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xSinghx: Yes because 10 years ago we knew what today would be like...

In the meantime I think everyone can be legitimately pissed at Bethesda - in the present .
real.geizterfahr: Uhm... Yes, we knew!? Everyone with a brain bigger than a pea knew that...
Well we know you're unable to understand what's been written in context, no need to see the future on that one.
Darvond: Having looked at the board of arseholes (directors) for Zenimax, nothing about the potential for massive DRM surprises me.
stg83: Haha....thanks for the chuckle, imagine if they had that on their business cards "CEA (Chief Executive Arsehole)". :P
You do realize that there is a Trump on the board?
xSinghx: Well we know you're unable to understand what's been written in context, no need to see the future on that one.
At least I know how to write something without insulting people for no reason *rolleyes*
xSinghx: Well we know you're unable to understand what's been written in context, no need to see the future on that one.
real.geizterfahr: At least I know how to write something without insulting people for no reason *rolleyes*
Yes because taking something written out of context to respond to for four paragraphs, that has nothing to do with the thread topic at hand, is not at all disrespectful.
Darvond: You do realize that there is a Trump on the board?
Figures, not that we needed much explanation regarding Zenimax's motivations.
in answer to the " the new DRM platform for Zenimax?" question: looks like. we seem to have a few hopefuls think that it won't function like DRM, but most seem to think the answer to that question is yes.
Post edited June 15, 2015 by Tikkia
Ha ha, don't worry people! Didn't Bethesda actually post some time ago, that they are anti-DRM? Probably, this client is like our Galaxy. Maybe they have a bethesda downloader too which probably works like gog downloader! (Bwa ha ha)
Post edited June 15, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Tikkia: fr33kSh0w2012 you seriously need to calm down. easy way to do that is to come over to the states, we have a pill for that. we also have pills for everything except not enough money. can you say overmedicated?
fr33kSh0w2012: I'm calm!!!!! I'm just in Physical pain at the moment and I have no painkillers!
*I* seriously need to learn how to be funny without offending people. hopefully trial and error, with some constructive feedback, and i'll get there
Post edited June 15, 2015 by Tikkia
xSinghx: Yes because taking something written out of context to respond to for four paragraphs, that has nothing to do with the thread topic at hand, is not at all disrespectful.
Whatever you say...
hmm ... and i did believe they finally release their games here on gog :(
wolfsrain: Warner is developing their own, too. Check Batman Arkham City and Origins for the rudiments of that.
I wouldn't be surprised if Arkham Knight will launch with Warner's own client...
xSinghx: ...the only publishers not in the DRM platform game are Square Enix ... and Take Two.

Kristian: ...Bethesda mostly stayed away from the more draconian forms of DRM.
Oh look, we'll have to choose between the wolf and the hyena. Thanks but neither.

ne_zavarj: I will laugh if Bethesda removes all their games from Steam and force existing customers to redeem their Steam keys on their platform.
They probably can't do that in the near future, because contracts.
But once those expire then it's a possibility
I like the way bethesda says I'm not the customer they're looking for : )
fr33kSh0w2012: Jesus I hate THIS SHIT! we already have steam and the SHITTY non optional Achievements system I am so sick of Corporations arse raping customers, What ever happened to customers always right, Eh?

It's Like when I finish a game I consider it done Like I really wanna play that game again just to get shitty bragging rights!

Will they just Fuck off with the Fucking ACHIEVEMENTS already! No they ARE NOT FUN!
Immoli: They really are shit. Playing Metroid Prime 3 right now and constant popups of "YOU KILLED XXX ENEMIES!" just takes me out of the game.

zeroxxx: Buy on console.

I have no wish for hackers to rip off Diablo 3 files and reverse engineer it for Multiplayer hacks like they did in Diablo 2.

I simply am too fond of hackers-free environment like in current Diablo 3 condition.
Immoli: Fuck off to some other forum, faggot.
Achievements would be great if they were smart and tagged them into art unlocks and making of videos.
There are far better games to care about now.... Beth is just becoming another Bioware. Consumed by greed and controlled like puppets.

I can honestly say, unless there is a massive sale for $10 or under I'll skip their games.
Post edited June 16, 2015 by Starkrun
What do we know?
- new Doom with the SnapMap feature. You likely have to store those user created maps somewhere. Could go with Steamworks on PC, no real option on consoles. In short: makes sense to do it on your own servers.
- Fallout 4 mods created on PC working on XBox One. How this works out, remains to be seen, but again about the same options as above.

DRM-client? Possible.
Paid mods? Possible.
Bethesda abandoning Steam? Possible, though unlikely.
People on the Net throwing every possible shit at any announcement coming from Bethesda? Sure bet.

Sorry guys but I still like sticking to facts, not drama queens and witch burnings - even in those cases where they were right in the end.
Post edited June 16, 2015 by Siannah