It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

tomimt: IE isn't by any count a major browser. The statistics give it only around 3% or all around network traffic and that number is going down by the month. It is one browser most web developers don't even test sites during development.
And much of the use that IE still has is tied to Microsoft product updates one way or the other, such as Microsoft products themselves updating something, or in some extremely closed environments IE being the only allowed browser because of centralised update management.

One of the biggest shortcomings of IE is that there's almost no way to expand or extend its capabilities. There's no Yomichan, there's no Flagfox, there's no AdSkipper, etc. There's really none for Edge either.

The best feature in IE is that it treats bookmarks as a file structure, and you can manage it just like you would manage any Windows Explorer structures. That's not enough to make people use it though.
sharonbn: FWIW, I am having problems with the new design in Chrome.
Windows 10, Chrome 64 bit v 70.0.3538.102
I cannot see the sales banner nor the news one.
When I click on the continuation selection (those five lines in the bottom of the section) the games flash quicklly from right to left, and then all I see is the very edge of the last one on the left of my screen
screenshot attached.

This is new phenomena since the new deisgn
Speculating whether it's because they haven't made it work with right-to-left setups, rather than normal left-to-right ones.
sharonbn: FWIW, I am having problems with the new design in Chrome.
Windows 10, Chrome 64 bit v 70.0.3538.102
I cannot see the sales banner nor the news one.
When I click on the continuation selection (those five lines in the bottom of the section) the games flash quicklly from right to left, and then all I see is the very edge of the last one on the left of my screen
screenshot attached.

This is new phenomena since the new deisgn
pds41: Speculating whether it's because they haven't made it work with right-to-left setups, rather than normal left-to-right ones.
"normal" left-to-right? I don't see how Windows language settings have to do with it.
and of course it doesn't hapen in other websites (nor did it hapeen in the previous design)
pds41: Speculating whether it's because they haven't made it work with right-to-left setups, rather than normal left-to-right ones.
sharonbn: "normal" left-to-right? I don't see how Windows language settings have to do with it.
and of course it doesn't hapen in other websites (nor did it hapeen in the previous design)
Maybe this has something to do with it?
Not to stick up for GOG or anything, but why on earth would anyone willingly use Internet Explorer in this day and age?
kaboro: Typical GOG responses, and they say Steam community is bad. They are all the same, no difference at all.
The only difference between GOG and Steam communities, is that GOG think they are superior.
Yeah, Steam users are never act like superior, entitled cultists who shit on other platforms or call anyone who supports DRM free a dirty pirate.

Yep, Steam users are totally a bunch of humble saints.
Post edited November 25, 2018 by ReynardFox
I sent a support ticket back in October about IE 11, in the ticket I listed a bunch of different issues with screenshots and asked if they had dropped support for the browser.

After having me try the basic fixes they said:

"Salutations !

Unfortunately, I can't do anything directly.

I will forward your feedback about the incompatibility with IE11 to the concerned team.

By that time, I can only suggest you to use another browser as a temporary solution."

I still can't tell you if this will be fixed someday.

Currently I'm using firefox for anything outside downloading games or looking in the forums.
I use IE because I like the interface (however stupid that may sound) with Firefox filling in whenever something doesn't work as intended. If both fail, I install Chrome, it fails at the task set and I uninstall it again. I would use firefox more if it didn't do weird stuff, like tell me that the Google homepage was unsafe whenever Firefox is slow starting up.
Post edited November 25, 2018 by James.Hewitt
Cadaver747: … I highly recommend to abstain from using any social messengers […] if you want to secure your personal data a bit better.
FrodoBaggins: Despite what some of you try to convince yourselves, IE11 is a major browser.

Again... every other site I see works fine in IE11. It's only GOG that has the problem.
IE11 has less than 3% market share globally. For a site like gog i would even expect lower numbers of users still using it - so maybe here it's only like 1,7%, 1,8% - so would not call it major.
FrodoBaggins: I'm using Windows 7.
But the browser shouldn't matter. Like I said, other sites work fine with IE11, so why not GOG?
I'm sure that has been said many times already, but IE11 is pretty much abandoned by MS at this point, as they are concentrating on Edge. Maybe they still deliver some security fixes to IE11, but that is all.

