not actually using them.)
tinyE: I was thinking more along the lines of dick shit motherfucker pussy and snot.
Just can't help yourself,can you?
Zabohad: Well, he is wrong. In the world where Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has to be censored for its "blatant racism", being labeled a racist means absolutely nothing.
noncompliantgame: They're censoring Huck Finn now? FAAAAAAARK!!!
Mark Twain's too harsh, dontcha know.
Titanium: That snot nice.
CARRiON.FLOWERS: /pol/ is that way -->
Off is the general direction that you should fuck.

joshcory88: Being labelled a racist means you are doing something right.
tinyE: Really?

Care to explain exactly what these guys are doing right?

What did he do right?

Pray tell, what is being done right here?

BTW this is not an attack on Doc0075. I don't like his decision but I'm not insinuating he is one of the monsters I showed above. I would never in a million years even consider doing that. I'm simply trying to point how incredibly ignorant joshcory's reply is.
It's only ignorant if he thinks being racist is a good thing, which may or may not be the case.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by richlind33
tinyE: Okay fine, but I just want an answer to my question. :P He said being called a racist means you are doing something right. Putting aside the fact that "right" is an ambiguous term at best, all I want to know is what exactly does someone do that is "right" which in turn gets them labeled a racist? XD

It's a simple question but you'd think I was asking for a viable refute of Einsteins Law or Relativity! :P
Zabohad: Well, he is wrong. In the world where Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has to be censored for its "blatant racism", being labeled a racist means absolutely nothing.
Ditto for anti-Semitism.
WTF is that shit supposed to prove?
I hope people realize that, yes a version of Huck Finn was released that was censored, but it's not like any library/school that I know of carries it. So nice try on the "they'll take OUR FREEDOMS away". Nope, they're just trying to make people less assholish, which I am all for. If you're going to live in a society, you need to follow the rules, including being polite and respectful. Don't want to be a part of society? Go to jail, get fined etc. etc. until you realize that it's easier to get along with society that work against it ;)
I just love how every thread turns into a continuation of the Gamergate thread. Brexit? What's that? Oh, that's the scandal about how the evil conservative Brits are trying to kick all the Muslim trannies out of their country.
itchy01ca01: I hope people realize that, yes a version of Huck Finn was released that was censored, but it's not like any library/school that I know of carries it. So nice try on the "they'll take OUR FREEDOMS away". Nope, they're just trying to make people less assholish, which I am all for. If you're going to live in a society, you need to follow the rules, including being polite and respectful. Don't want to be a part of society? Go to jail, get fined etc. etc. until you realize that it's easier to get along with society that work against it ;)
Maybe you should try being less assholish, asshole.
markrichardb: The weirdest thing about your attitude is that you live in the UK, implying that you interact with UK residents every day of your life. Unless you belong to some kind of cult, there are likely people who voted to leave the EU all around you. They’re your work colleagues, your neighbours, and maybe even… your family! Quick, throw your mother out and secure the doors!
adaliabooks: Yep
I worked with most of the idiots who will have voted leave for four years. People who don't understand politics, the economy or anything beyond how to claim their next benefit cheque or get their next pint. I'm not saying everyone who voted Leave is like that, just that the million or so that swung the vote in leaves favour had no clue what they were voting for or what the consequences would be. They were just swayed by bullshit promises and nationalism.

There was someone interviewed on TV yesterday who said he never voted but he voted out because he wanted change. Try voting in your general elections then. Democracy or not what right does he have to make a choice that effects the whole country for the next 20 - 30 years (at least) when he can't even be bothered to vote for his local MPs?

And there are reports coming in today of leave voters ringing the polling stations asking if they can change their votes because they'd done it in protest and didn't realise we would actually leave the EU (not sure how true that is or not, haven't had a chance to read the story and look into it)

If I believed it was something the majority of the country had thought through, wanted and believed in I could accept it and respect it. But it feels like most of the Leave voters didn't even have a clue what they were getting or leaving behind and that's what sticks in my throat.
Im gonna pose a question here or a speculation since this intelligence and education thing seams to be brougth up time and time again.

Was it the uneducated normal man that was resposible for the financial crisis or was it the the rich ones and the higlhy educated ones?
Post edited June 26, 2016 by Lodium
itchy01ca01: I hope people realize that, yes a version of Huck Finn was released that was censored, but it's not like any library/school that I know of carries it. So nice try on the "they'll take OUR FREEDOMS away". Nope, they're just trying to make people less assholish, which I am all for. If you're going to live in a society, you need to follow the rules, including being polite and respectful. Don't want to be a part of society? Go to jail, get fined etc. etc. until you realize that it's easier to get along with society that work against it ;)
Being polite and respectful isn't a rule of any western democracy I know of.
low rated
Garrison72: Being polite and respectful isn't a rule of any western democracy I know of.
In Missouri it's actually frowned upon. That's one of the reasons I moved.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure reading is frowned upon in Missouri.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by tinyE
A wise man once said, "If voting could change things, it would be illegal".
itchy01ca01: I hope people realize that, yes a version of Huck Finn was released that was censored, but it's not like any library/school that I know of carries it. So nice try on the "they'll take OUR FREEDOMS away". Nope, they're just trying to make people less assholish, which I am all for. If you're going to live in a society, you need to follow the rules, including being polite and respectful. Don't want to be a part of society? Go to jail, get fined etc. etc. until you realize that it's easier to get along with society that work against it ;)
Garrison72: Being polite and respectful isn't a rule of any western democracy I know of.
If you want politeness and respect i think you have to moove to china or Japan or something.
At least ive heard they respect their elders and are generally polite.
I have no idea if this holds any truth though.
But i also heard that Asians dont look too fondly on people from the west due to experience with misbehavor.
itchy01ca01: I hope people realize that, yes a version of Huck Finn was released that was censored, but it's not like any library/school that I know of carries it. So nice try on the "they'll take OUR FREEDOMS away". Nope, they're just trying to make people less assholish, which I am all for. If you're going to live in a society, you need to follow the rules, including being polite and respectful. Don't want to be a part of society? Go to jail, get fined etc. etc. until you realize that it's easier to get along with society that work against it ;)
Garrison72: Being polite and respectful isn't a rule of any western democracy I know of.
Being racist isn't being polite or respectful and there are laws against it. You can't burn a cross on someones lawn.

Also, there are many, many ways in which you allow your freedom of speech to be impinged every single day, yet few people realize them. Go, try and yell "bomb" or "fire" in an airport. I dare you :)