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"fallout bethesda" returned 100 posts
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Exact details are absent at the moment but Bethesda has announced its new platform (at E3) which appears to be a Steam like platform for all of Zenimax's games. It is unclear, but very likely this is another DRM platform perhaps required (the same as Uplay) if buying one of their games through Steam (though again this is not confirmed).

It seems every publisher these days has imperialist ambitions to colonize the user's desktop with intrusive software that both monitors the user's legally paid for product as well as the user themselves (if history is any judge: Which begs the question, why is buying something as menial as a game becoming like giving a corporation the keys to your house? Legislation increasingly seems like a necessity to not only protect the consumer but the companies themselves, as they ultimately attempt to destroy one another through the dismantling of competition.

Post edited June 15, 2015 by xSinghx
Appearently Betheasda really lost faith in Steam after the whole Paid mods thing.

This really shows that it was Bethesda who spearheaded that thing. So expect Paid mods for Bethesda's games.

And thanks people for buying up Skyrim. Skyrim is the reason they are this big right now.
DCT: God damn it.. just what I need yet another developer focused steam clone.. I swear at this rate all the AAA devs will have their own platform.
Just to be specific it's Zenimax that's the publisher and owns the developers like id (Doom), Bethesda (Fallout/ES), Arkane (Dishonored), its own Zenimax Online Studios (ESO) and so on. The name is a bit misleading as the platform will include all of Zenimax's properties.

But at this rate you're right the only publishers not in the DRM platform game are Square Enix who still have a press conference to give at E3 (so who knows) and Take Two.
Post edited June 15, 2015 by xSinghx
high rated
tfishell: Maybe don't buy their games and let them know why not? :P Money - or lack of it - talks.
Tell that to all the people drooling over the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition after Bethesda's E3 conference. Hype.Hype never changes. ;)
Gonna get Skyrim and Dishonored and be done with them. They were the least militant in DRM, but now this destroys all the credibility I attached to them. They weren't attaching un-needed MP to games, and doing actual post-release expansions, but seriously, jacking up a DRM service when the company barely has games to justify it with their games......I mean, Steam at least has a good list of stuff to buy from all genres. What will Bethesda have? Will they sell Skyrim modded as an FPS, a stealth, a survival game etc?
Next they're gonna make Fallout 4 Free To Play with tons of In-App Purchases!!!

Oh Joy!!!

[dammit! I need to fix my sarcasm button]
elder what now?

not doing the bethesda client.
ShadowWulfe: I honestly laughed out loud when I saw that. Gotta love the childish paranoia.
Obviously a dismissal is the only thing "childish" at this point.

Take your trolling elsewhere - thanks.
Post edited June 15, 2015 by xSinghx
actually this isn't a client it sounds just like

and that's not that surprising.

I was just thinking the other day about how Bethesda is in the same realm as Blizzard (not the same level, though) in certain ways and was trying to envision them with their own

that said, they better not snub Steam because screw them then.
ShadowWulfe: What the hell?
You're telling me the ridiculous DRM measures these corporations are taking are somehow... not childish?

Go and frolic on yet another DRM platform if you enjoy it so much. I'll stick to NOT having a separate system for every game.
The way you structured your statement made it appear you were referring to the news I was posting (the possibility of being another DRM platform) as "childish paranoia." It doesn't seem from this rebuttal you meant that.

In fact it looks like we agree there is cause for deep concern.
stg83: Tell that to all the people drooling over the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition after Bethesda's E3 conference.
Not gonna lie: kind of want.
CMOT70: I didn't say now, i said within 10 years.
Yes because 10 years ago we knew what today would be like...

In the meantime I think everyone can be legitimately pissed at Bethesda - in the present .
DCT: God damn it.. just what I need yet another developer focused steam clone.. I swear at this rate all the AAA devs will have their own platform.
xSinghx: Just to be specific it's Zenimax that's the publisher and owns the developers like id (Doom), Bethesda (Fallout/ES), Arkane (Dishonored), its own Zenimax Online Studios (ESO) and so on. The name is a bit misleading as the platform will include all of Zenimax's properties.

But at this rate you're right the only publishers not in the DRM platform game are Square Enix who still have a press conference to give at E3 (so who knows) and Take Two.
Bethesda Softworks was the developer. When Zenimax bought them, Bethesda was split in two: the publishing part went to the Bethesda Softworks, the developing part was moved to Bethesda Games Studios, founded for the devs from Bethesda Softworks. So we have two Bethesda companies, both being owned by Zenimax. And Zenimax is an investment firm. They are in gaming for the money, not for the sake of the customers.
Well, while I assume that this will simply be another Steam knock-off à la Origin and UPlay, I'm somewhat hopeful that it will enable Zenimax to keep its games relatively DRM-free and use an offline installer/online for patches etc. hybrid system on retail copies à la Galaxy for Witcher 3.

I know, it's wishful thinking, but still. Time for Bethesda to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to DRM.
Post edited June 15, 2015 by jamyskis
0Grapher: But still. I mostly agree although that trend really is problematic because it makes DRM for small titles over time acceptable as well.
DeathDiciple: That is true, it's happening already with some companies dropping drm-free as they become a bit more popular and get direct entry into Steam. But it seems to be more of a laziness/not willing to spend time on multiple releases than actual care about DRM. In either case, it's easier to influence them, or at least 'vote with your wallet', when the target company is not followed by millions of apologists (not to say, fanbois) that will eat any shit from their hands.

Makes me wonder, did they do this because Gabe blocked paid mods, and they wanted to continue? And what happened to their PR claiming that 'they are against DRM'? Maybe Zenimax platform will be DRM-free (muhahaha yeah right).
You're right.
As to why they made this move: I don't think it's because Gabe blocked paid mods (was it even him? I would rather expect from Bethesda to give in than from him and Gabe allows paid mods for other games.)
The question is more like 'why wouldn't they?'. If they have the resources and manpower they could gain up to a third more revenue, couldn't they?
That 'they are against DRM' obviously is nonsense but it is a hint that their DRM probably won't be heavier than Steam's.
popperik: Yay! Maybe this will make their games come to GOG!

Oh wait, wrong thread...
Hahaha :)
I see what you did there. +1
Post edited June 15, 2015 by 0Grapher