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I am getting batty :P . Whose fault is this?
Post edited November 12, 2020 by Fonzer
Fonzer: I am getting batty :P . Whose fault is this?
Hanging upside down is a natural thing for bats. :P
I demand that all people with reversed avatars get a freebie from their wishlists for the inconvenience! (now let's see how many people will manually revert their avatars)

Seriously, though, how difficult can it be to fix?

It is even funnier when holding my mobile phone next to the PC, also logged in to GOG at the same time (both firefox). In the mobile browser the avatars appear just fine.
Post edited November 12, 2020 by Panaias
Can't wait for the next iteration
- Avatars from the GOG staff rotatet 90° clockwise
- Avatars from developers rotatet 90° counterclockwise
Maybe posting in this thread will help everyone attain the upsidedown avatar!
Its starting to happen for me too, its weird I first noticed it with Kelefane's avatar.
This is some real techno-voodoo magic at work. Would really like to hear the reason why this happened.
Post edited November 12, 2020 by idbeholdME
Dreaganos: Can't wait for the next iteration
- Avatars from the GOG staff rotatet 90° clockwise
- Avatars from developers rotatet 90° counterclockwise

You know what would be even more interesting? Randomly display avatars from the pool of all users. Talk about chaos...
Here's a new twist - Padlinka's avatar is upside down when you hover it. ;)
And I thought that upside/down avatars were the chosen ones for special gifts in the forthcoming special sale event. Hmm...

Could it really be a trick run by administration I wonder.
Post edited November 12, 2020 by Cadaver747
4 days later, the only one upside down on my phone is still JakobFel.

Last I checked on my PC, it was the same people as in my first post too.
Post edited November 12, 2020 by idbeholdME
idbeholdME: Would really like to hear the reason why this happened.
Yeah, I can't think of a non-purposeful mistake that would lead to this.
I'm getting wooozyy!
So, do we start "upside down" club now and pretend to be the cool kids so everybody try to join our ranks?
idbeholdME: Would really like to hear the reason why this happened.
ZFR: Yeah, I can't think of a non-purposeful mistake that would lead to this.
They never explained why people from China got randomly logged in to others' accounts..