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When we started our journey 15 years ago, one of our most important goals was to do our best to preserve games and make them last forever. Allowing video games history, once-loved gems, to be lost in time, is something we cannot just stand and watch – we fight, for current and future generations to be able to enjoy games; all games, not just the newest, popular releases. Today, we stand proudly by our mission, and we’re extremely happy to announce the re-release of a cherished classic that, thanks to our efforts, has been successfully archived in the GOG catalog, to enjoy anew.

Alpha Protocol is back – better than ever, with a -10% launch discount until April 3rd, 2 PM UTC!

That’s right, this Alpha Protocol, the Espionage RPG, is making a grand return 14 years after its initial premiere. With conjoined forces of GOG, Obsidian Entertainment and SEGA, we’ve made sure to make it better than ever; compatible with modern PCs, with licensed soundtrack and performance improvements that are sure to make this timeless classic, yet again, your favorite spy story.

But that’s not all we have up our sleeves, of course! For this incredibly special occasion, we’ve prepared a one-of-a-kind documentary video, where the process of bringing back Alpha Protocol is extensively explained – including interviews with its creators, as well as our own team members. You can watch it below!
wooooooow... Thanks you GOG, really thanks you so much !
Pretty damn awesome release.
But if my memory serves me well, the original version had quite a few bugs - are they fixed or will be fixed eventually?
KvellertaK: its timed gog exclusive or it will be buried here forever as SWAT4 ?
You're saying this, like it's a bad thing.
Post edited March 20, 2024 by Syphon72
Sarang: I guess this means it is very likely we could see "Condemned" and its sequel brought back to PC through GOG.

I also hope this means we have a chance at getting the Shin Megami Tensei games. At the very least they could try releasing "Catherine: Full Body" here.
I also think the Sega PC label would be good to see with "House Of the Dead" or "1000 Swords".
I wish we could see and have Condemned or the Shin Megami Tensei saga. I'd even like to see some of Sega's 90's titles on PC again. For example, one of their car racing games originally released for the Arcade or even a re-release of the classic Golden Axe. If there's one thing Sega has as a company, it's a huge catalogue of games...
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I have never heard of Alpha Protocol before I saw it on GOG this morning, so therefore I don't, at this moment, have any feelings about it one way or another.?
Classic Ancient-Red-Dragon"Many!
Nice to see this game relisted and alive hope it comes to steam
Finally a "new" old game released on GOG that can be celebrated by all GOG fans! Thanks for the effort!!
LunaRosalie: Nice to see this game relisted and alive hope it comes to steam
Given the game was brought to life by GOG, you will not find it on Steam.
Post edited March 20, 2024 by EchoOfMidgar
EchoOfMidgar: Finally a "new" old game released on GOG that can be celebrated by all GOG fans! Thanks for the effort!!
LunaRosalie: Nice to see this game relisted and alive hope it comes to steam
EchoOfMidgar: Given the game was brought to life by GOG, you will not find it on Steam.
It will probably come to steam with the GOG fixed, like a bunch of games.
The game is DRM free. You can literally add it to your steam launcher, if you want to play on steam so bad.
Post edited March 20, 2024 by Syphon72
Thank you GOG! Definitely one of my favourites, with great characters and writing, with (as far as I know) at the time novel timed dialogue system and it's incredibly replayable on top. A classic, even with all the jank and bugs. Instabuy!
LunaRosalie: Nice to see this game relisted and alive hope it comes to steam
So you can buy it there? I am super confused why we should want it on Steam. Having it on GOG is a statement of how they are dedicated to seeing these games preserved, made available to a new generation. Steam doesn't care about that one bit.
Next epic struggle to bring back an old game that's mired down in red tape.... Shadowcaster? I'm waiting for that one!
If I own this on Steam, do I need this GOG version? Is the GOG version essentially a remaster?
SuperTiso: If I own this on Steam, do I need this GOG version? Is the GOG version essentially a remaster?
Not sure about you're first question. Never played the steam version.

The game is not remaster on GOG. It's a touch up version to run on modern systems better if I'm correct. Maybe someone can explain better for me. Haha
Post edited March 20, 2024 by Syphon72
EchoOfMidgar: Finally a "new" old game released on GOG that can be celebrated by all GOG fans! Thanks for the effort!!

Given the game was brought to life by GOG, you will not find it on Steam.
Syphon72: It will probably come to steam with the GOG fixed, like a bunch of games.
The game is DRM free. You can literally add it to your steam launcher, if you want to play on steam so bad.
There is no single GOG-fixed game on Steam. If there are old games on Steam, they are not GOG-fixed.
NOLF Coming soon confirmed!!! LOL.
They got Alpha Protocol back on a store!!!