I've seen IE11 become broken on many other sites too besides just, e.g. a major Finnish news site where I regularly go. Sites just don't test their pages with IE11 anymore, they expect people to be using more modern browsers instead (like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, maybe Opera...).

I am also using Windows 7 at home, and I am using both Firefox and Chrome, never IE11 anymore after I started seeing it having compatibility problems on many sites. I use two browsers only because with some sites I want to retain cookies (like so that two-factor authentication is never triggered) while with some I want cookies to be cleared every time I exit the browser.

For those "keep cookies" sites I use Chrome, while for those "clear cookies" sites I use Firefox, mainly because it is so easy to set up Firefox to delete the cookies and other crap when closing the browser.

As for Edge, I generally find it ok, but still I don't use it much. I guess I am more accustomed to how Firefox and Chrome handle bookmarks etc.
For those "keep cookies" sites I use Chrome, while for those "clear cookies" sites I use Firefox, mainly because it is so easy to set up Firefox to delete the cookies and other crap when closing the browser.
I bet you keep lists of your lists, too. :)
timppu: I've seen IE11 become broken on many other sites too besides just, e.g. a major Finnish news site where I regularly go. Sites just don't test their pages with IE11 anymore, they expect people to be using more modern browsers instead (like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, maybe Opera...).
And some of those get broken as well, as we have already established almost two months ago. So it's not just IE11 that has issues with the new garbage design.
low rated
I'll say it again!

GOG is the ONLY site I visit that can't get it's act together to work in Internet Explorer (you know... for Exploring the Internet).
Every other site, including my own sites, work perfectly fine in IE11. So there's no reason why GOG shouldn't work!
Besides, other people using other browsers have reported problems as well.
And it should be irrelevant what browser is used to view a site.
So I don't want to hear "But you're using a browser I don't like, so blah blah blah"

Having a broken, buggy site is a serious problem. One that's not that hard to sort out. Even more so, since GOG want to attract customers to spend money here.


If you want to discuss browsers, you can go elsewhere.
If you want to discuss the bugs and problems of GOG since the revamp\downgrade, great.

Now let's get back on topic!

If you want to discuss browsers, you can go elsewhere.
If you want to discuss the bugs and problems of GOG since the revamp\downgrade, great.

Now let's get back on topic!
Well, what is the topic then?

None of us work for GOG, none of us can fix the site, (presumably) none of us work for Microsoft, none of us can fix IE.

If we don't discuss browsers in general, then there's not much to discuss here, is there?
I'm afraid it is. We all know that GOG's site has problems, but the specific problems you're talking about don't happen on any other browser.

Here, try this site and tell me what score IE11 gets:
Still advising you to just tune out all the IE bashing. You'll get very frustrated otherwise, since those who do it tune out any attempts to steer the talk away from said bashing and won't care about making things work, but at most about agreeing with each other on excuses why it won't happen.

Recall a talk with someone some years ago where she was saying that with very few selected improvements added since then and minus animated GIFs, the 'net was quite fine around '98. I tend to move that up to around 2005, or maybe 2003-2005 (animated GIFs gone then too), with just some security improvements since. But we keep getting new and "modern" stuff that mainly increases resource use when just browsing and dependability of browser specifics and update requirements, breaking backwards compatibility, for little practical reason, and often to make things clearly worse, as in the case of GOG's redesign. And we're getting animated GIFs back too, far worse than they were back in the '90s even, and even worse, their "modern" variant of autoplaying videos.

(Heh, remember the Viewable with Any Browser campaign? That was made against IE (and NetScape) back in the day. Now could use one for it, and against Chrome/Chromium mainly.)
Post edited November 25, 2018 by Cavalary