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We have excellent news for all of us classics lovers – a whole lot of iconic titles published by SNEG are joining our catalog today with discounts just in time for the Winter Sale!

Let’s give the warmest of welcomes to: Phantasie Memorial Set, Prophecy of the Shadow, Great Naval Battles: The Final Fury, Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star, Savage Warriors, Wargame Construction Set, Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks!, Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905 + Campaigns, Star Command, Warbreeds, and SSI Classics Bundle.

All of them are here to give us that warm nostalgic feeling and offer the beloved good old gameplay we never get enough of. Let’s take a closer look at them:

Phantasie Memorial Set (-15%)
This masterpiece compiles the classic RPG trilogy, featuring party-based adventures, turn-based combat, diverse classes, and epic quests. Games from the Phantasie series played a pivotal role in shaping the RPG genre as a whole during its early days. Debuting in 1985 with the release of Phantasie I, the series continued to expand with the sequels Phantasie II (1986) and Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus (1987). With their blend of turn-based combat, exploration, and character development, they set the stage for many RPGs to come.

All three games that you’ll find within the Phantasie Memorial Set are absolute must-plays for any fan of not only the role-playing genre, but gaming all together. It’s time to (re)discover the classics that started this passion for games for many of us.

And if you like to know more about the series, check out our article HERE.

Prophecy of the Shadow (-15%)
A 1992 fantasy role-playing game developed by Strategic Simulations for MS-DOS. In this title, the land is slowly dying, and it is your mission to find out why. Your character is a disciple of Larkin of Bannerwick, but when he is murdered, you are blamed for his death. What’s also unfortunate is that you possess magical powers, but the king has outlawed all magic.

Great Naval Battles: The Final Fury (-15%)
A compilation of all titles from the Great Naval Battles series – naval vessels combat simulators. All of them depict different conflicts, ranging from World War I to warfare in the North Atlantic during World War II. Every game provides a choice between individual ship views and fleet command views, and you can choose individual stations to operate during the game.

Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star (-15%)
Published in 1995 and set in FASA's Renegade Legion universe, this title is an adaptation of the Interceptor board game mechanics as a space simulation shooter. You’ll find yourself as a pilot in a distant part of the universe, flying missions solo or with your wingmen.

Savage Warriors (-15%)
A 1995 fighting game pitting warriors plucked out of time and forced to battle each other. It features 10 main characters and 5 secret characters fighting over interactive terrain with a variety of weapons.

Wargame Construction Set (-15%)
A 1986 strategy game that lets you design and play turn-based tactical battles. You can create scenarios in many different time periods including modern day, ancient times, 1800's, and even in the future. With the complete control over all the units, and customization of their firepower, movement points, strength, aggressiveness and other statistics, you can truly become the battleground mastermind.

Also available as a part of Wargame Construction Set Pack.

Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks! (-15%)
A 1994 tactical level wargame of armored conflict from WWI to the 1990s. It offers limitless small scale tactical armored confrontations using the various tanks and tools of mechanized warfare. You choose one of three climates, pick opposing forces, and assign objectives. In addition, there are over 20 ready to play historical scenarios and a campaign feature included.

Also available as a part of Wargame Construction Set Pack.

Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905 + Campaigns (-15%)
A 1996 strategy that simulates battles throughout the era of percussion rifles, roughly comprising the second half of the 19th century. It provides several dozen battle scenarios, as well as a scenario editor in which you can develop your own battles.

Also available as a part of Wargame Construction Set Pack.

Star Command (-15%)
A 1988 space role-playing game in which the story takes place in a dystopian future where Earth was destroyed by hostile aliens and humans, now located in a far space of the universe called "the triangle", must face a double war to survive. You’ll create a crew of eight characters that complete missions from Star Command to earn credits and training for personnel. Your crew can explore planets to obtain valuables, and can board disabled enemy ships to fight their crews and commandeer their ship.

