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bappy hirthday

not in
Happy birthday! Best wishes, especially for job. Not in, though.
Not in but wishing you a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I am in for ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS, thank you.

I got started coding by reading and playing with code to mod games, and learnt more about the structure and principals by doing free online courses.
Post edited September 02, 2015 by Hardrada
Happy birthday!!!! I am sorry to hear you just lost your job, but now you can really go out and have fun and not worry about feeling like crap at work. Plus, like you said, you can get your project done. :)

I'm glad you have found this community to be as awesome as I have, it really is great.
Thank you for the wonderful GA, Not in. <3
Cheer up, leon30! I know you will get a new job pretty soon so that you'll be able to complete that ambitious final university project. :D Not in.

Happy Birthday, man!

Happy Birthday!

Not in. +1
Still try and have a happy birthday!

There is absolutely without a doubt something I consider deplorable with Star Trek, and that is:

J.J. Abrams aka "The Ruiner" - it absolutely disgusts me what he did with Star Trek and, as a GIGANTIC Star Wars fan, I will never see any of the new movies because of him because he already ruined Star Trek and no way am I making that mistake again.
I'm not in (+). But since I'm a developer I want to suggest some of the best tutorial I've found.
for Unity3d (game engine that use C# for scripting), I suggest BurgzergArcade youtube channel:
the best is hack & slash tutorials

for Java (and C++) I suggest the free ebook pdf how to think like a computer scientist java version 4.1

for C I cannot suggest one here, since I used an italian book, but I think there is a good how to think like a computer scientist of C too.

for Swift and Objective C I suggest the official guide from apple:

happy birthday and good luck.
Post edited September 02, 2015 by LiefLayer
Happy Birthday!

I'm in for Company of Heroes™ 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West and Blue Rose.

I was never a Star Trek fan. But on the other hand I know how to code in Pascal, C, C++. I've learned those in high school but I was never that interested in it.
Happy Birthday!

I'm in for Dead Space 2.

I loved TOS and their emphasis on diversity and pluralism. A Russian and a Japanese on the bridge? A black female officer? It was even more interesting to learn later that Takei had been in one of the US WWII camps, and Nichols stayed on the show in part due to a call from MLK.

What disappointed me was that as ST gained more fame and popularity, they became LESS edgy and played it safe. For all their shows, Nichols was the only black female main character, and they never had any gays on, even as single episodes. Gay rights has been going on our whole lives, and they didn't want to touch it?? I didn't even watch Enterprise. The final stake in the coffin was JJ Abrams, who made that godawful reboot. I hated that movie so much that I added his name to Night Shamalan's as directors whose movies I automatically avoid.
<span class="bold">Happy Birthday Leon!</span>  :-D

Not in, but +1 for your generosity!  :-)
1)  I'm not a huge fan of Star Trek, but I enjoyed the original series, TNG and Voyager.  What I dislike about Star Trek:  Q, the most annoying character of the series; and the fact that (almost) all races are humanoid.

2)  I'm a business programmer, web designer and IT technician.  I started programming with Basic and Assembler on a mighty Commodore 64, learned Pascal on the PC, and eventually switched to C / C++ and Delphi.  Some of the languages I've learned in college are almost dead (, [url=]COBOL, )</i>, and I learned most of the things by reading books, exploring source codes, accessing online resources and experimenting.  For web development, I use HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL.  A great site for web development is [url=]<span class="bold">W3Schools</span>.  It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and jQuery, with lots of examples, tutorials and references.  There's also an online editor to practice.  If you're looking for books about web design, programming and system administration, the Sams' "<span class="bold">Unleashed</span>" series is a great source of information.
BlueMooner: For all their shows, Nichols was the only black female main character, and they never had any gays on, even as single episodes. Gay rights has been going on our whole lives, and they didn't want to touch it?? I didn't even watch Enterprise. The final stake in the coffin was JJ Abrams, who made that godawful reboot. I hated that movie so much that I added his name to Night Shamalan's as directors whose movies I automatically avoid.
Takei is gay, and while that wasn't necessarily widely known during the show or anything that they addressed on the show, there was a pretty much "wtf cares" attitude around it. Then in DS9 they totally blast it apart as another "wtf cares". They go "F all you uptight pricks, we're going to have women kissing and not even address it as anything, it's not a big deal, get over it!" As far as civil rights, the whole show is practically about equality among different types of people who look different who are actually very much the same as everyone else, that is the whole concept of them all being humanoid-type, that we are all actually from the same place and we need to figure out how not to be biased bigots and work our shit out together because, really, we're all one.

