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Hey dude, me again. You didn't tell me if you're a Mac user. I'll take that as a yes then. No probs with it or anything. Just curious.

Anyway, how's the "dial-a-revolution" coming along? You know that most of the people in here bitching about this form of DRM have Steam acounts right? And they've bought games from Steam, they give them money whilst bitching about them. You people are not the solution to the problem, you're part of the fucking cause. Some of the knuckleheads even buy stuff here a second time. Yeah that will teach them!?
Me? I've never bought a single game through Steam, Origin, Uplay. Not a single one. I fought the system by at least actually fucking doing something by not supporting them with a single cent. You're idea is to fight by giving each other cyber fellatio on a forum thread at GOG where most people are already converts. Pretty safe. When you people cancel your Steam accounts and really send a message, then i can treat you with some respect. Otherwise, enjoy the coming of the Zenimax version as well.

And that was you're real reason for the thread wasn't it? Nothing like a bit of cyber luvin.

Foxtrot. Uniform. Charley. Kilo.
ShadowWulfe: Darth is right though, most people tend to not be bothered by extra hoops to jump through as long as they're jumpable. No matter how absurd the situation gets most of the kiddies are (unfortunately) totally fine with bending over.
Hey! I would be totally fine bending over if I didn't have a bad back! :P
darthspudius: Hey! I would be totally fine bending over if I didn't have a bad back! :P
There's no such a thing like a bad back, only not enough happy pills.
darthspudius: Hey! I would be totally fine bending over if I didn't have a bad back! :P
P1na: There's no such a thing like a bad back, only not enough happy pills.
haha, I don't do happy pills. They make me... well cheery... and it scares people. It seems everyone prefers me cynical, sarcastic and mean.
darthspudius: haha, I don't do happy pills. They make me... well cheery... and it scares people. It seems everyone prefers me cynical, sarcastic and mean.
That's because they're not used to it. Try to be a bit more happy around them until they're used to it, tie them in the basement and stuff them with more happy pills if they resist. If they shout, kick and scream remember: it's all for the sake of their own happiness.
P1na: That's because they're not used to it. Try to be a bit more happy around them until they're used to it, tie them in the basement and stuff them with more happy pills if they resist. If they shout, kick and scream remember: it's all for the sake of their own happiness.
I liked you better as a simple avid fan of Deus Ex :P
Dzsono: I liked you better as a simple avid fan of Deus Ex :P
Wierd. Most people tell me I'd be a better person if liked Deus Ex a bit less. Specially when I tie them to a computer in the basement with my very special happy pills until they beat the game.
Dzsono: I liked you better as a simple avid fan of Deus Ex :P
P1na: Wierd. Most people tell me I'd be a better person if liked Deus Ex a bit less. Specially when I tie them to a computer in the basement with my very special happy pills until they beat the game.
See, I like to destroy their identity first by having a group of masked thugs hurl insults and criticisms at them while they lie naked on the floor, then rebuild their identity with Deus Ex as the focal point for all future mental nourishment. They thank me in the long run :)
Another always-on DRM? Just like Blizzard and its online-DRM for Diablo III?
darthspudius: haha, I don't do happy pills. They make me... well cheery... and it scares people. It seems everyone prefers me cynical, sarcastic and mean.
P1na: That's because they're not used to it. Try to be a bit more happy around them until they're used to it, tie them in the basement and stuff them with more happy pills if they resist. If they shout, kick and scream remember: it's all for the sake of their own happiness.
You have got decisively weirder over this past few months you know lol... I like it.
darthspudius: You have got decisively weirder over this past few months you know lol... I like it.
Not really. You just might have gotten to know me better, that's all it is.
darthspudius: You have got decisively weirder over this past few months you know lol... I like it.
P1na: Not really. You just might have gotten to know me better, that's all it is.
I have got too use to pineapple...must kill it.
Good thing Bethesda has 0 worthwhile games.
darthspudius: I have got too use to pineapple...must kill it.
Just do as the tiny pineapple sitting in your right shoulder says and you'll be fine.
darthspudius: I have got too use to pineapple...must kill it.
P1na: Just do as the tiny pineapple sitting in your right shoulder says and you'll be fine.
How did you know... >_<
EBToriginal: Good thing Bethesda has 0 worthwhile games.
Hi Mr angry fan boy persons!
Post edited June 18, 2015 by darthspudius