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Woodwine22: Why?
Vendor-Lazarus: Because every PC has a mouse and keyboard. Not every PC has a controller.
The reverse is true for consoles.

If you want to use controllers, play on a console.
That's quite a bold statement there, it's not true though.
Not every pc has a kb+m and not every pc only game can be played with kb+m.

The best thing about pc is that is a somewhat open platform, and clearly every one has to do things your way....

That said, I feel your concerns about "consolization" on major releases but good thing is that we can't play them all.
I've always liked and used M&KB, but let's face it, the keyboard is a very unergonomic peripheral for games.
Very recently I had to switch to a controller for Hollow Knight, because I really couldn't play it otherwise (I think my kb also had some key rollout problems tho).

Different control options for a game are always good, frankly.
(at least for SP. In MP there could be balance issues due to auto-aim for example)
phaolo: but let's face it, the keyboard is a very unergonomic peripheral for games.
Can be just me, but in case of binary controls I very much prefer the arrow keys or WASD over a directional pad.
The keyboard becomes unworkable if you're gaming from the couch though, I tried lapboard but a desk is essential.
phaolo: but let's face it, the keyboard is a very unergonomic peripheral for games.
Strijkbout: Can be just me, but in case of binary controls I very much prefer the arrow keys or WASD over a directional pad.
The keyboard becomes unworkable if you're gaming from the couch though, I tried lapboard but a desk is essential.
I hate using WASD keys but enjoy the arrow keys .. odds are this stems from a mix of being left handed and also most pc games I had played years and years ago used to default to using the arrow keys for movement .. whatever the case I never have been able to enjoy a game if movement is tied to and not rebindable from a WASD setting that near always means I can't get into a game unless I can get a controller/joystick working on it because how for me how cumbersome the wasd key controls feel and how for me it makes it feel awkward to use any other keys as needed
Yeah, I prefer right hand/thumb directional control when this is more important, like some arcade racing games or scrolling shooters so there I rather use the arrow keys.

For FPS's where you use a mouse for aiming as that is generally more important, I prefer using the left hand for WASD.
The major advantage of WASD is that it allows reaching way more keys nearby, without having to move your hand away.
Plus it's on the left side of the keyboard, so it's more convenient in terms of space (even if I guess it gets more in the way of the mouse).
But if you only need directional inputs then yeah, arrow keys can be good too.
Post edited December 12, 2021 by phaolo
What the fuck...
I believe all PC games need keyboard and mouse support by default, simply because they are universal input devices for PCs. That said, I also support a greater variety of input devices, when feasible. After all, playing on PC is about having choices.
low rated
SpaceMadness: I believe all PC games need keyboard and mouse support by default, simply because they are universal input devices for PCs. That said, I also support a greater variety of input devices, when feasible. After all, playing on PC is about having choices.
Hear, hear!
low rated
Got a gamepad support but broke keyboard! I cannot remap certain keys, now! Don't wanna use WASD but the directional keys, two of which always refuse to get registered! consolekid peasants, your disability to use keyboard and mouse, ruined my perfect and precise controls fu
Post edited March 22, 2022 by KiNgBrAdLeY7