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When we started our journey 15 years ago, one of our most important goals was to do our best to preserve games and make them last forever. Allowing video games history, once-loved gems, to be lost in time, is something we cannot just stand and watch – we fight, for current and future generations to be able to enjoy games; all games, not just the newest, popular releases. Today, we stand proudly by our mission, and we’re extremely happy to announce the re-release of a cherished classic that, thanks to our efforts, has been successfully archived in the GOG catalog, to enjoy anew.

Alpha Protocol is back – better than ever, with a -10% launch discount until April 3rd, 2 PM UTC!

That’s right, this Alpha Protocol, the Espionage RPG, is making a grand return 14 years after its initial premiere. With conjoined forces of GOG, Obsidian Entertainment and SEGA, we’ve made sure to make it better than ever; compatible with modern PCs, with licensed soundtrack and performance improvements that are sure to make this timeless classic, yet again, your favorite spy story.

But that’s not all we have up our sleeves, of course! For this incredibly special occasion, we’ve prepared a one-of-a-kind documentary video, where the process of bringing back Alpha Protocol is extensively explained – including interviews with its creators, as well as our own team members. You can watch it below!
Awesome work as always! Would this be getting a Steam release some day in the future? Not that I personally care, but it would be cool to make this game avaible to more people. Zoom Platform a week ago or so released a fixed/updated version of Flatout: Ultimate Carnage on Steam too.

It's just a suggestion since I know the effort it went into making this relaese possible again.
Randalator: Exclusivity sucks. Full stop.
UnashamedWeeb: Exclusivity sucks when it's your platform not getting the games. Where are all of Valve's games that should be on Epic, GOG, and others even if they were stripped down to single player offline modes? Can we be honest and admit that Valve did exclusives first (and also Darwinia) and being their customer, you're actively supporting this anti-consumer behaviour too?
I don't care who started it first. No platform should have exclusives. Half-life and Portal should be available on GOG and Epic. Alpha Protocol should be available on Steam and Epic. Rocket League should be available on GOG and Steam. Exclusivity is inherently anti-consumer because it eliminates choice and competition.
high rated
Randalator: I don't care who started it first. No platform should have exclusives. Half-life and Portal should be available on GOG and Epic. Alpha Protocol should be available on Steam and Epic. Rocket League should be available on GOG and Steam. Exclusivity is inherently anti-consumer because it eliminates choice and competition.
I agree but this is just idealism. We also shouldn't have war and environmental pollution but let's be honest here: It's not gonna happen.

I just try to support GoG and devs releasing here as good as I can.
Loggien: Awesome work as always! Would this be getting a Steam release some day in the future? Not that I personally care, but it would be cool to make this game avaible to more people. Zoom Platform a week ago or so released a fixed/updated version of Flatout: Ultimate Carnage on Steam too.

It's just a suggestion since I know the effort it went into making this relaese possible again.
They can come here.
Loggien: Awesome work as always! Would this be getting a Steam release some day in the future? Not that I personally care, but it would be cool to make this game avaible to more people. Zoom Platform a week ago or so released a fixed/updated version of Flatout: Ultimate Carnage on Steam too.

It's just a suggestion since I know the effort it went into making this relaese possible again.
Zoom only doing that because they cannot afford to keep the game exclusive. Trust me they were trying to keep some games exclusive.

They refuse to release on GOG as well.
Randalator: Exclusivity sucks. Full stop.
UnashamedWeeb: Exclusivity sucks when it's your platform not getting the games. Where are all of Valve's games that should be on Epic, GOG, and others even if they were stripped down to single player offline modes? Can we be honest and admit that Valve did exclusives first (and also Darwinia) and being their customer, you're actively supporting this anti-consumer behaviour too?

Again, if Valve gave a shit about game preservation, they'd be doing more to save the other 27k games that are currently delisted or abandonware with their billions of dollars. They'd be more than welcome to keep them exclusive too in my book for their investments and involvements in making it happen. But they probably won't.
Not to forget, some mods exclusively require the Steam version nowadays.
Post edited March 23, 2024 by Syphon72
Finished the Brayko fight, yes the original music is still there........ and that music just makes that fight.

Still remember the first time I played and got to this boss I died, not from lack of trying, but because I was just laughing at how the music just fit that moment perfectly.
Post edited March 24, 2024 by mVg0
Great work out there, guys. Keep it up.
PLEASE!!!! Remake Uplink next!
Rimland23: I'm saying try to do your best in ensuring that the games can be purchased anywhere regardless of location
I can assure you, GOG being a company that needs turnover to survive, and having spent a huge amount of time and effort to bring this game back to life, have been and are still trying to make it available to as many countries as they can.

As for using the word "propaganda in an exaggerated manner", well I don't believe you, but either way that is absolutely the sort of language that will cause me to immediately oppose anything you argue for. Whether or not it was intentional, this is the same tactics that the internet cancel culture thrives on. Whipping up a false narrative around something they are mildly inconvenienced by.

GOG is quite literally the ONLY store left that is dedicated to safeguarding your rights when it comes to proprietary games. That is not to say you can't criticise, because you can, but do so fairly please.