Hilarious, Shyamalan is one of, if not the worst, directors out there. Abrams comes close and maybe is even worse because he doesn't have original ideas he just takes other people's and ruins them.
_Slaugh_: 1) I'm not a huge fan of Star Trek, but I enjoyed the original series, TNG and Voyager. What I dislike about Star Trek: Q, the most annoying character of the series; and the fact that (almost) all races are humanoid.
DS9 is EXCELLENT, better than TNG, IMO, and wayyyyy better than Voyager (which I don't really like.) I suggest giving it another try. And Q will grow on you if you let him, you've got to take him as a growing character and see how he progresses through TNG. He's supposed to be annoying. I think Janeway is the most annoying character, I can't stand her! How they deal with Q in DS9 is pretty funny too. They totally explain why all the races are humanoid in a TNG episode, too, so it makes sense (otherwise I'd agree with you.)
Post edited September 02, 2015 by drealmer7
Thank you all for the best wishes and for the excellent learning resources!

I forgot to give my pov on the topics :) - From the Star Trek shows I liked in TNG almost everything - the values it tries to convey, the dramatic/adventurous and hilarious aspects of some episodes (bring to us by the unique characters - Data, Q, Troi's Mother... :)). From Voyager I really liked the tremendous progression the crew showed us from day one to the last episode, I wonder did they intended it to be that way from the start or evolved gradually throughout the development. I liked Enterprise for showing us the initial struggle and first steps of humanity in the galaxy full of other sentient life, and of course DS9 for its continuous story, that answered a lot of "what-if" questions for me. It looks like the franchise have explored every angle of the human nature, from the near future ups and downs to the way they will look in the far future. I didn't watched TOS though, an will probably have to correct that, because this is all where it started.

Btw here I found a nice tutorial on OOP scripting (~300 pdf). Here the IT industry is looming, but the more openings seems to be for Java, web developers and low-level C/C++ (embedded) which I did have some exposure in the university so I'll probably start there, to refresh the basics, and to remember the times I was playing with batch scripts on windows and simple terminal C/C++ programs :) After that I really like to get into Perl/Bash for hobby, and Objective C/Java for mobile apps development. Will definitely need web skills also, but I'm wondering between PHP/JS or ASP.NET.
drealmer7: Takei is gay, and while that wasn't necessarily widely known during the show or anything that they addressed on the show, there was a pretty much "wtf cares" attitude around it. Then in DS9 they totally blast it apart as another "wtf cares". They go "F all you uptight pricks, we're going to have women kissing and not even address it as anything, it's not a big deal, get over it!" As far as civil rights, the whole show is practically about equality among different types of people who look different who are actually very much the same as everyone else, that is the whole concept of them all being humanoid-type, that we are all actually from the same place and we need to figure out how not to be biased bigots and work our shit out together because, really, we're all one.
Sure, Takei is gay, and probably some other cast members too, but my point is that it was never part of the show. When I say "gay", I should have been more clear and said gay men. They never had anything of the sort. The closest thing I saw was a DS9 episode where Dax ran into an old flame, who was now in a woman's body. The woman rejected her, and it was based off a previous hetero romance anyways, so... nada.

The fact that the show DID do a lot about civil rights in general but avoided gays completely, was a blatantly obvious decision, not an oversight. So that got a huge downvote from me.
Hilarious, Shyamalan is one of, if not the worst, directors out there. Abrams comes close and maybe is even worse because he doesn't have original ideas he just takes other people's and ruins them.
I was really psyched to see The Village, and thought the twist was a huge letdown. Then I saw The Happening without noticing he'd done it. When I saw his name afterwards (yes, I managed to watch the whole thing), he went on my "do not watch" list.