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high rated
randomuser.833: Won't stop you from rambling, but to be honest, I don't care about self-righteous personal definitions.
But when you decide what the definitions are, that's all very fine, smart and correct. Sure. God, you DRMfenders are tedious, tiresome lot.
mrkgnao: Nice!

And I also see my avatar among the listed games.
B1tF1ghter: And your avatar is from... what game exactly?
Parasite Eve. For historical reasons, not because it's a great favourite of mine.
mrkgnao: Define "play it".

Do you mean play all of its single player content, or only part of it?

If you mean "all of it", then Absolver does not match your definition. Some of its single-player content (e.g. replaying boss battles in single player mode) can only be done online.
randomuser.833: I see that one more as an online game with stripped down SP mode.
Something you should tell at the product side. The offline mode is DRM free though.

More a thing how the Devs want to have their game played and for me it is walking on the edge of the knife.

Btw, won't buy it because that game is build like it is. Just saying.
That's a fine definition, but it's your definition, Other people would say that the developers decided to cut out some of the offline single player content and lock it behind an artificial online-only wall. That would be their definition. And neither definition is more or less valid than the other. And neither definition is necessarily GOG's, as far as we know.
low rated
Funny, users with quadruple negative rep are usually fairly prolific, yet I can't remember ever seeing a single post of this fine specimen before. Anybody care to enlighten me what's the story with this dude?
low rated
fronzelneekburm: Funny, users with quadruple negative rep are usually fairly prolific, yet I can't remember ever seeing a single post of this fine specimen before. Anybody care to enlighten me what's the story with this dude?
Users with quadruple negative Rep, that is going down every day by the exact same amount of points (even at the exact same time), even when they havn't been online for days, are usually attacked by downvote bots.

I told someone something he didn't want to hear, that was his "reaction" and "revenge". I would say he does care about his rep. Else it is hard have this idea.
Not the only one though, several users of the german sub are under attack this way. We all peed at the same tree.
Draw your own conclusion.

Started with nearly the same amount positive rep maybe 18 month ago.
Didn't gave much about the rep here before, because I already know that it can be manipulated on a high degree. Now I can't take any highly positive or negative rep serious at all.
You shouldn't do either.

Mods are not able to do anything about it, GoG is not willing.

And as you can see here, you can pee the "wrong" tree fast ;)

randomuser.833: Won't stop you from rambling, but to be honest, I don't care about self-righteous personal definitions.
Breja: But when you decide what the definitions are, that's all very fine, smart and correct. Sure. God, you DRMfenders are tedious, tiresome lot.
Just took the widely accepted general definition of the software industry, that has been updated when new technologies came up (anti tamper or tracking for example).

Btw, I do find it funny, that you try to attack anybody who does not support your very own DRM-definition as a DRMfender. Very funny wordplay...

A litte information about me.
I never got an account on Steam, Triton, Impulse and anything that followed after.
I'm not willing to let anybody else to control what I do with the games I own, nor will i let them shove a tracking device where the sun does not shine. I do restrict a lot of other software too.
I even avoided all kinds of online activation and I even block any kind of communication of the games I bought here with any kind of server.
Unity engine games usually do gather data like mad, if you don't restrict their access.

In fact, with your very own definition, you would have to ramble against most unity engine (and several other) games in the GoG store. Everything that is calling more then just the usual
Because all of them do track the user and gather data simply because of the engine they use.

Interestingly, devs can't even turn this off these days...

randomuser.833: I see that one more as an online game with stripped down SP mode.
Something you should tell at the product side. The offline mode is DRM free though.

More a thing how the Devs want to have their game played and for me it is walking on the edge of the knife.

Btw, won't buy it because that game is build like it is. Just saying.
mrkgnao: That's a fine definition, but it's your definition, Other people would say that the developers decided to cut out some of the offline single player content and lock it behind an artificial online-only wall. That would be their definition. And neither definition is more or less valid than the other. And neither definition is necessarily GOG's, as far as we know.
As i said in this case, it is how I see it with this game.

And as I said, this game is in a very grey area for me. It depends on how narrow you would draw the borders of the general DRM definitions.

I mean, you can download, install it without any kind of DRM and you can access most parts of the game without an connection. You might even be able to play the whole "story".
Some parts are bound to an online mode for a strange reason.

On other games I can't create a "profile" that is usually bound to the MP, but used in the SP too.
And when talking about age of wonders (3), I have to play as some kind of "guest" account.

Draw the line...
Post edited April 10, 2021 by randomuser.833
randomuser.833: Draw the line...
Exactly. And some of the people in this thread have drawn the line in a very reasonable way --- different than yours and mine, but still valid and reasonable --- so that according to them GOG is already selling games with partial DRM. And I respect that.
If two people buy the same game for the same price in the same store, and one of them can´t access the same content as the other one, then one of them is being treated unfairly and as a second class customer.
B1tF1ghter: ...
randomuser.833: What on earth does make you think this has anything to do with the support?
Since when does any kind of social media guy does support? Why should those users have used the support?

