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"fallout bethesda" returned 9 posts
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If this post is not appropriate please delete it but fanatical is now selling Bethesda GOG keys.
Ultra.Instinct.: If this post is not appropriate please delete it but fanatical is now selling Bethesda GOG keys.
I came here to post the same.
Don't worry - since this is a GOG sale, the link is ok.

Edit - the blurb from the sale's page:

DRM-Free Bethesda Games

Buy Now & Save on DRM-Free Bethesda Games. Limited Time Offer! Unlock True Ownership with DRM-Free Games. Say goodbye to restrictions and embrace pure gaming bliss! Your favorite titles remain yours, no matter what, from beloved classics like Fallout and Prey to epic adventures like The Elder Scrolls and beyond. Whether you're a devoted RPG enthusiast or crave heart-pounding action and adventure, our curated selection of Bethesda DRM-free games has something for every gamer. Thanks to our partnership with Bethesda, experience gaming without boundaries.
Post edited February 23, 2024 by BreOl72
That's great. I haven't yet bought all the Bethesda games that I would like and Fanatical usually has more interesting prices than stores like Steam while being approved by the developers.

I'm hesitant because in order to support Gog, they make more money by buying directly here, on the other hand the games are cheaper.

But either way, it's really cool to see GOG games on Fanatical, there was a Humble Bundle with GOG games recently too.Things change.

Edit : Changed "official stores" to "Stores like Steam"
Changed "GOG Keys" to "GOG Games"
Post edited February 25, 2024 by Odessam
Interestingly enough, there are also GOG keys on Gamesplanet:
Grargar: Interestingly enough, there are also GOG keys on Gamesplanet:
PSA: Gamesplanet usually sells GOG keys, no need to link accounts.

I feel so tired: But how will Gog benefit from these ?
I don't know if GOG charges something p/ key generated but even if they don't they will benefit like Steam does, getting people to know and use their store.

There are people that refuse to buy here because they want all their games in one place (usually Steam), if GOG breaks that and make people not minding have their games in GOG as well their are already benefiting from it.
Post edited February 23, 2024 by Ultra.Instinct.
Grargar: Interestingly enough, there are also GOG keys on Gamesplanet:
Ultra.Instinct.: PSA: Gamesplanet usually sells GOG keys, no need to link accounts.
Not in this case, it seems. I bought Prey and The Evil Within from Gamesplanet but no keys were generated. You have to log into your GOG account via the Gamesplanet website to add the games to your GOG account.

All the same, I'm happy to see more storefronts selling GOG games like this, especially if they have some freedom to offer different prices/discounts.
Post edited February 24, 2024 by fionnula
fionnula: Not in this case, it seems. I bought Prey and The Evil Within from Gamesplanet but no keys were generated. You have to log into your GOG account via the Gamesplanet website to add the games to your GOG account.

All the same, I'm happy to see more storefronts selling GOG games like this, especially if they have some freedom to offer different prices/discounts.
honglath: It has GoG and GoG (direct) options, which are probably key and link.
Not that I can see. On the UK site, anyway. The delivery is described as GOG (Direct). And when you purchase the game the options available are 'GOG' and 'Steam key'. I chose GOG. No key was delivered.

Edit: Oh wait, you mean the Gamesplanet site in general has separate "GOG" and "Gog (direct)" categories? Yeah. These Bethesda games are all in the GOG (direct) category.
Post edited February 24, 2024 by fionnula
GOG sale at Gamesplanet (not just Bethesda games):
Already posted . =)