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Lifthrasil: For me, this boycott is about DRM. GOG had '100% DRM-free' as their last remaining principle...
This post describes my feelings almost exactly.

I gave up buying PC games years ago when they all seemed to require me to go online and/or install Steam even though I'd bought a disc. It's only recently I discovered GOG, loved their DRM-free policy and started buying again.
Right, I'm back! What did I miss?

Got banned for a whole week for referring to GOG as spineless cunts, which to be honest, is one of the nicest things I've ever said about them, so I don't really get their reaction.
Timboli: If you don't buy the games you would have at GOG and don't buy them elsewhere, you are penalizing their providers. You could also easily be sabotaging the DRM-Free movement, especially if those providers don't get enough sales at GOG or are borderline like many are when it comes to DRM-Free. The offset of doing such, could well weaken GOG, and maybe precipitate what you fear, what all of us DRM-Free lovers fear.

While I am sure that controversy for GOG keeps them in the spotlight and potentially provides more sales, the same may not be said for those who provide games to GOG, who may wish to stay away from the negativity etc.

If GOG fail, they won't be the only losers.

I really think you should preserve boycotting for if and when GOG do finally go too far, where you will have many more, including myself joining you, and have some chance of making a difference. Right now it is like farting into the wind.
While I do agree with most of the above, I'm pretty sure "if and when GOG do finally go too far" in this context is a futile notion as it implies there is some obvious, common, objective limit they would have to reach. Every person has their own subjective limit as to how much BS they're willing to take, as well as their own subjective definition of what counts as BS in the first place. The critical mass required to affect change is frankly impossible to measure without hindsight, but likely much, much higher than what any forum thread can ever reach.

My personal take on it is they HAVE been going too far for a few years already, and I'd be protesting in silence by now even without this thread. My involvement herein is just a (possibly futile) attempt to raise some awareness of it, which from my PoV is about the best I can do.
low rated
Time4Tea: Actions I would like to see GOG taking:

1) Release Devotion immediately.
2) Remove Gwent, No Man's Sky, Absolver (and any other DRMed games) from the store.
3) Remove DRM from the bonus cosmetics in Cyberpunk.
4) Cancel the deal with Epic.
5) Stop providing free games/incentives only to Galaxy users.
6) Assign adequate resources to maintenance of the offline installers.
Tbh, the main issue of that list I care most about is Devotion....oh, and i'd also like to see the DRM from NMS and Absolver removed(not the games...the DRM), if possible.

If they want to give little "carrots in a stick"(such as the 2077 skins and other giveaways and etc) to get people to move to galaxy I don't long as they don't make galaxy mandatory, that is.

Same with long as they keep that stuff to galaxy I likely couldn't care less.

Feel free to add me to the list of those sympathetic as well, btw.
Time4Tea: I guess I would like to at least see some progress with the backlog of offline installers being brought into line with the Galaxy versions.
As I said in another thread, I am ok with them being behind the galaxy versions....mainly as GOG only keeps the latest versions for their offline installers on the forums, and sometimes new versions can have bugs.

I say let galaxy users test em out first for a bit, and then bring em to the forum users.....I can wait. :)

Time4Tea: I hate DRM. DRM is not fun.
Agreed...the new stuff least the old style "drm" of code wheels was more entertaining.
Post edited January 08, 2021 by GamezRanker
It's pretty crazy to look at the GOG Twitter, at their social media manager trying to tweet new stuff and create excitement about it while at the same time constantly ignoring the replies regarding Devotion. So that's how it's going to be from now on, huh, GOG.
low rated
BitLiz: It's pretty crazy to look at the GOG Twitter, at their social media manager trying to tweet new stuff and create excitement about it while at the same time constantly ignoring the replies regarding Devotion. So that's how it's going to be from now on, huh, GOG.
yeah, wonder why they hired a twitter addict
low rated
BitLiz: It's pretty crazy to look at the GOG Twitter, at their social media manager trying to tweet new stuff and create excitement about it while at the same time constantly ignoring the replies regarding Devotion. So that's how it's going to be from now on, huh, GOG.
So basically doing his/her job. The Twitter guy/gal job is simply to post news, no to comment on decisions he/she has no power and probably no knowledge over.
low rated
BitLiz: It's pretty crazy to look at the GOG Twitter, at their social media manager trying to tweet new stuff and create excitement about it while at the same time constantly ignoring the replies regarding Devotion. So that's how it's going to be from now on, huh, GOG.
Gersen: So basically doing his/her job. The Twitter guy/gal job is simply to post news, no to comment on decisions he/she has no power and probably no knowledge over.
is that a job?:O
low rated
morolf: They're just addicts desperate to get their fix, so they're willing to excuse anything Gog does, lol.
I honestly don't get how anyone can defend Gog's stance about that Devotion game, their framing of it as a pro-consumer action (instead of bending to political pressure from a dictatorship) is inexcusable imo.
Imo it is akin to(if not actually a form of) Stockholm syndrome for some such users....they've developed a "bond" with the company and store that "clouds" their thoughts on what GOG does sometimes.
Gersen: So basically doing his/her job. The Twitter guy/gal job is simply to post news, no to comment on decisions he/she has no power and probably no knowledge over.
Orkhepaj: is that a job?:O
no, twitter and facebook posts appear by magic. you need to collect a phonix wing, blood of slug with three legs and performe the rite of Anshinkte. then the posts appear.
low rated
morolf: Their entire concept rested on "We're the good guys, we listen to consumers". And now it's become clear they don't listen to consumers all that much..
It was likely mainly PR marketing for the most part....or the "old guard" at HQ slowly sold their principles for money.
low rated
Orkhepaj: is that a job?:O
amok: no, twitter and facebook posts appear by magic. you need to collect a phonix wing, blood of slug with three legs and performe the rite of Anshinkte. then the posts appear.
good cause i wouldnt pay for those
low rated
amok: no, twitter and facebook posts appear by magic. you need to collect a phonix wing, blood of slug with three legs and performe the rite of Anshinkte. then the posts appear.
Orkhepaj: good cause i wouldnt pay for those
ah, no you can't buy them. that destroys the magic. you need to harvest the ingridiences yourself, and perform the rite, bearfotted. it is usuallly the task of the CEO of a company to do this
Orkhepaj: is that a job?:O
Unless it's Marcin's 10 years old nephew that does it for free then yes it's a job.
low rated
Orkhepaj: you are the one of those haters , you are clearly a very smug bad person
He's just trolling threads even remotely tied to the devotion topic. In such topics i'd recommend paying him no mind(and that's the same advice staff offered as well, btw).


Setilla: I am of the opinion that all these abandoned games belong to a public library of some sort, for people to enjoy and improve as they see fit.
Well said....agreed 100%


Timboli(post 249): GOG at least made some effort toward selling the game, but due to something unknown and only guessed about, changed their mind at the last minute. They would not have done that lightly I suspect, and not be ignorant of the flack they would cop, especially here in their forum. The fact they tolerate threads such as this one shows how considerate they are really ... try doing the same at Steam or most other places.
This post is a joke....seeing as you were so critical of gog for removal of the GOG DLer for many months.

Also imo it shows you are likely only interested in criticizing GOG when it affects you.
Post edited January 08, 2021 by GamezRanker