GoG can be reached on various social network platforms and usually social media guys of companys are not only there as speakers but they will forward feedback to the company they work for.
There can be many reasons to do so. General importance, the shit hit the fan very badly for one guy.
Or if you get same information several times.
And because you only start to move from that very strange idea with the support, all the other parts of your idea do fall flat.
You are digging your own grave here.
How is this related to support?
Oh well.
Fine then.
If we are supposed to believe those "many messages" came from outside of support at that point there is just plainly literally NO possibility of verifying if those message senders are even GOG's customers AT ALL.
Something that could at least be verified with support messages.
So if YOUR THEORY of messages being originated on social media is correct then:
A.How on earth do you even think implied A LOT of messages could even be processed THIS FAST while GOG has PR guys' numbers apparently low enough to not bother responding to basically ANYTHING on their own twitter account. My A+B(+C) options still DO apply here.
B.Excuse me. What the F. Would you REALLY base your business decisions on bunch of non-public unproven-as-customer random message spam? REALLY? It's not that it is "just" beyond unethical, it's BEYOND STUPID.

If your theory would be correct it would be even WORSE for GOG's public picture than my theory.
So thank you very much :P
You played yourself :P
Should we look deeper into the grave of argumentation you are evidently digging for yourself by yourself? :D

randomuser.833: So, if you are the social media guy and you are bombed by PNs, posts and whatever from various users about this single topic, you should know that something is going sideways and that you should forward this to your company.
If you would have any actual idea how social media handlers' job looks like you would know that they act as a proxy and they are human filter that is not supposed to let through JUST ABOUT ANYTHING.
As a social media handler you are supposed to filter out trash. It's your job. And if suddenly there is influx of sh*t then you ask your supervisor to assign additional personel because there seems to be something fishy going on and before it gets forwarded authenticity of it should be VERIFIED.

B1tF1ghter: And your avatar is from... what game exactly?
mrkgnao: Parasite Eve. For historical reasons, not because it's a great favourite of mine.
Thx for the response ;)

randomuser.833: In fact, with your very own definition, you would have to ramble against most unity engine (and several other) games in the GoG store. Everything that is calling more then just the usual
Because all of them do track the user and gather data simply because of the engine they use.

Interestingly, devs can't even turn this off these days...
Well this is just awfully inaccurate.
Please don't confuse "cannot disable telemetry (when coding the game)" with "not educated enough to know how to disable telemetry (when coding the game)".
Thank you ;)
DNSDies: Koudelka in PAL region is way cheaper than it is in NTSC/U region.
I also buy physical whenever possible as well:

You cannot rely on digital distribution services. They could cut service any time.
Just look at PSN cutting PS3/PSP/PSV.
Exclusive digital only games for those consoles will be lost forever if not for piracy.
This is why DRM free options are so important.
That is one crazy nice collection you have! Congratulations, I wish I had one like that too. Yeah, that Koudelka was a really nice find, some minor scratches on the case, but manual and discs are pretty mint.

B1tF1ghter: And your avatar is from... what game exactly?
mrkgnao: Parasite Eve. For historical reasons, not because it's a great favourite of mine.
I really liked Parasite Eve 2, Parasite Eve 1 was never released as PAL version, so only recently got it, haven't played yet. Got the Soundtracks, Japanese versions of both games, USA version of Parasite Eve 1 and two PAL versions of Parasite Eve 2 (English and French). And I thought I had the original book too, but seems like I didn't order it after all few years ago like I thought and now it is out of print and even used copies are over $700.
low rated
B1tF1ghter: If by any chance you are including SteamCMD in the "big clunky" list then no, that one is not like that.
It is pretty slim tool meant mostly for administrative work associated with running Steam-distributed multiplayer games' multiplayer-session servers.
Not at all. There are exceptions, but command line clients and utilities have a tendency to be pretty light weight.

I was referring to the official Steam client.

B1tF1ghter: What I can personally say is that current copyright laws are utter BS and usually in no way appropriate in regards how things are in reality (versus some law makers' wet dreams).
I think it needs to be adapted to the digital age and something needs to be done about the length of the copyrights.

I think either 50 years or the remaining lifespan of the author if one can be identified (whichever is greater) is enough.

Ultimately, copyrights are meant to motivate authors to create content. I fail to see how selling the ultra-hyper-dupper-with-icecream-on-top-remastered version of Star Wars to 3 separate generations of people achieves that.

Its starting to look less like fostering content creation and more like fostering rentier lifestyles.

randomuser.833: The GOG definition is quite clear. No kind of DRM for offline installers.
No kind of DRM when you want to single player part of the game.
Yep, that's pretty much my line.

I'd love the drm-free version to be as much as possible on par with the drmed version (multiplayers, content, etc), but its been like that since gog started (even before Galaxy, the Steam version often had more features).

Not much has changed on that front.

fronzelneekburm: Funny, users with quadruple negative rep are usually fairly prolific, yet I can't remember ever seeing a single post of this fine specimen before. Anybody care to enlighten me what's the story with this dude?
Who cares about that? People are more than just a popularity digit on a forum. He seems legit.

