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I have only one life, so I cannot play all games ever made.

Anyone else got this problem? how do I solve it? I am feeling left out
Post edited April 03, 2023 by amok
amok: I have only one life, so I cannot play all games ever made.

Anyone else got this problem? how do I solve it? I am feeling left out
Convert to Buddhism and reincarnate through as many lives as you need to play all games ever made.

Problem solved.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Convert to Buddhism and reincarnate through as many lives as you need to play all games ever made.

Problem solved.
Do you get to keep your memories though? if not, it will not make a difference.
amok: I have only one life, so I cannot play all games ever made.

Anyone else got this problem? how do I solve it? I am feeling left out
Perhaps when OP finishes making his own graphics card, he'll start working on a computer system capable of playing every game ever sold. If he builds his own multi-tasking operating system to go with it and his own specialised input device, you might be able to play multiple games at the same time, which would go some way to alleviating your problem...
amok: I have only one life, so I cannot play all games ever made.

Anyone else got this problem? how do I solve it? I am feeling left out
Geralt_of_Rivia: Convert to Buddhism and reincarnate through as many lives as you need to play all games ever made.

Problem solved.
Heretic. The only true faith is Orthodox Christianity, everything else is a LARP. Yeah you can "convert" to Buddhism, but don't expect to reincarnate.

Just accept that you are a frail and sinful being, and don't measure your life in product consoomed.
Pax-Christi: Heretic. The only true faith is Orthodox Christianity,
Just you wait, 'til I rat you out to the flying Spaghetti-Monster...
Pax-Christi: Heretic. The only true faith is Orthodox Christianity,
BreOl72: Just you wait, 'til I rat you out to the flying Spaghetti-Monster...
Does it come with meatballs?
BreOl72: Just you wait, 'til I rat you out to the flying Spaghetti-Monster...
P-E-S: Does it come with meatballs?
Who can say for sure?
It would be blasphemous to peek under its toga...
TheNamelessOne_PL: Because I am a PC gamer, I have been unable to get to know many of the major game series.

I wonder, has anybody experienced this? Being left out of the loop because of being a PC gamer? Has anybody else not played Mario etc. because it's not on PC?
This sure sounds like a troll, but I'm going to answer anyway.

What kind of games are you missing out on? There are much more "major game series" on PC than on consoles.
Just to name a few:
- Sierra's Quest series
- Ultima
- Tomb Raider
- Hitman
- EA's sport games
- And let's be nice to GOG's relative company too: The Witcher series.

And so on and so on.
Sounds like very major stuff in the game history to me.

Admittedly you don't have all that Japanese stuff on PC, but then again, you don't have all that on consoles either. It's not all translated, it can be region-locked, cut down in content and so on.

Let's not forget that some stuff comes to PC years later, if you are patient enough, like Shenmue. So you will get to play it, eventually.

And you can play Mario on PC!
Although that kind of depends on your definition of "Mario" and "PC".

Mario Bros. was released for PC-8000, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC which all are PC's of some kind, obviously not from the IBM PC compatible family.

If you mean Super Mario Bros. specifically, and not any Mario game, then it's of course a bit different story.
But even so, it demonstrates that there are possibilities outside consoles if you are really looking for those.
Post edited April 03, 2023 by PixelBoy
Yes, I stopped playing consoles after the SNES/Genesis. This means that while I experienced many of the earlier incarnations of long-time popular series, I haven't played any of their later games.

The following franchises come to mind:
- Final Fantasy
- Megaman
- Zelda
- Metroid
- Shining Force

There are many others that I have a meh feel about (Mario, Sonic, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc), but the above are the main ones that come to mind that I cared about. There are probably a few others that I can't recall from the top of my head.

Honestly though, I'm no longer at an age where most of my social circle enthusiastically talk about the latest games they've played, so peer pressure is low and I've also internalized the fact that I simply won't have the time to play all the great games out there so even if I had access to all the games ever released, I'd have to make a call about what I'll get to play either way (and the bigger the selection, the more energy it will take).

Occasionally though, because my old consoles are not longer working and because I rented most of the games I played back then anyways (very cheaply, like less than 5$ for 30-60$ games for games I usually finished over 1-2 weekends, no regrets there), there are some old games I'd like to revisit (recently, Kid Chameleon came to mind) that I can't, but ultimately, it just makes more room for quality newer games so it is still a glass half full kind of situation.
Post edited April 03, 2023 by Magnitus
Magnitus: Occasionally though, because my old consoles are not longer working and because I rented most of the games I played back then anyways (very cheaply, like less than 5$ for 30-60$ games for games I usually finished over 1-2 weekends, no regrets there), there are some old games I'd like to revisit (recently, Kid Chameleon came to mind) that I can't, but ultimately, it just makes more room for quality newer games so it is still a glass half full kind of situation.
Don't you see playing from ROMs as an option? Legally, I mean.

