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I agree with what a lot of others have already posted on The Witcher series. It's a great game and combat is fairly easy as the focus is more on story.

Torchlight is a good one if you are looking for easy combat. I actually can't stand the game because of how simplistic it is, but my kids love it. My son excelled at the game when he was 6, so I'd say that just about anyone can pick up that game and start playing.

There have been a few mentions of Divine Divinity and it was actually the first one I thought of when I read the OP. Combat is of the simple click-on-it-to-kill-it variety but there is also a pause button in case you need to change weapons, change strategies, quaff a potion or just want to take a break. What really impressed me the most was the openness of the game. You choose a class at the beginning of the game, but this only affects which stats get boosted each level up as all skills are open to any class. Want to be a heavy armored axe-wielding warrior who also shoots fire balls from their hands and calls down meteor showers on their enemies? How about a powerful mage who can cast lightning and raise the dead, but also sneaks around in dungeons picking locks and sniping enemies with poisoned arrows? There are no restrictions on how to build your character. The game world is also very open, there are quests everywhere and you can do or ignore as many of them and in what ever order you wish. If you want to ignore the main quest and just slaughter orcs or dive into dungeons for a while, you're free to do that. One caveat is that the game was designed to not allow the player endless amounts of grinding. Once you clear the monsters out of an area, they don't come come back. If all you want are endless battles and loot then this might not be the game for you. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of enemies and loot but you'll eventually get them all. Also, as you level up your character the amount of XP you get from combat goes down. So going off and fighting monsters in order to level up becomes a less viable strategy later in the game, however the XP you get from completing quests increases at higher levels.
Stevedog13: however the XP you get from completing quests increases at higher levels.
No it doesn't, at least not in DKS. That's one of the key points about achieving the highest level. The monsters reduce in the XP they award, but the levels are fixed XP regardless of level. This means the best strategy is to kill all the monsters you can at your current level, then after leveling up, hand in the quests to get their XP so as to not level up before getting the max XP from the monsters.
jepsen1977: Divine Divinity on Easy is also worth it - especially if you get the frost spell.
Antimateria: I tried to play divinity 1 on normal and in the start it seemed a bit hard but when I try it next time I should pick easy and move furniture less. ^^
Also don't miss the hidden area in the starting town.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Antimateria: I tried to play divinity 1 on normal and in the start it seemed a bit hard but when I try it next time I should pick easy and move furniture less. ^^
jepsen1977: Also don't miss the hidden area in the starting town.
I'm pretty anxious to hear what it is? A heavy kicking skeleton?
Just want to give a special "thank you" shout out to Grimwerk for offering to gift The Witcher 1 to me (which I accepted). Thanks Grimmy!!
ChaunceyK: Just want to give a special "thank you" shout out to Grimwerk for offering to gift The Witcher 1 to me (which I accepted). Thanks Grimmy!!
After all those witchers I think that witcher 1 was most greatest game ever and I did like witcher 3 a lot. Hearts of stone made it even better. I will totally buy next expansion.
Diablo 3, you can easily button-mash your whole way through the game...looking awesome doing it.
Has you standard generic Fantasy storyline, not bad but not unique either.

Lords of the Fallen, an easy game unless they have patched it, otherwise just smash your way through it.
It liked the storyline, it was cool enough for me.

Darksiders 1 & 2...if they count as action-RPGs that is. Cool and unique storyline, great action.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, pretty but far too easy, has a standard Fantasy storyline.
jepsen1977: Also don't miss the hidden area in the starting town.
Antimateria: I'm pretty anxious to hear what it is? A heavy kicking skeleton?
In DD you can rotate statues as a puzzle to open a door to a dungeon where you can level up and find items for fast travel. This is in the starting town.
The Mass Effect Series, KoA: Reckoning (only played the demo, but got the game), The Witchers (still playing the first one).