Here, I'm upvoting all his posts. That should help.
Post edited April 10, 2021 by Magnitus
randomuser.833: Draw the line...
mrkgnao: Exactly. And some of the people in this thread have drawn the line in a very reasonable way --- different than yours and mine, but still valid and reasonable --- so that according to them GOG is already selling games with partial DRM. And I respect that.
I wouldn‘t try to argue with him, because it is a waste of time. He has his righteous idea of right and wrong and won‘t change it. what happens if you do disagree, you can take a look at my rep points.
Get myself a Purple Dot on 25th of March (many GOG users are experiencing this for much longer period), it was not resolved by itself since then, I filed a ticked to Tech. Support today, they promised to help but notified that it could take a while, the ticket status marked as Solved, upon my query to change it to another status I was advised that it's the only way (marked as Solved) and asked me to be patient.

Let's wait and see.
Post edited April 10, 2021 by Cadaver747
Cadaver747: Get myself a Purple Dot on 25th of March (many GOG users are experiencing this for much longer period), it was not resolved by itself since then, I filed a ticked to Tech. Support today, they promised to help but notified that it could take a while, the ticket status marked as Solved, upon my query to change it to another status I was advised that it's the only way (marked as Solved) and asked me to be patient.

Let's wait and see.
"The only way"? WHAT?
1.Their support CMS is a total bonk that allows nothing
2.Their support personel are a bunch of total newbies.

Option 1 is basically impossible since afaik GOG support pages sit on top of Zendesk interface and I know as a matter of a fact that HumbleBundle uses Zendesk and THEY can definitely change statuses whenever they please.
So I think the answer as to "why" GOG "cannot" change a status and claims it to be "the only way" is either option 2 or they just try to make people give up and go away.

Btw I also experinece the purple dot of annoyance and cannot seem to be able to make it go away so far.
randomuser.833: Even if I don't like what other countries do. I can't blame them for simply doing the same...
And every time i have to listen to US citizens trying to force their own believes down the throat of the whole world, I'm slightly amused.

We don't got naked tits in Giants: Citizen Kabuto, because we only get the US version. While GoG never had problems selling "problematic" versions" of games in other countries (not want to go into detail).

I also doubt, that any part of the chinese government did say anything about this.
I would say in this case we simply got chinese users who reminded GoG about their "grey" status in China and that it could lead to problems.
Those users, on the other hand, can still use a fully unrestricted GoG store and forum...
In this case, it seems that China (or, 'Chinese gamers', depending on which line you believe) are trying to shove their values down everyone's throats, are they not? If they don't like a particular game, why can it simply not be sold in China? Why should Chine be able to dictate whether a game should be sold or not worldwide?

I am not saying the US is perfect, of course they are not. No government is and I'm not a brainwashed US defender. However, in your comparison with the US, what you are saying seems to be a version of: "someone is doing wrong somewhere. Bad thing happen and that is how things are. Therefore, we should excuse and accept all bad things that are happening, because bad things happen and what can we do about it anyway?" Frankly, I find it amazing (and worrying) how many people in this thread have posted similar sentiments.

Regarding the question of Chinese 'many gamers': I have yet to see any evidence of any of these supposed 'messages from many gamers'. Do you have any evidence of that? If not, I don't see why we should blindly swallow that line.

randomuser.833: The GOG definition is quite clear. No kind of DRM for offline installers.
No kind of DRM when you want to single player part of the game.
That does fully work within the borders of the DRM definition. Your own definition is far outside of any more common one.
Oh, my mistake. Could you please show me where GOG's definition of DRM is clearly stated on the website?

randomuser.833: And you just want to shove both down our throats.
How am I trying to shove anything down your throat? I have stated what my definition of DRM is and listed my reasons for boycotting GOG. Anyone who agrees with me is welcome to join the boycott; anyone who doesn't is welcome not to. How is that unreasonable? If you don't agree with my reasons, then don't boycott.

It is not 'shoving my opinion down your throat' to post my opinions on an open web forum and then not be willing to change them, simply because you disagree with me. That is highly warped logic.

randomuser.833: A "dialog" means, that you are willing to accept the arguments of others, even rethinking your own standpoint.
What you do is simple defending your "red line" you laid down in your first post.
A dialog means discussion and debate, which is very much what I have been engaging in. Engaging in dialog absolutely does not mean that I have to agree with what others are saying, or necessarily change my opinions or my standpoint. I have some very strong views on what constitutes DRM and censorship. That's the way it is. If you want to have a productive dialog with me, then I will expect you to respect my views (as I will yours) and not throw around accusations that I am trying to shove my views down other people's throats because I don't some round to your point of view (which is, in itself, not debating in good faith).

Besides, I could make much the same accusations about you. I haven't seen much sign in your posts that you are willing to take the opinions of others on board and adjust your standpoint. That principle works both ways and you seem to be similarly obstinate.
Post edited April 10, 2021 by Time4Tea
No, I meant that is how their system *should* handle long requests (internal procedures?).
Is it good or bad, that's another question.

I can put Ticket back to Open status with any my comment, though I doubt that my last comment will not be covered soon after by a counter comment from mods.

That's the first time I see my world collides ;)
EDIT: no more edits!
Post edited April 10, 2021 by Cadaver747