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No and No.
Will LE version be released, no, SE is the current and only version.
Will Skyrim be released here, unlikely. Whilst some titles are here, as you say Skyrim is creation club, so even if it did coke here it would be crippled.
Is there interest, probably, people keep going on about it even though it’s years old, and continuously being rereleased.
End verdict, if you already own it then don’t wait or rebut here.
low rated
Ah, should look first when such copy and paste threads come up.

Very "fresh" user with 8, very likely free games.

Troll Account
Bot Account
Something between.

Pick one.
Check forum thread just before every bigger even there. Tons of users "expecting" that this event could bring us Skyrim:) So there is definitely big interest in Skyrim here.
joe302992: I already own both LE and SE but would happily buy it again on GOG if I could have a DRM version. I know the SE won't appear as its CC is tied into the main menu, but there's no reason why the LE can't come. Anyone interested in a GOG Skyrim? If enough people demand it maybe Bethesda might listen. Any GOG devs wish to comment?
I'd be happy with either the LE or SE. I'm not fussed about Creation Club content - I'd imagine that even with the SE, it's possible to just load in things from NexusMods if I wanted to add content myself. Provided I've got the base game and story expansion packs, that's the main thing I care about (it's not like there isn't a lot of content in the average Bethesda RPG to start with).
wolfsite: If we did get a copy I having a feeling it would be a version of Skyrim that released before the Creation Club became a priority as it would be easier for them to just straight release that instead of making coding changes to the most recent version to disable or remove these.
Can't wait for the angry WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO GOG posts about getting an inferior version.
high rated
wolfsite: If we did get a copy I having a feeling it would be a version of Skyrim that released before the Creation Club became a priority as it would be easier for them to just straight release that instead of making coding changes to the most recent version to disable or remove these.
StingingVelvet: Can't wait for the angry WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO GOG posts about getting an inferior version.
Getting a version with no creation club could be seen as a plus to some people.
low rated
Yes it's one of the most desired games to have here. Note: assuming it is actually DRM-free, no content locked behind online features (Creation Club, client requirements, or otherwise).

Please Bethesda give us the "inferior" version. Absolute must-buy if it is DRM-free. I don't even like the game as much as earlier entries but feel it is like a white whale at this point.
joe302992: I already own both LE and SE but would happily buy it again on GOG if I could have a DRM version. I know the SE won't appear as its CC is tied into the main menu, but there's no reason why the LE can't come. Anyone interested in a GOG Skyrim? If enough people demand it maybe Bethesda might listen. Any GOG devs wish to comment?
Prolly would buy it if it's here, but honestly, in my wishlist of games that need to be at GOG it isn't even in top forty.
I don't understand why these corporations don't release DRM-free versions of games that have already been cracked for years now. What good does it do them to keep the game tied to Steam or Epic?. They'd boost sales and get some good boy points by releasing their old content without DRM.

Unfortunately, I think the chance of Skyrim coming to GOG went out the Window (kek) after Microsoft purchased Zenimax. I somehow don't get the impression Microsoft is keen on supporting DRM-free gaming, when their platforms have always been locked down. Hell, UWP was a DRM 'worse' than Denuvo if you can believe that.

But I can always dream of Skyrim coming to GOG, WITH a native Linux release to boot because I'm just that crazy.
StingingVelvet: Can't wait for the angry WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO GOG posts about getting an inferior version.
wolfsite: Getting a version with no creation club could be seen as a plus to some people.
It’s not though. Creation club/steam workshop has done several things to the modding world. First, when workshop started the pay for modding a lot of content creators removed all their work from open sources like nexus and moddb, so you cannot find that anymore. It also led to a lot of asset flip mods, and reskins and such like for money. Creation club has continued this trend towards platform locked content. Here platforms have also had a secondary effect of limiting moddb/nexus. Quite a lot of “mods” on there now are simply adverts for mods which are only available on steam.
So to conclude, supporting by buying Skyrim if it ever comes here is actively discouraging the use of open modding. Bethesda have always only produced and engine with bare bones - Skyrim is no exception, even the ui needs complete overhaul before it is usable, and so it relies on the modding world. Locking some, and possibly all in the future should be very worrying to anyone, and should be the main deciding factor when deciding to buy Skyrim.
It’s also worth noting, the latest released version is anniversary edition which includes a lot of creation club content, so getting LE edition really is several versions degraded, you would be paying for a lesser copy.
We already have examples of modding locked out for GOG users due to steam workshop, do you really want more?
wolfsite: Getting a version with no creation club could be seen as a plus to some people.
That's also the 32 bit version... so somewhat more limited.
low rated
I loved Morrowind - one of my top 10 games of all time.

Was somewhat disappointed by Oblivion - the blandness, hand-holding, etc

From all I've heard, Skyrim has just gone further down that road, away from what I liked. It would be good to see it here DRM-free, but I doubt I would buy it or bother playing it.

nightcraw1er.488: It’s not though. Creation club/steam workshop has done several things to the modding world. First, when workshop started the pay for modding a lot of content creators removed all their work from open sources like nexus and moddb, so you cannot find that anymore. It also led to a lot of asset flip mods, and reskins and such like for money. Creation club has continued this trend towards platform locked content. Here platforms have also had a secondary effect of limiting moddb/nexus. Quite a lot of “mods” on there now are simply adverts for mods which are only available on steam.
So to conclude, supporting by buying Skyrim if it ever comes here is actively discouraging the use of open modding. Bethesda have always only produced and engine with bare bones - Skyrim is no exception, even the ui needs complete overhaul before it is usable, and so it relies on the modding world. Locking some, and possibly all in the future should be very worrying to anyone, and should be the main deciding factor when deciding to buy Skyrim.
It’s also worth noting, the latest released version is anniversary edition which includes a lot of creation club content, so getting LE edition really is several versions degraded, you would be paying for a lesser copy.
We already have examples of modding locked out for GOG users due to steam workshop, do you really want more?
Well said. Frankly, anyone who has bought Skyrim on Steam is paying to make it less likely it will ever be released DRM-free, whilst also supporting the continuing assault on modders and free/open modding of games. Such a game cannot/should not be supported.
HerooftheNexus2021: I don't understand why these corporations don't release DRM-free versions of games that have already been cracked for years now. What good does it do them to keep the game tied to Steam or Epic?. They'd boost sales and get some good boy points by releasing their old content without DRM.
With newer games it's just weird corporate paranoia about the game being "unprotected" usually, even if it doesn't matter. For games like Skyrim though it's much more likely just not worth the effort for them to remove Steam from it, or they aren't in a hurry to do so.
HerooftheNexus2021: I don't understand why these corporations don't release DRM-free versions of games that have already been cracked for years now. What good does it do them to keep the game tied to Steam or Epic?. They'd boost sales and get some good boy points by releasing their old content without DRM.
To add to StingingVelvet's post, GOG is pretty small - not much money to be made here compared to Steam - and most gamers don't care about Steam's DRM.