Sega is big on cashing in on their old games by reselling them in all sorts of ways. Kid Chameleon is one of those titles, you can buy the game as a standalone ROM (on PC, mobile, virtual consoles...), it's also on some compilation discs, it was in the Genesis Mini... It's everywhere, basically.
Post edited April 03, 2023 by park_84
park_84: Don't you see playing from ROMs as an option? Legally, I mean.

Sega is big on cashing in on their old games by reselling them in all sorts of ways. Kid Chameleon is one of those titles, you can buy the game as a standalone ROM (on PC, mobile, virtual consoles...), it's also on some compilation discs, it was in the Genesis Mini... It's everywhere, basically.
I must not have looked hard enough then. When I did a search, I couldn't find it unless it was locked in various platforms (Steam, Google Play, even Apple I think).

For the Genesis Mini, it would just contribute to an ever increasing sense of personal malaise I'm feeling about the un-sustainability of Western lifestyle and my (admittedly minuscule) part in it. I'm really trying to cut down on needless hardware and they are trying to sell yet another gaming box just to play a bunch of games I should be able to play on the hardware I already have (ie, my PC).

Honestly, it would be cool to play the game again, but in the grand scheme of things, its not that big of a deal. I can do without it.
Post edited April 03, 2023 by Magnitus
park_84: Don't you see playing from ROMs as an option? Legally, I mean.

Sega is big on cashing in on their old games by reselling them in all sorts of ways. Kid Chameleon is one of those titles, you can buy the game as a standalone ROM (on PC, mobile, virtual consoles...), it's also on some compilation discs, it was in the Genesis Mini... It's everywhere, basically.
Magnitus: I must not have looked hard enough then. When I did a search, I couldn't find it unless it was locked in various platforms (Steam, Google Play, even Apple I think).

For the Genesis Mini, it would just contribute to an ever increasing sense of personal malaise I'm feeling about the un-sustainability of Western lifestyle and my (admittedly minuscule) part in it. I'm really trying to cut down on needless hardware and they are trying to sell yet another gaming box just to play a bunch of games I should be able to play on the hardware I already have (ie, my PC).

Honestly, it would be cool to play the game again, but in the grand scheme of things, its not that big of a deal. I can do without it.
When I think about it, conversing as we are is the product of 400+ years of sustained (and largely unbroken) technological innovation coupled with 200 years of the largest wealth generation in human history. Modern civilization is just a blip in 10 millenia or so of humans living rather sustinence-level lives, broken up by the odd empire or two that managed to drag humans out of mud huts and into something made of sandstone, brick or polished stone.

Why bring this up? In a way, you are right: compared to the grand scheme of things playing a video game shouldn't (or really, mustn't) factor into one's life. Yet, here we are, sharing stories and trading save files and ROMS using a mode of communication that was impossible 50 years ago and considered a military secret 40 years ago. When, or if, you feel the need to play those old games again, give someone on the forums a shout and I'm sure they will drag out a ROM, ISO or .exe for you. We're all, like it or not, in the business of saving a piece of the past so the future can learn from and enjoy it. Enjoy what you have, and when you have that itch for a game that's hard to find, someone here will be able to point the way.

Have a good one!
Sachys: You can search this.
You also claim to own a PS3.
What do you mean? Is this a repost of one of his older threads, or something copied off elsewhere?
Post edited April 04, 2023 by Ice_Mage
PixelBoy: What kind of games are you missing out on? There are much more "major game series" on PC than on consoles.
Just to name a few:
- Sierra's Quest series
- Ultima
- Tomb Raider
- Hitman
- EA's sport games
- And let's be nice to GOG's relative company too: The Witcher series.
Some of the Ultima games actually did get console adaptations, of varying quality. I recommend both console versions of Ultima 4 (the NES version changes a lot, improving in some ways (combat) and getting worse in others (conversation, dungeon design), while the SMS version is more faithful to the original). On the other hand, Ultima 5 NES is garbage, to the point where I consider it kusoge. (As in, it's comparable to games like ET and Hoshi Wo Miru Hito in terms of quality, with it getting even basic things wrong.)