This might sound melodramatic, but look around you, everywhere else is a subscription service including Steam.
Loggien: Awesome work as always! Would this be getting a Steam release some day in the future? Not that I personally care, but it would be cool to make this game avaible to more people. Zoom Platform a week ago or so released a fixed/updated version of Flatout: Ultimate Carnage on Steam too.

It's just a suggestion since I know the effort it went into making this relaese possible again.
Wouldn't this defeat the purpose of GOG though?
Randalator: I don't care who started it first. No platform should have exclusives. Half-life and Portal should be available on GOG and Epic. Alpha Protocol should be available on Steam and Epic. Rocket League should be available on GOG and Steam. Exclusivity is inherently anti-consumer because it eliminates choice and competition.
There is a big difference between exclusivity on platforms and exclusivity on stores.

If a game is released exclusively for the PS5 then you need to buy an entire console to play that game - this is bad!

If a game releases exclusively on Steam, GOG, EPIC etc then you can still play on the same hardware you have right now, for zero extra pennies you can install games from that store.

The BIG difference here is NOT the store, but the ethos behind the store. Steam is very a subscription based "YOU OWN NOTHING" store (See their T&C's), GOG is very much the opposite. I fear if GOG did make their efforts available on Steam then people would just go with the current monopoly that is Steam, thus removing the benefit of GOG in the first place - we own our stuff.
Post edited March 25, 2024 by funnyonion
high rated
Exclusives are indeed bad for consumers, but unfortunately, that is the world we live in.

And GOG needs to try to compete in that world.

And therefore, for that reason, GOG needs more exclusives, not less.

Myself and many others said years ago that GOG should have made Cyberpunk 2077 be a GOG exclusive.

Yes, that would lost some sales to the "No Steam, No Buy" types, of which there are legions to be sure, but on the other hand, it also would have massively boosted GOG's customer base.

Exclusives for GOG does make sense.

But what doesn't make sense is the half-measured way that GOG is currently going about it, i.e. allowing a relatively unknown game like Alpha Protocol to be a GOG exclusive, yet not allowing CDPR's flagship games to be GOG exclusives.

GOG should go all in with exclusives, if they are going to have any exclusives at all.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Exclusives are indeed bad for consumers, but unfortunately, that is the world we live in.

And GOG needs to try to compete in that world.

And therefore, for that reason, GOG needs more exclusives, not less.

Myself and many others said years ago that GOG should have made Cyberpunk 2077 be a GOG exclusive.

Yes, that would lost some sales to the "No Steam, No Buy" types, of which there are legions to be sure, but on the other hand, it also would have massively boosted GOG's customer base.

Exclusives for GOG does make sense.

But what doesn't make sense is the half-measured way that GOG is currently going about it, i.e. allowing a relatively unknown game like Alpha Protocol to be a GOG exclusive, yet not allowing CDPR's flagship games to be GOG exclusives.

GOG should go all in with exclusives, if they are going to have any exclusives at all.
Well said. I think GOG doesn't make it exclusive because of the cost and having to tolerate Steam. I would prefer they be GOG exclusive on PC and still release on consoles. That is a happy medium to cover the development cost and make money still.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Myself and many others said years ago that GOG should have made Cyberpunk 2077 be a GOG exclusive.
GOG tried to go exclusive too soon and got burned...

... but...

... my guess is they'll probably try again with Witcher 4.
funnyonion: As for using the word "propaganda in an exaggerated manner", well I don't believe you, but either way that is absolutely the sort of language that will cause me to immediately oppose anything you argue for. Whether or not it was intentional, this is the same tactics that the internet cancel culture thrives on. Whipping up a false narrative around something they are mildly inconvenienced by.
It was meant in that manner (if it wasn't, I wouldn't have used the quotation marks), but granted, I should've made that absolutely clear in my initial comment to avoid any possible misinterpretations/misunderstandings, or just should've used a different wording altogether (frankly, I didn't expect anyone to have such a strong reaction to it, if any at all). Alas, I let my irritation get the better of me for once, so I apologise for that. If you don't believe me, that's fine, but kindly don't throw me into the ICC basket based on one comment, because that couldn't be further from the truth.

That being said, my main point and cause of irritation was the fact that the inavailability of the game in certain regions has once again not been communicated in any of the numerous ads/promos (whether in store or emails) which users got flooded by, thus turning many people's sudden excitement into disappointment with a literal click of a button - a point raised by the user before me and one which I still maintain.

Again, I absolutely recognise the poor choice of language (and/or lack of clarity) on my part in voicing that criticism in the first place, which (may have) made it seem unfair and overtly critical towards GOG (which wasn't the intention), but don't see that invalidating my argument that they really should inform users about regional inavailability when enthusiastically promoting new releases.

funnyonion: That is not to say you can't criticise, because you can, but do so fairly please.
Fair point. Elaborated upon above.

funnyonion: GOG is quite literally the ONLY store left that is dedicated to safeguarding your rights when it comes to proprietary games.
And I agree with and absolutely support that.
Post edited March 26, 2024 by Rimland23
vianna77: PLEASE!!!! Remake Uplink next!
Operating under the assumption that you are referring to Uplink: Hacker Elite, in your opinion, how might that game benefit from being remade?

If you are speaking of an entirely separate game, I am afraid that I am unfamiliar with it.
Post edited May 27, 2024 by Palestine