Warbreeds (-15%)
A strategy game where the objective is to become the ruler of the fallen Empire. Defeat your enemies and steal their genetic material to expand your clan’s skills and firepower. Engineer and customize your army with a vast mixture of advanced bio-technological weaponry.

SSI Classics (-33%)
And as a cherry on top, there’s a special bundle full of classics which will enhance your library with:

Phantasie Memorial Set
Dark Legions
Fantasy General
Great Naval Battles: The Final Fury
Pacific General
Prophecy of the Shadow
Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star
Star Command
Star General
The Summoning
Veil of Darkness
Wargame Construction Set
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks!
Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905
War Wind II

Today is a great day to be a fan of classics. We couldn’t be happier to have those gems in our store. Make sure to check them out, pick your favorites, and of course don’t miss all the available Winter Sale bargains. Enjoy!
Gudadantza: And Prophecy of the Shadow was designed with a real time Ultima 6 kind of interface.l.
dtgreene: So, you're saying that this game is:
* Real time
* Like Ultima 6 (which is not real-time)

Could you explain?

(The game being real-time would be a significant negative for me.)
I am talking about The GUI and overall, the conversation system, Ultima 6 like
Post edited December 19, 2023 by Gudadantza
high rated
Gudadantza: Except Phantasie Memorial Pack and Prophecy of the Shadow the rest come with their respective Manuals

Phantasie games are old but the gameplay should not be too complex to understand, inner details and rules aside.
Because RPG manuals are always nice to have in regard to spells, attributes, etc.: (Phantasie I) (combined manual for Phantasie I and II) (Phantasie III)

And: (Prophecy of the Shadow)
Ok, I must correct myself about the manuals. All of them are there. But for any rare reason the Phantasie and the Prophecy of the Shadow ones are not available under Galaxy. But they are there in the web game page, under extras
I don't really understand, why those two titles are geoblocked. Had they been "indiziert" they would've been automatically freed by now. Great Naval Battles is from 1996 and would've been removed from the list by 2021 and WCS 2: Tanks is from 1994 so I can't see any reason for those two titles not being available to German customers. Feels like anticipatory obedience, but maybe it's a license thing, who knows? (The old "no swastika in German releases" rule isn't a thing anymore, too. Though it's decided on a case by case basis, but we we're EVEN allowed to legally buy Wolfenstein 3D by now. :D )
GOG added the Prophecy manual, and it's now even available on Galaxy. "Welcome to the world of computer adventuring ...", so the introduction text starts and lead the way into the game. Highly like that. And can only repeat what one of the members told before: When it comes to spells, a manual in an RPG always helps. Thanks, GOG!
OMG. Phantasie! I never thought I'd see the day!
Awesome. :)
Two solid titles are Star Command and Veil of Darkness. Great games!
By any chance, do the Wargame Construction Set games allow you to setup and watch CPU vs. CPU matches? I think it would be interesting, and perhaps a useful way to test the balance of a scenario.
high rated
DeusExMachina.630: I don't really understand, why those two titles are geoblocked.
Well, in case of "GNB" I can think of a reason: there exists a version, specifically done for the German market.
Censored, of course (attachment).
The game never got indexed, because only that censored German version was released in Germany.
But...that German version is not included in this bundle, so...

Now, if GOG had created a special "for Germans only" bundle, which includes the censored German version - they could sell that to their German customers with no problems.

DeusExMachina.630: The old "no swastika in German releases" rule isn't a thing anymore, too.
Though it's decided on a case by case basis, but we we're EVEN allowed to legally buy Wolfenstein 3D by now. :D
Ah, it's not quite as easy, my friend.

The "social adequacy clause" in Section 86a (3) authorises the use of anti-constitutional symbols for
- "civic education,
- the defence against unconstitutional aspirations,
- art (*) or science,
- research or teaching,
- reporting on current events or history, or for
- similar purposes".

Almost every informed media user knows this:
As long as the depiction takes place in the context of art and culture and does not serve propaganda or similar purposes, an exception applies.
Regardless of whether it is a documentary or action film, novel or illustrated book.

