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Erich_Zann: Care to dig up an ISBN, publisher, TOC or anything like that for the book you mention ? Thanks a lot in advance !
Silly me not to think about that :P. The ISBN (printed in my book) is 978-84-9018-143-0. I also link to a page which has another ISBN (which might be international) and has the names of the authors of the short stories, which might prove useful to find a non-spanish version of the book. My book states that the original name was "Necronomicon" and specifies it is a translation, so there should be an English version out there, but some quick searchs have only come up with spanish results.
I wouldn't waste too much time searching for the book because as I said, even if some stories were interesting (to me), I can tell the book is not a masterpiece. If you don't find results, I can translate each tittle of every short story whith its author though.

Edit: trying this with my favourite story brought this, which cites The Necronomicon, edited by Robert M. Price, 1996, Chaosium Fiction
Post edited November 30, 2014 by javihyuga
Erich_Zann: Care to dig up an ISBN, publisher, TOC or anything like that for the book you mention ? Thanks a lot in advance !
javihyuga: Silly me not to think about that :P. The ISBN (printed in my book) is 978-84-9018-143-0. I also link to a page which has another ISBN (which might be international) and has the names of the authors of the short stories, which might prove useful to find a non-spanish version of the book. My book states that the original name was "Necronomicon" and specifies it is a translation, so there should be an English version out there, but some quick searchs have only come up with spanish results.
I wouldn't waste too much time searching for the book because as I said, even if some stories were interesting (to me), I can tell the book is not a masterpiece. If you don't find results, I can translate each tittle of every short story whith its author though.

Edit: trying this with my favourite story brought , which cites <i>The Necronomicon, edited by Robert M. Price, 1996, Chaosium Fiction</i> <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div> If it's indeed of one Robert Price's "Cthulhu Cycle" anthologies originally published by Chaosium, it might very well be [url=]this one indeed.
Thanks a lot. Seems to be quite a mixed bag (I don't like Lin Carter's work for instance) but a couple stories/authors in there are unknown to me, will probably get it sometime. I own most of Robert Price's anthologies but missed this one somehow.
Post edited November 30, 2014 by Erich_Zann
Not in & +1! :)
Bump. I'll probably close this sometime tomorrow, unless there's a surge of interest.
Post edited December 01, 2014 by Erich_Zann
Last bump.
Will close this & send the games around noon tomorrow, bzw. when I'm in front of the screen again.
I'd like to be in for "Worms Crazy Golf".

A "Lovecraftian" story... I'm mainly familiar with Lovecraft's writings, but for another author I will recommend "The Beast of Averoign" by Clark Ashton Smith, which is one of my favourite stories of his.

Thanks Erich :)!
Post edited December 02, 2014 by 01kipper
Great Scott ! Post-last bump. No time to send out the games now, will do this evening. This stays open until I do.
So it is done.

The following go to the following :

- XIII Century Gold : GioVio123
- Men of war : CrunchyKevlar
- Men of War Red Tide : phandom
- Razor 2 : Hidden Skies : damien
- Sang-Froid : Dessimu
- Shadowrun Returns : Hardrada
- Worms Crazy Golf : 01kipper

Will be sending the links/keys by PM right now.
Thanks to damien for pointing out a Poe story I don't think I ever read, and to Hardrada for the "Kraken" recommendation, which looks fun in a Tim Powers kind of way. I'm wary of China Miéville because the only thing I recall reading by him was some sort of rubbish heavy-handed political article, but I'll give it a try. After all, Moorcock's stories are awesome.

As for lovecraftian recommendations, well for a start people who haven't read him should do so, and bloody everything to boot. Track down his ghostwriting work as well, in most cases he wrote the whole goddamn thing by himself anyway and it's awesome ("The Horror In The Museum" !). He even ghostwrote a story for (& featuring, IIRC) Houdini, whose title I don't recall right now. Something about pyramids & the curse of a pharaoh. Not, not the Mercyful Fate song.

After all this done, or in between, I recommend first and foremost the two collections by Gary Myers, "House Of The Worm" (recently republished and expanded as "Country Of The Worm") and "Dark Wisdom".

Everything you can grab by Thomas Ligotti is of course absolutely mandatory.

Then for the more pulp-inclined we have Brian Lumley which makes for a fun read along the lines of "what if Conan ended up battling Cthulhu" ("Tales of the Primal Land") or like an epic weekend of Arkham Horror with the occasional "true" lovecraftian moment (the Titus Crow stories).

From the Lovecraft "circle" I'd recommend above all Robert Bloch ("The Opener Of The Way" is a good start) and the aforementioned Clark Ashton Smith (the "Emperor Of Dreams" collection in the Fantasy Masterworks series is a good start), as well as Donald Wandrei ("The Web of Easter Island" is just eerie).
Honorary mention to Ramsey Campbell from whom I adore "Ancient Images", but whose work I'm not too familiar with yet.

Mandatory Lovecraftian stuff before Lovecraft himself would include Arthur Machen (especially "The Great God Pan" and "The White Folk"), Lord Dunsany for what pertains to the Dreamlands and William Hope Hodgson for his fantastic "The House on the Borderland" (and everything else by Hodgson is recommended as well, Carnacki stories & al.).

Maybe a couple of less obvious ones to finish : Fred Chappell with his "Dagon" (Cthulhu meets Southern Gothic. I read this during a rainy autumn week and was still left with a feeling of heat and thirst after each session. Good stuff.) and last but not least Jean Ray/John Flanders. He's one of my favourite authors - and at times definitely Lovecraftian - but I have no idea if he's translated in english ; a flemish author, he wrote both in flemish & french, and most of his flemish stuff isn't even available in french. "Malpertuis" is a good introduction to his work.

Okay, that turned to rambling pretty quick. Will send the games now.
Thank you for Worms Crazy Golf :)!

Erich_Zann: He even ghostwrote a story for (& featuring, IIRC) Houdini, whose title I don't recall right now. Something about pyramids & the curse of a pharaoh. Not, not the Mercyful Fate song.
"Under the Pyramids"
Erich_Zann: So it is done.
Thank you for sharing good stories and thank you for the game!
congrats to the winners
phandom: ...
GioVio123: ...
CrunchyKevlar: ...
So, upon inspection, ALL keys I got from that doggoned IndieGala are "already used". Yeah right. Not by me/us at any rate.
Since it's now plain that it's not a random hiccup but that a whole bundle was affected, I'll try to set this straight.
I just shot an email to their support in the hope I can get this resolved, eventhough it's from an old bundle, and send you working keys eventually.

Curiously this never happened to me when I was trading boxed games (or pirated floppies) with my friends as a lad. Etonnant, non ?
Post edited December 03, 2014 by Erich_Zann
phandom: ...
GioVio123: ...
CrunchyKevlar: ...

In order not to let this lie too long, I hereby suggest you pick one of those instead (all Steam keys and all from recent bundles, should all work) :
- BloodNet
- Rex Nebular
- Silent Service 2
- Gunship
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Hope you'll find something to your liking.
I am taking it as the three of us should pick one of your suggestions?

Cuz if so, I am picking Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
No doubt about it
GioVio123: I am taking it as the three of us should pick one of your suggestions?

Cuz if so, I am picking Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
No doubt about it
Done. Check your PM.