So far so good, right?
However: a historic court decision by the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court in 1998 changed everything:
The judge in charge had to judge "Wolfenstein 3D" and its anti-constitutional content, and ruled that "games under §86 a of the German Criminal Code were not allowed to display anti-constitutional symbols".

Whether the "social adequacy clause" applied, was not even examined or mentioned.

The decision was later interpreted in a way to mean that the exception made possible by Section 86a (3) did not apply to games, although the court did not specify this.

The USK subsequently changed its guidelines:
Since (according to the court decision) games could not be tested for their social appropriateness anymore, relevant titles were immediately rejected, and indexing was recommended.

In 2002, "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" was released and - unlike its forefather "Wolfenstein 3D" - the anti-constitutional symbols depicted, and the degree of violence shown, were the decisive factors for its indexing.

Back to today: following the latest amendment to the law, games are now again subject to a social appropriateness test in addition to the age check and rated accordingly.

This applies to new games, but publishers can also submit older titles and thus possibly make their original version available in Germany.

However: there's no release guarantee:
Despite the new review, it should not be assumed that all games will now simply be waved through:
games that use anti-constitutional symbols for glorification do not fall under social adequacy, of course.

And other things (here: laws) must also be considered:
The (as such) harmless skateboarding game "Skate 2" from 2009 had to be censored in Germany, because a fashion brand inside the game used the sig rune.

And this rune is banned as an anti-constitutional symbol in Germany.

And § 86 stipulates, that this type of in-game usage, is not possible for anti-constitutional content.
The latest amendment to the law doesn't change that.

one could surely make an argument about "games being art", however: other factors still weigh in on that.
Let's just say: if you are a developer who desperately wants to make a game with swastikas in it - better make it something like
Post edited December 19, 2023 by BreOl72
Well, to be honest, none of these titles interest me... but, if it's "old" then it's welcomed. Especially if it's titles from the '90s and '00s.
Post edited December 19, 2023 by Waganari
avatar Great Naval Battles: The Final Fury (-15%)
A compilation of all titles from the Great Naval Battles series – naval vessels combat simulators. All of them depict different conflicts, ranging from World War I to warfare in the North Atlantic during World War II. Every game provides a choice between individual ship views and fleet command views, and you can choose individual stations to operate during the game.
The corresponding offline installer is currently not available for download.
Thank you so much for "Savage Warriors"!!!
Waganari: Well, to be honest, none of these titles interest me... but, if it's "old" then it's welcomed. Especially if it's titles from the '90s and '00s.
Well, some of them are actually from the '80s.

Honestly, I think I happen to specifically like '80s RPGs, both WRPGs and JRPGs. (With that said, back in that era, there weren't as many differences between these two genres. You have WRPGs with JRPG-style world maps (Ultima 1-5, for example, and I believe Phantasie 1-3, Shard of Spring, and Demon's Winter. On the other hand, on the JRPG side, you have Dragon Quest 1 with its open world, dark dungeons where you can't see without a torch or spell, and single-use keys (like in Ultima 2-4). Or, for that matter, Final Fantasy 2, with its open world (though you have to go through the dungeons in a specific order, so it's still linear despite that) and keyword system for dialogs.)
Nice, very nice. Although I probably won't try titles from 80', I'm still grateful for bunch of interesting looking titles from 90 - I actually had physical copy of Age of Rifles, but in German version (I guess some of you may know the compilation Gold Games 2 released in 90 by Topware), so I'm very happy to have digital version in English (I know German, but not that good as English). But so far played most in Savage Warriors - strange how this fighting game is so appealing.

To all playing in Savage Warriors - I would highly recommend press num7 key during playing, it switches game from VGA to SVGA mode.

Good to see Warbreeds released, it had some big delay, but good it's finally here. By the way - do you also have feeling that game is either incredibly fast (very fast speed) or too slow (fast and lower)?